ECOEA ...the link between your local and the Ohio Education Association
As one of our 8,000 members of a local association within the six counties served by ECOEA (Carroll, Columbiana, Holmes, Stark, Tuscarawas or Wayne), you are automatically a member of the East Central OEA District. We provide professional development, conferences, and scholarships that are open to all members.

Don't wait until it is too late to prepare for your retirement! Start educating yourself now at our Winter Workshop featuring STRS, SERS, and NEA Member Benefits. All sessions on Zoom, Saturday, January 28, 2023!
  • 9:00 AM-11:00 AM STRS Retirement Countdown presented by Tamla Cole, STRS Member Education, for members nearing the end of their career. Good information for any certified member!
  • 9:00 AM-11:00 AM SERS Member Education presented by Cameron Vaughn of the State Employees Retirement System. For classified members in the SERS pension system, learn about your pension system, Social Security, and more about how to prepare for retirement.
  • 11:00 AM-11:50 AM Take the Mystery out of your Money-Make it Work for You! presented by Guy Kendall-Freas of NEA Member Benefits. These are some strange financial times. Your three-year old car is probably worth what you paid three years ago! Unemployment is low, and school districts are still trying to fill vacancies, but increasing wages of school employees isn’t a considered response. Student loan forgiveness is portayed as giving money to “slackers”, yet PPP loans of $50,0000 or less are automatically forgiven. How can an average member get ahead? Guy Kendall-Freas will share some ways all members, both classified and certified, can get the most for their membership.
  • 12:00 PM-2:00 PM Financial Fitness for Early-Mid Career Educators presented by Tamla Cole, STRS Member Education. Learn more about the STRS pension system for early career certified members, and how to prepare for the long-term. Don’t wait until retirement is in sight to start planning. Financial health in retirement starts the day you step into the classroom!
Sign up at the button below for one, two or three sessions. You will receive a PD certificate for hours attended. There will be door prizes awarded in each session, too! No charge to Zoom with us! Open to all ECOEA members!
  • Registration website is OEA AOI Registration
  • AOI is February 9-11, 2023.
  • Cost to attend AOI is $100 which include two nights lodging at the Columbus Hyatt, conference meals and registration sessions and materials.
  • ECOEA scholarships of $50 per member will be paid to the Local Association following confirmed attendance at AOI.
  • Open to all members who wish to advance their personal skills, association knowledge and involvement.
  • One ECOEA scholarship per local prior to January 15 deadline.
  • ECOEA scholarship deadline is January 15. after which all unused scholarships will be distributed to remaining applicants first come, first served by local, round 2, round 3, etc.
  • Social event on Friday night, February 10.
Members may want to check with their Local President to see what funding to attend AOI may be available through their local association, through OEA, as well as through ECOEA.
Applications are being accepted for ECOEA Public Relations Grants of up to $500 for your project that promotes your local as a member of the community. One great example of a PR Grant is the Triway EA Fall PR Grant that supported Light Up Shreve 2022!. Pictured is a real reindeer brought in by the local as part of the celebration. Both Triway EA and ECOEA were recognized as contributors to this community event. What a great way to show the community the support of your local! Applications for the Spring PR Grants are due by March 1, 2023, at the button below and will be awarded at the ECOEA Spring Representative Assembly.
ECOEA offers $500 Internal Organizing Grants to locals each spring for use by the local for members. Funds can be used creatively to encourage and retain membership in the association. Locals may submit their proposal for consideration by the deadline of March 1, 2023. Winning grants will be awarded at the ECOEA Spring Rep Assembly on April 29, 2023. Last spring, East Holmes TA used their Internal Organizing Grant to hold a Paint Night where members and potential members met at a local arts center for a paint activity and association presentation. Great activity!

