Does your local association elect delegates each fall to represent YOU on the district and state level? OEA delegates are elected and reported to OEA by October 10 by their local associations to speak for your members on issues that affect all members of OEA. Elected OEA delegates are automatically delegates to the ECOEA Rep Assembly. If you are not electing delegates, you are letting other local associations speak for you!
ECOEA recognizes that it is an expense to participate at the district and state level and so offers an incentive grant of $250 to those locals who have not elected delegates within the past five years. The grant is paid after your delegates attend both the Fall ECOEA and OEA Rep Assemblies, and the Spring ECOEA and OEA Rep Assemblies. Your local can use the funds as they see fit to enable your delegates to travel to these meetings.
Make this the year you give voice to your members outside of your local. Read more about the grant requirements and the link to apply at the button below.