Trinity Church News

November 1, 2023

In this issue:

Click "view entire message" at bottom of email

to view the full newsletter.

  • ECW Meeting and Brunch on Sunday, November 5th
  • Sunday's In-Person Services - 9:30 AM & 4:00 PM
  • Almoner's Ingathering - Holiday Gift Cards
  • Mother Suzanne Recovering from Pneumonia
  • New Altar Linens - Thank You to Chrissy Rose
  • Coming Soon: Adopt-a-Bill
  • Consents Received to Bishop-Elect White's Election
  • Help Needed Maintaining Trinity's Memorial Garden
  • Lay Readers, Chalicers, Acolytes & Ushers Needed
  • Clothes Closet Needs Coat Hangers, Coats & Shoes
  • Interested in Helping with Building/Property Items?
  • Altar Flowers for Sunday, November 5th & Sign-Ups
  • Clothes Closet Needs - Deodorant, Shavers, Soap
  • Full Worship Schedule - In-Person and Online
  • Sunday Scripture Readings
  • This Week at Trinity
  • October Birthdays & Anniversaries
  • Prayer Requests
  • Online Giving Link


Trinity Episcopal Church, P.O. Box 851, Hamilton, OH 45012

Trinity's Online Giving Link

ECW Meeting at Brunch

at 10:30 AM

This Sunday, November 5th

The first Sunday of the month we have one combined morning in-person worship service at 9:30 AM.

ECW (Episcopal Church Women) will hold their monthly meetings - with brunch! - following this service.

Please join ECW this Sunday, November 5th at 10:30 AM for this month's meeting and brunch!

If you are willing to help cook or bake, please contact Sue Samoviski at 513-478-8918 (Text works fine).

In-Person Worship Services Schedule for Sunday, 11/5

This Sunday, being the first Sunday of the month, the in-person worship services will be at 9:30 AM and 4:00 PM.

Both services will be Holy Eucharist - Rite II with music.

Almoner's Fund -

Thanksgiving and Christmas

Gift Cards for Those in Need


Our tradition at Trinity is to share a bit more at Thanksgiving and Christmas by giving gift cards to those in need. 

We are hoping to raise $1,200 to provide gift cards to six persons, most of whom live on disability incomes of $800 to $1,200 a month. 

Almoner's Fund donations over the next several weeks will directly support the purchase of the cards. Those who receive these gifts are extremely grateful. 


  • make checks out to Trinity Episcopal Church Almoner’s Fund, 
  • or give online

There will be special Almoner's Fund envelopes in the pews at the in-person worship services for the next few weeks. All loose cash in the offering plates on Sunday, November 5th and Sunday, December 3rd will also go towards the Almoner's Fund.

Thank you for your generosity!


Mother Suzanne Recovering from Pneumonia

Mother Suzanne is continuing her recovery from pneumonia at home. She was told to expect two to four weeks for full recovery, and she is not able to return to work yet.

Please keep Mother Suzanne in your prayers as she recovers from this illness.

If you need pastoral care during this time, please contact our Sr. Warden, Jennifer Elliott, at 513-218-7817 (text is fine) or [email protected] and she will connect you with Rev. Pam Gaylor.

We will have our regularly scheduled 9:30 AM and 4:00 PM in-person worship services this Sunday, November 5th with the Rev. Kip Colegrove as celebrant.

New Altar Linens - Thank You to Chrissy Rose!

At the in-person worship services this past Sunday, the Rev. Canon Michael Spencer blessed new white altar linens which were made for Trinity by Chrissy Rose. We will be using these new linens for All Saints' Sunday. Thank you to Chrissy for this special gift to Trinity!

Here is information from Chrissy about these linens:

"This past Sunday new altar linens were blessed to be used for God’s service. It is just me, or does the wording of my first sentence seem odd? “Blessed to be used for God’s service” seems so official and proper.

I made them because ours are well-loved but getting tattered and worn out. I made them because I wanted to give God a gift of a new “holy tablecloth” for celebrations. I made them because I wanted all of you to see my love for you. I made them out of love, for love, and because of love. It seemed very simple to me. Official and proper, was never on my radar.

We are love. Love is the heartbeat of creation. God made us out of love and said we were good. We as humans are forgetful creatures. We forget that we are good. We forget others are good. When we forget the good inside ourselves and each other, we make awful choices. But no matter our what awful things we do God still sees our good.

