ECOEA...the link between your local
and the Ohio Education Association

Professional development, conferences, and scholarships are open to all members.
The East Central OEA district serves OEA members in Carroll, Columbiana, Holmes, Stark, Tuscarawas, and Wayne counties.

  • October 10, 2021-Deadline to report OEA delegate elections
  • October 18, 2021-Deadline for receipt of deposits & reservations to Fall Roundtable
  • October 25, 2021-ECOEA Fall Roundtable-A Legal Update, Hartville Kitchen
  • November 1, 2021-Deadline for members to apply for David Augusta Unit Scholarships
  • November 1, 2021-Deadline for locals to apply for Fall Public Relations Grants
  • November 2, 2021-Election Day-Vote!
  • ļ»æNovember 13, 2021-ECOEA Fall Representative Assembly-CPEA office
Register today for our Fall Roundtable featuring Attorney Kathleen McKinley presenting a Legal Update. There is no fee for any member to attend but a $10 deposit is due by October 18th to secure your RSVP that will be returned to you at the event. If you fail to show, your deposit will be applied to the cost of the meal ordered for you. Guests are welcome to attend for a non-refundable fee of $15 and OEA-Retired members are welcome for a $10 non-refundable fee to offset dinner costs.
Join us for a great dinner and presentation, door prizes, and 1.0 hour Professional Development certificate. Seating is limited, so don't miss this event. Register today!
Each fall, ECOEA provides a scholarship of $500 to one member from each of the three voting units for continuing education. The scholarships are named in honor of David Augusta, long-time public education advocate, former ECOEA Executive Director, and teacher from Louisville EA.
The scholarships are by lottery drawing at the ECOEA Fall Representative Assembly on November 13. All active members are eligible to apply and payment is by reimbursement. You may not be receiving tuition reimbursement from your school district for the class you are submitting for the scholarship. Deadline to apply is November 1, 2021.
ECOEA provides funds for locals to use to show the support of their members and local association for their community. This opportunity to show local educators in a positive light helps provide great PR within the community. Grants of up to $500 are awarded in a competitive application process each fall for projects that can be completed by August 31, 2022.
For a local to be eligible, they need to elect and send delegates to the ECOEA Representative Assembly in the previous year. These locals show their involvement in the governance of our association on the district and state level and are then eligible for ECOEA grants. Deadline to apply is November 1, 2021.
Pictured below is the Reading Under the Lights event where East Holmes Teachers' Association partnered with their local library to provide a night of reading for the students of the community. Books were provided to all students that attended. Great event, EHTA!
For complete details, check the ECOEA website at ECOEA Website-Public Relations Grants.
Does your local association elect delegates each fall to represent YOU on the district and state level? OEA delegates are elected and reported to OEA by October 10 by their local associations to speak for your members on issues that affect all members of OEA. Elected OEA delegates are automatically delegates to the ECOEA Rep Assembly. If you are not electing delegates, you are letting other local associations speak for you!
ECOEA recognizes that it is an expense to participate at the district and state level and so offers an incentive grant of $250 to those locals who have not elected delegates within the past five years. The grant is paid after your delegates attend both the Fall ECOEA and OEA Rep Assemblies, and the Spring ECOEA and OEA Rep Assemblies. Your local can use the funds as they see fit to enable your delegates to travel to these meetings.
Make this the year you give voice to your members outside of your local. Read more about the grant requirements and the link to apply at the button below.
Tony Spano, who was OEA ESP of the Year a couple of years ago and worked at Youngstown State University, is the founder of the Spano Foundation. Tony is a member of OEA and is still looking out for our students by providing classroom supplies through his foundation.
The link for the foundationā€™s website is -- and the application link is
Tony said they have 15 pallets of supplies to distribute in Stark, Columbiana, Trumbull, Mahoning, and Portage Counties. Apply now!
Per ECOEA Policy 3.6 Access to Financial Reports-the monthly Executive Committee financial report is available to any member upon request.

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