September 2015

Letter from the Editor
Pritpal Singh,
Villanova University
Dear ECEDHA Members, Industry Partners, and Colleagues,

Welcome to the September 2015 issue of The ECE Source.  I hope that you had both a relaxing and productive summer and are now ready for the new academic year.

This issue of the ECE Source is focused on Entrepreneurship Education.  There are three feature articles two of which describe initiatives by professors to infuse entrepreneurially minded thinking at the undergraduate level and a third article on the National Science Foundation's i-Corps program.  The latter article was prepared by Dr. Badri Roysam, Chair of the ECE Department at the University of Houston who will be taking over as the Editor-in-Chief of the ECE Source.  I want to personally welcome Badri to this new position and am very confident that he will do an excellent job. He already has many fresh new ideas and lots of energy that he will be bringing to the ECE Source.

Featured Articles
Fostering the "ECE Lab to Market Translation Pipeline": The National Science Foundation's Innovation Corps Program
By Badri Roysam, University of Houston

ECE labs have a long-established track record of academic innovations that have made it to the marketplace.  The National Science Foundation (NSF) has developed an unconventional funding initiative that aims to foster, support, and accelerate this process.  Known as the NSF Innovation Corps, or I-CORPS ( , the program is by itself quite innovative, and deserves to be publicized among ECE faculty and students.

Going Pro: Engineering Extraordinary Value

What could be more exciting than watching the big game from a front row seat? How about weaving through the action from the comfort of your couch?

The aerial sports camera has made this possible.  The original aerial camera system known as Skycam soars directly above athletes and spectators, suspended by four high-strength, Kevlar-wrapped, fiber optic cables, capturing unparalleled, real-time views.  "Skycam is the only camera in major sports to cross the boundaries and enter the field of play," ESPN Sunday Night Football producer Jay Rothman says in an endorsement of the system.  "The viewer experiences being in the action of the NFL."

Sponsored Article: Creating Quick Connections with IoT Development Kits
By Bill Giovino, Mouser Electronics

The Internet of Things (IoT).  Either it is coming, or it is already here. Regardless, it's important to understand exactly what IoT is and why it is happening.  The internet of things is about connecting things (non-humans) to the internet.  These things use or involve data, data that must be measured as part of a greater system.  The data is measured by a small internet-enabled embedded system, some of which can be as small as a postage stamp.

Special Announcements
Last Call for 2015 Membership!

If you have not yet renewed your 2015 ECEDHA membership, now is your final opportunity.   The Annual Survey will be opening soon and only current ECEDHA members will be eligible to participate.

Renew your membership today to keep receiving ECEDHA membership benefits, including:
  • Complimentary registration for ECEDHA's ECE Webinars
  • The opportunity to participate in the ECEDHA Annual Survey, a valuable tool in benchmarking your organization in lab and office space, faculty and department head salaries, research budgets, student retention, graduation rates, and much more.
  • Complimentary job posting service via the ECEDHA website
  • And much more!

For questions, please contact Megan Bekolay at or 312.559.3724

Now Accepting Nominations for the
2015 ECEDHA Awards!
ECEDHA is now accepting nominations for its 2015 Awards. Nominations are due December 1, 2015 and will be presented at the ECEDHA Annual Conference and ECE xpo in March.  View more details.
Outstanding Leadership and Service Award
Innovative Program Award

Diversity Award

Industry Award

Corporate Features
Featured Video: Soft Robotics & Biologically Inspired Robotics at Carnegie Mellon University


Produced by: 

In This Issue
Calendar of Events
March 18, 2016
ABET Workshop
Presented at the ECEDHA Annual Conference
Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines - La Jolla, CA
March 18-22, 2016
ECEDHA Annual Conference and ECExpo
Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines - La Jolla, CA
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by COMSOL
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by COMSOL
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by Quanser
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by ANSYS
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by Piazza
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by Quanser

Save the Date!


2016 ECEDHA Annual Conference
and ECExpo


March 18-22, 2016

Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines

La Jolla, California
ECEDHA Member and
Partner News
2015 African Engineering Deans Council Annual Conference

September 17-18, 2015 in  Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Hosted by the Addis Ababa Institute of Technology 

2016 USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting
Call for Papers for the Ernest K. Smith USNC-URSI Student Paper Competition

Meeting to be held January 6-9, 2015 in Boulder, Colorado 

Advisors and their graduate students who wish to participate should begin preparing their full papers (of up to 25 pages) in the manuscript format of the journal Radio Science.  Submission deadline is Monday, September 21, 2015 and is the same deadline as that of the abstracts.  This will be a firm deadline.

Deadline: September 21, 2015

ECCS Division Director at NSF

The Directorate for Engineering (ENG) announces a nationwide search to fill the position of Division Director, Division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS) through an assignment under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA). 

Deadline: September 30, 2015

SW-ECEDHA Regional Meeting

October 4-5, 2015 in Houston, Texas
Hosted by the University of Houston

>> Contact Badri Roysam for more details
IEEE International Conference on Complex Systems Engineering 2015

November 9-11, 2015 in  Storrs, CT, USA
Hosted by the University of Connecticut

ABB Research Award

ABB has launched the "ABB Research Award in Honor of Hubertus von  Grünberg". The award will honor the best Ph.D. dissertation within the fields of power and automation, as applied in utilities, industries, and transport and infrastructure.  It consists of a $300,000 personal research grant for post-doctoral research within the scope of power and automation in the areas in question.

Applications and supporting documents should be sent to:

Office of the Chief Technology Officer
ABB Technology Ltd.
Affolternstrasse 44
CH-8050 Zurich

Deadline: January 29, 2016