The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Heads Association                                                                             November  2018
Letter from the Editor
Badri Roysam,
University of Houston
Dear ECEDHA Members, Industry Partners, and Colleagues,

On behalf of the ECE Source team, I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving. In our line of work, we have so much to be thankful for!

I recently had an eye-opening experience as I visited the busy industrial cybersecurity control hub of a local company in Houston that manages a network of oil and gas pipelines. The topic of cyber security "came alive" before my eyes. It was no longer a distant, and theoretical issue - we were looking at a sprawling industrial enterprise that stretched from coast-to-coast, with a heterogeneous mix of legacy and state-of-the-art systems with numerous points of vulnerability that needed close real-time monitoring, and real-time defensive response.

The topic of cybersecurity is most commonly discussed in terms of attacks on personal computers, mobile devices, and corporate servers aimed at causing disruptions, theft of identities, and theft of financial data for misuse. Increasingly,
In this issue of Source, guest editor Michael Devetsikiotis, ECE Chair at the University of New Mexico, has assembled the first of a series of discussions highlighting new aspects of cybersecurity from an industrial perspective. One thing is abundantly clear - ECE departments need to play a leading role in training the next generation of engineers who get cyberwarfare.

A Message from the Guest Editor
Michael Devetsikiotis,
University of New Mexico

Cybersecurity has been attracting a lot of attention in the recent years. The focus has been mostly on Computer Science and traditional areas such as cryptography, secure software, and the domains of corporate networking, social media, web services and similar.

With this ECE Source feature issue (a first installment) we are hoping to set forth a broader and deeper-layer aspect of security. Our viewpoint crosses over into very physical and "cyber-physical" domains such as additive manufacturing, small satellites, intelligent vehicles, critical infrastructure, and into the Internet of Things, such as it may be perceived at this stage.

ECE in the News
Engineered Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things
Christopher C. Lamb,
University of New Mexico
  Just about anyone today can recognize that we are on a downward trend with respect to the security of our computer systems. Not only are we undergoing a drastic change in how systems are compromised, the nature of those compromises is changing for the worse as well. Cybersecurity flaws are exploited by various governments as well as criminal elements, and criminal elements are becoming more organized.  The overall pace of compromise is growing, as is the cost levied against us all as our information is stolen, our credit cards copied, and our credentials reused by attackers. we have become more dependent on the internet than ever to deliver our movies, our music, and to order the things we need. If we are going to continue to use the internet as we do today for the next decade, we need to rethink the importance of security in everything we design and build.
ECEDHA Regional News
ECEDHA Southwest Regional Meeting Update

On October 12th and 13th, the ECE Department at Texas Tech University hosted the Fall 2018 SWECEDHA meeting. In total, 14 departments from all 3 states of the SW region comprising Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona were represented.

Dr. Lawrence Schovanec, President of Texas Tech University, and Dr. Nurcan Bac, Senior Associate Dean of the Whitacre College of Engineering, welcomed the participants the morning of October 13th. At this meeting, we pioneered an academic job fair where the ECE Department chairs brought a total of 15 PhD students from 6 institutions to interact with other chairs and make connections for possible employment as faculty members. The interaction with the PhD students started at a dinner on Friday, Oct 12 at the Texas Tech club in the football stadium. The dinner turned out to be a very fruitful event for chair-student interactions.

Chairs and Students network during poster sessions
at the SWECEDHA Regional Meeting

Major discussion points at the business meeting were a presentation of research capabilities at institutions across the region, current enrollment trends as well as a senior design lab competition that is proposed to be hosted next spring at UT-Dallas. At lunch, Mark Gary, Vice President at Texas Instruments addressed the group, highlighting TI's portfolio of hardware and software products for ECE education. Lunch was followed by a poster session where the Ph.D. students presented their research to the chairs.  Following the business meeting and the poster session on Saturday was a tour of the building of the ECE Department at Texas Tech.