Gently used conference chairs. We have replaced our conference chairs in the ECOEA office and would like to find a good home for these eleven chairs.
Please call the ECOEA Business Manager at (330) 499-8587.
Applications are now being accepted for the William and Dolores Quinn Scholarships offered each spring in honor of our first ECOEA Executive Director William Quinn and his wife Dolores, our first ECOEA secretary. There are two different scholarships.
The Quinn for Members is a $500 scholarship paid by reimbursement to a member who is furthering their education in their field. The Quinn Scholarship for Children of Members is a $1,500 scholarship to a child of a member who is studying to be a teacher. The student must be enrolled in a college or university program leading to a degree in education. The scholarship is paid directly to the institution to be applied to the students account upon successful documentation of enrollment.
Both scholarships are by lottery drawing from eligible applicants, and will be awarded at the ECOEA Spring Representative Assembly on April 29, 2023. Deadline to apply is March 1, 2023.
Pictured is Tiffany Shaw (right), member from Tuscarawas Valley Teachers' Association, receiving her Quinn Scholarship for Members from ECOEA Recording Secretary Juliann Doerschuk, Canton Professional EA, at the 2022 ECOEA Spring RA.
Join us at the Cleveland Cavaliers for Ohio Educator Appreciation Night on February 11th vs Bulls. Every educator that purchases a ticket for the game on 2/11 will have the opportunity to participate in our post game layups on the court after the conclusion of the game. The National Teacher of the year Kurt Russell will be recognized during the game. All who attend will be entered to win a Cavaliers signed item, as well as exclusive fan experiences such as participating in the players cheer tunnel, watching pregame warmups, and photo on the court. We will be offering special group discounted tickets for all educators for several other games throughout the season (March 17th vs Wizards, and March 31st vs Knicks). Great Christmas gifts for the family!
You can read OEA Advisory Council Representative Kathleen Purdy's December report at the button below.
We were happy to have three OEA-Retired delegates attend the OEA-Retired Rep Assembly as well as the OEA Rep Assembly in early December. Thanks for representing our retired members. Pictured are retired delegates Ed Sims, Rittman EA; Carol Kinsey, Canton Professional EA; and Kathleen Purdy, Plain Local Teachers' Association.
OEA has a variety of awards, scholarships, and grants available to members to recognize and promote public education. You can explore the list here or visit the OEA web page. Scholarships are available for members, students, ESP members working on an education degree, and more!
Applications must be received by January 27, 2023, unless otherwise specified.
ECOEA at the OEA Fall Representative Assembly
ECOEA was well-represented at the OEA Fall Representative Assembly held at the Ohio Expo Center on Saturday, December 3, 2022. You can find out more about the OEA RA at this link to the OEA website. You can view the excellent panel discussion on YouTube (link on the OEA site); it is well worth the watch. This was the first fully in-person RA since the Covid crisis forced RAs to be virtual or hybrid.
During the RA, Andrea McSherry of Canton Professional EA served on the OEA Convention Planning Committee. Juliann Doerschuk, also of CPEA, served as a Floor Assistant. Thank you for doing the work of the RA!
Local associations represented with elected delegates from ECOEA were:
  • Alliance EA
  • Canton Professional EA
  • Claymont EA
  • East Canton EA
  • East Holmes TA
  • Education Association of Orrville
  • Fairless EA
  • Jackson Memorial EA
  • Malvern EA
  • Minerva Local EA
  • North Canton EA
  • Northwest TA
  • Perry Classroom TA
  • Rittman EA
  • Triway EA
  • Wooster EA
These locals are participating in the governance of our association. Only local associations that elect and send delegates to ECOEA and OEA Rep Assemblies are eligible to apply for ECOEA grants. Congratulations to these locals for their leadership on the state level.
There's an APP for that!
Scan the QR to add the ECOEA APP to your phone. Always have the latest newsletter, forms, and contact information at your fingertips!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the officers and staff of ECOEA!
Julie Nelson, North Canton EA, President
Julie Holderbaum, Minerva Local EA, Vice President
Juliann Doerschuk, Canton Professional EA, Recording Secretary
Valerie Heban, OEA-Retired, retired, North Canton EA, Business Manager

Phone: (330) 499-8587
Office: 129 Easton St. NE, Suite 103, Canton, OH 44721
Per ECOEA Policy 3.6 Access to Financial Reports-the monthly Executive Committee financial report is available to any member upon request.

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