ECOEA ...the link between your local and the Ohio Education Association
As one of our 8,000 members of a local association within the six counties served by ECOEA (Carroll, Columbiana, Holmes, Stark, Tuscarawas or Wayne), you are automatically a member of the East Central OEA District. We provide professional development, conferences, and scholarships that are open to all members.


  • March 22, 2028-OEA Wellness Wednesday Legislative Roundtable
  • March 27 & March 28-NEAMB Student Loan Updates-Zoom
  • March 28, 2023-OEA Lobby Day, Columbus
  • April 5, 2023-ECOEA Town Hall with STRS candidate Arthur Lard-Zoom
  • April 10, 2023-Deadline to apply for ECOEA/OEA Matching Grant to attend the OEA Summer Leadership Academy
  • April 19, 2023-ECOEA Executive Committee meeting-ECOEA office
  • April 29, 2023-ECOEA Spring Representative Assembly, Stark State College
  • May 10, 2023-ECOEA Executive Committee meeting
  • May 12-13,2023-OEA Spring Representative Assembly, Columbus Convention Center
  • June 7, 2023-OEA-Retired Spring Conference, Malabar Farms
  • June 9-10, 2023-OEA Minority Leadership Training Program, Columbus
  • June 21-23, 2023-OEA Summer Leadership, Columbus
  • July 3-6, 2023-NEA Annual Representative Assembly, Orlando, FL
  • July 12, 2023-OEA Treasurers' Training, OEA Local Presidents' Training, Building Rep Training-RG Drage CTC, Massillon
  • July 18, 2023-ECOEA Summer Leadership Virtual Session, Zoom
  • July 25, 2023-ECOEA Summer Leadership Virtual Session, Zoom
ARTHUR LARD is the OEA-endorsed candidate for the active member seat up for election on the STRS board, the seat that Arthur currently holds. As a member of the Board, he is one of only two OEA members on the STRS board. Arthur
Lard has advocated for the best interests of OEA members and educators across the state. He has fought and supported policies that have kept STRS financially secure and has opposed initiatives that would put the pension at risk. Voting begins April 3, 2023. As in all elections,
Join us for a special ECOEA Town Hall on Zoom with STRS candidate Arthur Lard on Wednesday, April 5th, at 6:00 PM. You can ask questions and talk with Arthur about how he works to protect your retirement by serving on the STRS board. He has served one term and is seeking your vote for re-election.
Be an informed voter. Meet the candidate and hear his plan.
Register now at the QR code or use the link below.
Do your homework. It's YOUR retirement.!
On a windy, rainy Friday night, we were still able to have our annual Legislative Dinner at LaPizzaria in Canton. We welcomed our guests from the Ohio General Assembly and State Board of Education who sat and dined with our members, then moved to the moderated panel discussion. Members submitted questions and we were able to discuss several as well as talk about STRS. Senator Kirk Schuring was one of our guests and is the chair of the ORSC, Ohio Retirement Studies Council. He has served on this committee for 25 years so his comments were factual and informative. We also welcomed State Representatives Scott Oelslager, Brett Hillyer, Don Jones, and Jim Thomas. Representing the State Board of Education was Dr. Christina Collins. ECOEA President Julie Nelson did us proud as moderator.
We were honored to have all three of the OEA officers in attendance, especially since they drove from Columbus in treacherous weather. While we couldn't get to all the questions, they have been sent to all the legislators and state board members that serve the ECOEA district, even if they were unable to attend. You can read the questions at the button below.
A special shout-out to OEA-Retired member Carol Kinsey for her assistance in securing the attendance of legislators. Carol made numerous contacts to all our legislators encouraging their participation. Thanks, Carol!
Congratulations to our Spring Public Relations Grant winners. ECOEA is happy to award $3,000 in grants to the following locals for their proposals to promote their local in their community. The $500 PR Grants will be awarded at the ECOEA Spring Rep Assembly on Saturday, April 29th. Locals, grants and grant writers are:
  • Alliance Education Association-AEA supports Alliance-Grant writer Jason Dotson, President Michael Rossetti
  • Canton Professional Educators' Association-Eric Carle Day-Grant writer Juliann Doerschuk, President Paul Palomba
  • Jackson Classified Personnel Association-JCPA Out in the Public-President Brooke Harter
  • MInerva Local Education Association-Christmas Books for Children-President Katie Reusser
  • North Canton Education Association-North Canton Chocolate Walk-Grant writer Jen McKelley, President Julie Nelson
  • Rittman Education Association-Community Splash Pad-Grant writer Jennifer Dziczkowski, Co-Presidents Jennifer Dziczkowski and Alicia Mayfield
Congratulations to our Internal Organizing Grant winners! We are happy to award eight grants to locals who applied for funds to use to engage and retain members in their local. The Grants will be awarded at our Spring Representative Assembly, on Saturday, April 29th. Locals, grants, and grant writers are:
  • Alliance Education Association-Member Appreciation Luncheon-Grant writer Jason Dotson, President Michael Rossetti
  • East Holmes Teachers' Association-EHTA World Cafe-Grant writer Caryn Rubio, President Megan Mullet
  • Fairless Education Association-Financial Literacy-President Janice Messenheimer-Courtney
  • Jackson Classified Personnel Association-Teaming Up Together-President Brooke Harter
  • Minerva Local Education Association-Convocation Gifts for Members-President Katie Reusser
  • North Canton Education Association-Promoting Elections-Grant writer Jen McKelley, President Julie Nelson
  • Rittman Education Association-Membership Lunch-Grant writer Jennifer Dziczkowski, Co-Presidents Jennifer Dziczkowski and Alicia Mayfield
  • Triway Education Association-Triway EA Spring/Summer Social-President Melissa Radich
We will award $3,750 in Internal Organizing Grants to these locals. Locals qualify for our PR and Internal Organizing Grants by electing and sending delegates to the ECOEA Representative Assemblies in the previous year.
Congratulations to the winners in our Quinn Scholarship drawings. In the member drawing, Stephanie Lepley, member Canton Professional Educators' Association, will receive a $500 scholarship for continuing education. Congratulations Stephanie!
Elijah Lutton, a sophomore at Ohio Wesleyan University, is the recipient of the child of a member Quinn scholarship. Elijah's name was drawn from all applicants and will receive a scholarship of $1,500 to continue his studies. He is majoring in Integrated Science for Teachers, and is the son of Melinda Lutton, member of Carrollton Education Association. Congratulations, Elijah!
Both Stephanie and Elijah have been invited to attend the ECOEA Spring Representative Assembly on Saturday, April 29, at Stark State College to be recognized and receive their awards.
Join us at the Cleveland Cavaliers for Ohio Educator Appreciation Nights. We will be offering special group discounted tickets for all educators for several other games throughout the season (March 17th vs Wizards, and March 31st vs Knicks).

