ECOEA is the link between your local
and the Ohio Education Association

Professional development, conferences, and scholarships are open to all members


  • April 24, 2020-deadline to apply for an OEA Regional Scholarship to attend the OEA Summer Leadership Academy, Columbus
  • *April 25, 2020-ECOEA Spring Representative Assembly, Canton Professional EA offices-cancelled/postponed
  • April 25, 2020-Special meeting of the ECOEA Representative Assembly-virtual meeting-information coming to delegates
  • April 30, 2020-deadline to apply for ECOEA Scholarship to attend the OEA Summer Leadership Academy, Columbus
  • *May 8-9, 2020-OEA Spring Representative Assembly, Columbus Convention Center-cancelled
  • May 9, 2020-OEA Special Meeting of the Representative Assembly virtual/phone in meeting-information coming to delegates
  • June 22-24, 2020 OEA Summer Academy, Columbus
  • July 2-6, NEA Annual Representative Assembly, Atlanta, GA
  • July 21, 2020-ECOEA Summer Leadership-OTES 2.0-Stark State College-more info to come!
  • July 22, 2020-OEA Treasurers' Training and OEA Local Presidents' Training-Canton Courtyard Marriott-more info to come!
*ECOEA and OEA Representative Assemblies were cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. If you are a delegate, please look for information in the mail about the virtual special meetings that will take place instead.
JUNE 22-24, 2020

 ECOEA is proud to provide five district scholarships that are matched by OEA for a total of ten scholarships! The scholarship covers one or two nights lodging at the Columbus Sheraton Capitol Square and the conference registration of $100 as well as conference meals. The scholarship does not cover mileage or expenses outside of the conference (additional meals, entertainment, etc.).
This year, District Leaders will host a Trivia Contest for FCPE on Monday night with music, snacks, and fun! This is an optional event for Academy attendees but certainly a way to network and relax with other members from across the state as well as raise FCPE funds for endorsed political candidates.
Registration for the OEA Summer Leadership Academy is now open at this link . Registrants also need to make their own hotel reservations at the Sheraton Capitol Square.
You can apply for one of the ECOEA Scholarships to attend at the button below.
Deadline to apply is April 30, 2020.
You can also apply for a Regional Scholarship through OEA to attend the OEA Summer Leadership Academy. Use this button to apply. Yes, you can submit applications to BOTH ECOEA and OEA. Only one will be awarded per member. Deadline for the OEA Regional Scholarship is April 24, 2020. Apply today!
OEA/NEA Micro-Credentials are competency-based,online professional development courses available FREE to any licensed educator OEA member.
There are 70 micro-credentials organized into 22 topics from Arts Integration to Technology Integration to Restorative Practices. Need some PD hours? Explore this option to add some professional development to your day without leaving your home. Check it out!
ECOEA SPRING PUBLIC RELATIONS GRANTS of $500 have been awarded to the following locals to promote the local association in the community. Grants are awarded through our competitive grant process for locals that have elected and sent delegates to the ECOEA Representative Assembly in the previous year.
  • East Holmes Teachers' Association-EHTA Supporting Student Athletes and Arts; grant written by Kari Kaufman, President Megan Mullet
  • Wooster Education Association-Fight the Summer Slide-grant written by Caity Sypherd, President Scott Miller
  • Jackson Classified Personnel Association-Gone Fishing-grant written by JCPA President Brooke Harter
  • Education Association of Orrville-Public Summer Community Events-grant written by Orrville Co-President Mandy Charnigo, Co-President Brad Fortune
  • Triway Education Association-Triway Robotics-grant written by TEA President Melissa Radich
  • North Canton Education Association-Supporting North Canton Cares Food Pantry-grant written by Jen McKelley, President Julie Nelson

Congratulations to these local associations. Each local has received a check for $500 to support their community project while promoting the image of their locals.
ECOEA INTERNAL ORGANIZING GRANTS of up to $500 have been awarded to the following locals:

  • East Holmes Teachers' Association-Reaching Out to EHTA Members; grant writer Kari Kaufman, President Megan Mullet
  • Rittman Education Association-Back to School with #Red for Ed; grant writer Kathy Johnson, President Ed Sims
  • Minerva Local Education Association-Teacher Appreciation Banquet Gifts; grant writer and MLEA President Stuart Grunder

Congratulations to these locals for their efforts to retain and engage their membership.
ECOEA-Retired News from Anne Bowles, ECOEA Rep to OEA-Advisory Council
You can read Anne's latest report from the OEA-Retired Advisory Council here . Anne was recently re-elected to her position as ECOEA representative to the OEA-Retired Advisory Council. Congratulations Anne! Great job!
Congratulations to Carol Kinsey, OEA-R representative to the OEA Board of Directors, for her election as a NEA delegate! Carol is pictured here with Guy Kendall-Freas of NEA Member Benefits at our Finance Workshop this past January.
Per ECOEA Policy 3.6 Access to Financial Reports-the monthly Executive Committee financial report is available to any member upon request.
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