ECOEA is the link between OEA, your local and you!
Professional development, conferences, and scholarships are open to all members

Don't miss our next PD event!
ECOEA Fall Roundtable-A Legal Updat e will be held at the Hartville Kitchen on Monday, October 28, 2019 . Join us for dinner and PD led by Attorney Kathleen McKinley gives us cautionary tales of court cases that you need to be aware of in your job as an educator. Kathleen can answer your questions about Code of Conduct, FERPA, personal electronic device use at school, and other laws that can endanger your teaching license and personal liability. Get educated!
There is no charge to attend but you do need to submit a deposit of $10 that is returned when you attend.
Come for the dinner, door prizes, and one hour of PD plus great networking with other educators from our district.
Non-member guests may attend for a $15 fee, OEA-R members pay a $10 fee.
Deadline is October 23rd for reservations and receipt of deposit OR when capacity is reached. Register today at the link below! Don't miss this event!
Augusta Unit Scholarships of $500 are open to all members for continuing education. The scholarships are awarded by lottery drawing from each of the three voting units in ECOEA. The winners will be drawn at the ECOEA Fall Representative Assembly on November 9th. The scholarships are named after long-time ECOEA leader and advocate David Augusta from Louisville EA. Application is easy and can be done online at the ECOEA website. Deadline to apply is November 1st . Use the button below to apply!
ECOEA Representative Assembly Incentive Grants of $250 are available to encourage local associations to elect and send delegates to the ECOEA and OEA Representative Assemblies. Locals who have not elected and sent delegates for the past five years are eligible to apply.
Does your local send delegates so that your local is represented at the district and state level when policy is decided and officers elected? Delegate elections must take place by October 10th and reported to OEA by October 15th.
ECOEA Scholarships to the OEA Advocacy & Organizing Institute are available by application now. ECOEA offers 20 scholarships of $50 by reimbursement to locals for members to attend. The AOI registration site of OEA opens November 11 however, you can apply for the ECOEA scholarship now. The deadline to apply for a scholarship is January 15, 2020.
See the ECOEA website for further information and application link. See the poster for AOI information.
NEA Member Benefits has a new tool available free to all members and their familes that can identify which of the variety of repayment plans are most economically advantageous and available for each member's situation. The tool also outlines the steps necessary to receive student loan forgiveness. Use this button to find out more!
Follow O.N.E. on Facebook for activities across the state that all early career educators are welcome to attend. Any member in year 1-10 of their career is considered an early career educator. Our ECOEA District ambassador is Morgan Steinbach , Plain Local TA. Morgan is glad to come to your association meeting to speak about the value of membership for our early career members.
O.N.E. can keep you in their social media loop. Sign up at this link to receive O.N.E. events, newsletters and early career educator news!
Per ECOEA Policy 3.6 Access to Financial Reports-the monthly Executive Committee financial report is available to any member upon request.
Check us out on Social Media.