SWECEDHA Chairs tour the ECE Building at Texas Tech University 
(From left to right: Bryant, Roysam, Bredow, Giesselmann, Overzet, Gonzalez, and El-Osery)

ECEDHA Northeast Regional Meeting Update

On November 9 and 10th, the Northeast Regional Group held a very exciting meeting at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts. Chairs from nearly 20 institutions gathered for engaging discussions on Northeast Research Initiatives as well as Diversity in Hiring.  Attendees also had the opportunity to hear from  prominent speakers from Amazon Robotics, NSF, and Northeastern University.

NECEDHA Attendees gather in Boston, MA
Special Announcements
Now Renewing 2018-2019 Membership!

Renew your membership today to continue receiving ECEDHA membership benefits, including:
  • The opportunity to participate in the ECEDHA Annual Survey, a valuable tool in benchmarking your organization in lab and office space, faculty and department head salaries, research budgets, student retention, graduation rates, and much more.
  • The opportunity to attend the 2019 ECEDHA Annual Conference and ECExpo
  • Complimentary job posting service via the ECEDHA website
  • Complimentary registration for ECEDHA's ECE Webinars
  • And much more!
Looking for your membership packet?  Pl ease contact Megan Bekolay at  [email protected]  or 312.559.3724
Conference Corner
Corporate Features
ECE Insights

ECE Insights offer in-depth interviews with leading industry executives.

Featured ECE Insights:
In This Issue
Calendar of Events

November 29, 2019
Sponsored by Keysight Technologies
December 1, 2018
Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting
George Washington University - Washington DC
March 22-26, 2019
ECEDHA Annual Conference and ECE xpo
Hilton Tucson El Conquistador - Tucson, AZ
On Demand Webinar
A Case Study on Connected Maintenance Reliability
Sponsored by Fluke Corporation
On Demand Webinar
Rethinking Electronics Fundamentals
Sponsored by National Instruments
ECEDHA Member and Partner News
NSF Research Traineeships:  Supporting Effective Training of CISE Graduate Students

Developing US-based talent for pursuing research in computer and information science and engineering continues to be a priority for our community.  We would therefore like to draw your attention to the National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) program, which supports effective training of STEM graduate students in high-priority interdisciplinary or convergent research areas, aligned with changing workforce and research needs.
Awards through the NRT program are typically for five years and provide up to $3,000,000.  The first deadline associated with the program is for a required Letter of Intent due on or before Dec. 6, 2018.  The recently-issued NRT solicitation encourages proposals with special emphasis on the research areas that span NSF's 10 Big Ideas - to include Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR), the Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier (FW-HTF), and the Quantum Leap: Leading the Next Quantum Revolution (QL).  We believe the CISE and ENG research community has a significant role to play in NRT given its key role in several of these Big Ideas, notably through advances in big data and data science, artificial intelligence and machine learning, robotics, and quantum computing.  We therefore urge you to envision bold, new, and potentially transformative approaches and models for graduate education training in these topics and submit related proposals to the NRT program.
We encourage you to consider this significant source of support from NSF as part of your training and workforce development efforts.

>> Learn more
National Renewable Energy Laboratory: ESIF Visiting Scholars User Call

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has recently announced its Visiting Scholars User Call.  The Visiting Scholars User Call allows faculty and students to conduct research in state-of-the-art laboratories in the Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF). The ESIF contains a collection of interconnected laboratories that can accommodate megawatt-scale R&D at full power. By immersing visiting researchers into the ESIF ecosystem, the hope is that they will carry valuable insights and new capabilities back to their home institutions.

Applications for the ESIF Visiting Scholars User Call are accepted throughout the year. Meritorious applications will be granted on a rolling basis. More information and application requirements can be found at the link below.

>> Learn more

At the ECE Source, we strive to cover topics that are relevant and timely to ECE  department heads.  We welcome your comments, feedback, and suggestions of topics t o cover in our next issue.  Thank you.