The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Heads Association                                                                        October  2017

Letter from the Editor
Badri Roysam,
University of Houston
Dear ECEDHA Members, Industry Partners, and Colleagues,

Outages caused by (distressingly frequent) large-scale natural events, human caused events including physical and cyber-attacks, and accidental failures, have called attention to the next major human need - the need for a more resilient electric grid. The grid is a sprawling, complex, and heterogeneous cyber-physical system, the greatest engineering achievement of the 20th century , that has become essential for our daily activities, health, prosperity, and increasingly, for life safety and security. Despite major efforts, a large-scale outage over a wide geographic area and/or an extended duration can still occur.
This brings the topic of grid resiliency - the capacity to recover from a major perturbation, to the fore. Resiliency is much broader in scope than the notion of reliability, and focuses on ways to cope with large-scale outages that ultimately do happen. To quote a recent National Academy of Engineering (NAE) report,  "Resilience is not just about being able to lessen the likelihood that outages will occur, but also about managing and coping with outage events as they occur to lessen their impacts, regrouping quickly and efficiently once an event ends, and learning to better deal with other events in the future." Grid Resilience is a quintessentially ECE topic.

Featured Articles
Reimagining ECE: 2018 ECEDHA Annual Conference & ECExpo

Tony Maciejewski, Colorado State University
The ball is rolling. A growing community is coming together to reimagine electrical and computer engineering education, and we want you to be a part of it.

Mark your calendar for the 2018 ECEDHA Annual Conference and ECExpo to be held March 16-20, 2018, in Monterey, California.

From creating more accurate and positive perceptions about our discipline to tackling declining enrollments and diversity issues, join us in Monterey to change the future of ECE.
>> Read more
Latin American Electrical and Computer Engineering Perspectives

Igor Alvarado, National Instruments
In many developing nations, the average age is less than or close to 20 and their demand for education will continue to increase over the next years.  Many of those developing nations are in Latin America (LATAM), from Mexico to Argentina. As the world economy moves towards a knowledge economy, education becomes one of the key factors for the success of all these countries and their societies.  From all the education needs, engineering education is perhaps one of the most important ones, given the potential of the aggregated impact and multiplying effect that engineering can have in the local and regional economies through innovation, infrastructure development (e.g. transportation, communications, water treatment and distribution systems, electricity, etc.) job creation and manufacturing among others.

Sponsored Article

NI Presents a Quanser White Paper

Building a Comprehensive Lab Sequence for an Undergraduate Mechatronics Program
By: Tom Lee, Ph.D., Chief Education Officer, Quanser

Dr. Tom Lee discusses the academic response to trends around the Internet of Things, robotics, and drones, as well as the engineering profession's requirement for increasing the precision, performance, efficiency, and decreasing the cost of modern systems.

ECEDHA Regional News
ECEDHA Southwest Regional Meeting Update
By: Michael Devetsikiotis, University of New Mexico, and Jonathan Bredow, University of Texas at Arlington

Department Heads and Chairs in the southwest region of ECEDHA met in Albuquerque  on October 5  and 6, hosted by the University of New Mexico.  13 departments were represented at the meeting as well as 9 companies and national labs, and 2 representatives of city and federal government.

The event began with a casual dinner at the Andaluz Hotel on the evening of  October 5 . The main meeting  on October 6  consisted of three primary components: morning-long working group discussions promoting actions along 3 primary themes; a lunch meeting with addresses by UNM interim-President Chaouki Abdallah, and a presentation by Quanser's Tom Lee; and an hour-long forum which included AFRL, Sandia National Labs, Los Alamos National Labs, Northrup Grumman, Sacred Wind Communications, National Instruments and Quanser.  The forum was also attended by a representative from the office of the CIO of the City of Albuquerque, and the district director from Congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisham's office. 

Special Announcements
Now Accepting Nominations for the 2017 ECEDHA Awards!
ECEDHA is now accepting nominations for its 2017 Awards. Nominations are due by November 1, 2017 and will be presented at the ECEDHA Annual Conference and ECE xpo in March.   View more details.
Outstanding Leadership and Service Award
Innovative Program Award

Diversity Award

Industry Award
Conference Corner
Corporate Features
In This Issue
Calendar of Events
October 14, 2017
NECEDHA Regional Meeting
Hosted by the University of New Haven
New Haven, CT
October 22-23, 2017
CSECEDHA Regional Meeting
Hosted by South Dakota State University
Brookings, SD
November 2-3, 2017
SECEDHA Regional Meeting
Hosted by Georgia Tech,
Atlanta, GA
November 17-19, 2017
WECEDHA Regional Meeting
Hosted by the University of California, San Diego
San Diego, CA
March 16, 2018
ABET Workshop
Presented at the ECEDHA Annual Conference
Hyatt Monterey - Monterey, CA
March 16-20, 2018
ECEDHA Annual Conference and ECE xpo
Hyatt Monterey - Monterey, CA
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by Keysight Technologies
On Demand Webinar
In Partnership with National Instruments, ISTEC, LACCEI, and Tecnológico de Monterrey
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by COMSOL
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by National Instruments
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by Keysight Technologies
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by National Instruments
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by Quanser
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by COMSOL
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by National Instruments
ECEDHA Member and Partner News
THE BRIDGE Magazine of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN)

The magazine of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu is THE BRIDGE, which publishes a variety of features and content relevant to ECE students, faculty, and professionals. The magazine is electronic and open access with PDF versions of the current and prior issues.

Issue 2 of THE BRIDGE 2017 is available now!

At the ECE Source, we strive to cover topics that are relevant and timely to ECE  department heads.  We welcome your comments, feedback, and suggestions of topics t o cover in our next issue.  Thank you.