Retirees are currently voting for NEA delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly in Orlando, Florida this July. We encourage ECOEA retirees to support our ECOEA candidates Kathleen Purdy, retired from Plain Local TA, and Carol Kinsey, retired from Canton Professional EA.
Carol is also running for the At Large position on the OEA-R Advisory Council. Kathleen was elected by acclamation to continue on the OEA-Retired Advisory Council as the representative to the ECOEA district. Both members are hard-working and worthy of your support. Don't forget to vote by March 31!
Hundreds of thousands of borrowers applied for the “limited waiver last fall and more than two million applied for the President’s one-time loan cancellation before court challenges put it on hold. The months that followed have left many borrowers more confused than ever. NEA Member Benefits will share the latest news about student loan forgiveness – where we are and how we got here, the impact of a decision by SCOTUS allowing or denying broad cancellation, when will payments resume and what to expect when they do, a potential “second bite of the apple” for those who missed the limited waiver deadline, and more. Going forward, there will be many positive changes which will make student loans much more affordable and forgiveness easier to achieve.
Monday, March 27 and Tuesday, March 28
at 4:00 p.m. (eastern) and repeated at 6:00 p.m. (eastern)
No pre-registration needed – just click on the link below to join
 Join Zoom Meeting <<<<- click here or use this URL:
If prompted, the meeting ID is 823 9217 8863 and the passcode is 604785
There's an APP for that!
Scan the QR to add the ECOEA APP to your phone. Always have the latest newsletter, forms, and contact information at your fingertips!
Julie Nelson, North Canton EA, President
Julie Holderbaum, Minerva Local EA, Vice President
Juliann Doerschuk, Canton Professional EA, Recording Secretary
Valerie Heban, OEA-Retired, retired, North Canton EA, Business Manager

Phone: (330) 499-8587
Office: 129 Easton St. NE, Suite 103, Canton, OH 44721
Per ECOEA Policy 3.6 Access to Financial Reports-the monthly Executive Committee financial report is available to any member upon request.

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