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  • November 16-ECOEA Fall Delegate Briefing, Zoom
  • November 18-ONE Trivia Night-All welcome, on Zoom!
  • December 7-OEA Fall Representative Assembly, Columbus
  • January 25-ECOEA Winter Finance Workshop on Zoom! STRS, SERS, and more!
  • January 25-OEA Educator Night at the Cleveland Cavaliers
  • January 25-26-ONE/AE Ignite Conference
  • February 28-ECOEA Legislative Dinner, LaPizzaria, Save the Date!
  • March 2-ECOEA Bowling Event for the Ohio Fund, Park Centre Lanes, Save the Date!
  • April 5-ECOEA Spring Representative Assembly, Stark ESC Auditorium, 8:30 AM

Attorney Rachel Reight presented a Legal Update at our annual Fall Roundtable at the Hartville Kitchen on Monday, October 21, 2024. Eighty members enjoyed a turkey dinner and an informative hour of Professional Development. Seven lucky members were "door pies" winners. The Five Star Locals were recognized for exceptional participation in ECOEA events. The Fall Roundtable is always a good event to get together and learn.

Congratulations to the Five Star Locals listed above for their exceptional participation in ECOEA activities in the 2023-2024 year. Locals who met five of the six criteria each received an award of $100 for the unrestricted use by their local. The two locals that met all six of the criteria each received a $200 award. Five Star criteria include electing and sending delegates, have at least a 5% participation rate in donations to the Ohio Fund, apply for ECOEA grants or scholarships, have a local member participate in ECOEA leadership, and attend ECOEA workshops or events. Keep up the great work!

David Augusta Unit Scholarships

Each fall, ECOEA awards three scholarships of $500 to members for continuining education. The scholarships are named for long-time public education advocate David Augusta, past president of Louisville EA, and former ECOEA Executive Director, who was instrumental in the implementation of these scholarships.

Congratulations to the winning members! Good luck to all applicants in their studies.

We've got a great line-up for you at our Winter Workshop on Saturday, January 25, 2025. Snuggle in and stay warm while you get some Professional Development on topics every educator should know! STRS for our certified, SERS for our classified, maximizing NEA Member Benefits for travel, wills and other legal documents, and mental health awareness, pick and choose your sessions. Register at the button below. No charge to attend, PD certificate for hours attended, door prizes. Sign up today!

Winter Workshop Registration


Kathleen has an November Newsbrief for our OEA-Retired Members at the button below. It is good to be retired!

Kathleen' s November Newsbrief

In addition to the Ohio Educator Appreciation Day, there are other Cavs games with reduced ticket prices including this Friday, November 15 against the Chicago Bulls! The Cavs are hot!

Thyran is our contact for Cavs discounts and he is offering some reduced Half and Quarter Season ticket packages that include discounts at the team shop, ticket exchange and play-off priority. Contact him directly if interested at


Your ECOEA officers and staff:

President Juliann Doerschuk, Canton Professional EA

Vice President Heather Zuniga, Malvern EA

Recording Secretary Leora Troyer, East Holmes TA

Business Manager Valerie Heban, OEA-Retired, North Canton EA


ECOEA Office Phone (330) 499-8587