With this in mind, I stitched every stitch. I thought of our world, starving for love. I saw the faces of people in our community and all of us here at Trinity. I thought about all the people whose funerals I have served as acolyte. I remembered the people in my past, many who needed so much love and got very little. I thanked God for all the love that we have and share. I thanked God for allowing me to make these linens. Every part of these linens were made in love, with love, and though love.

I assure you when I was sewing and embroidering these linens, I never think about officialness or the pomp and circumstance. It is with love that I set help to set God’s table each week and with love I give these linens. God’s service is love. I pray that we serve God with love and remember that a seat is saved for everyone at God’s

table, no matter their choices or forgetfulness."

~Chrissy Rose

Coming Soon: Adopt-a-Bill

It has been several years since we offered an "Adopt-a-Bill" option, and the Vestry has requested that we bring it back!

Adopt-a-Bill provides the opportunity for anyone to "adopt" one of our regular bills (either a small bill or a portion of a larger bill), and pay that bill through Trinity.

Look for more information and the Adopt-a-Bill board in the Memorial Room soon!

Consents Received to Bishop-Elect White's Election

On October 31st, Presiding Bishop Curry announced that the election of the Rev. Canon Kristin Uffelman White as the next bishop of Southern Ohio has received the required majority of consents from the bishops and standing committees of the Episcopal Church.

The consent process, detailed in the Episcopal Church’s Canon III.11.3, is the final step in the election of a bishop, and its successful completion means that Canon White is now officially Bishop-elect White. She will be ordained on February 17 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center.

“I am honored and excited to join you in building up the Body of Christ,” White said. “My heart is full, and I am so eager to be with you, learn from you, and grow together in the years to come. God has wonderful things in store for us in Southern Ohio, and I look forward to beginning our journey together soon.”

Bishop-elect White and her husband, John, are in the process of relocating to Cincinnati. She will join the diocesan staff later this year for a period of transition during which she will work alongside Bishop Wayne Smith.

“I give thanks for Canon White and all the members of the Nominating and Transition Committees whose faithful efforts have brought us to this day,” Dr. James Allsop, president of the Standing Committee, said. “The joyful work of planning our new bishop’s ordination is well underway, and the Standing Committee looks forward to celebrating with the entire diocese in Columbus on February 17.”

Help Needed Maintaining Trinity's

Memorial Garden

At Trinity, we are blessed to have a beautiful Memorial Garden! Assistance is needed with Fall maintenance of the garden.

If you are able to help please contact Marti or Ed Conaway or notify the office.

Even pulling a few weeds after a Sunday service is very helpful!

Additional Lay Readers, Chalicers and Acolytes Needed for In-Person Worship Services

and Ushers Needed for the 8:30 AM Service


Now that we are back to having two in-person worship services on Sundays, we need to expand our roster of readers, chalicers and acolytes. We also need ushers for the 8:30 AM service.


Lay Readers: Read the Scripture Lessons and lead the Prayers of the People from the lectern.

Chalicers: Serve the Chalice of Wine at the Altar.

Acolytes: Process/recess with the cross (9:30am and 10:30am services only), hold the Gospel Book for the Gospel reading, help the priest set the Altar for Eucharist, and ring the Sanctus bells.

Ushers: Assist with distributing the offering plates during the Offertory and providing assistance as needed as the congregation takes Communion.

If you are interested in participating in the services

periodically or regularly in one or more of these roles,

please notify Mother Suzanne or contact the Parish Office.

Clothes Closet Donations - Update

We are now accepting Fall and Winter clothing.

We are especially in need of Coat Hangers,

Winter Coats and Shoes.

You must contact Mother Suzanne or

the Parish Office prior to dropping off clothing.

Please DO NOT leave clothing at Trinity without first contacting the Parish Office or Mother Suzanne.

Thank you to every one who contributes

to this important community ministry!

Help Needed with Building/Property Items

We are looking for folks to help with building maintenance and improvement in several different ways:

  • To help with small projects such as changing light bulbs, cleaning filters, and doing minor repairs, such as repairing the slip guards on the stairsteps.
  • To help with obtaining estimates for capital improvement projects.
  • To help in supervising capital improvement projects.

We would like to gathering together a group of people who can help with these various items. If you are interested in any of these ministries of facilities care, please contact Mother Suzanne at 513-869-8694 or [email protected].

The Altar Flowers for Sunday, Novemeber 5th

are given by Jennifer Elliott,

in honor of All Saint's Sunday.


Sign Up to Donate

Altar Flowers

If you would like to donate altar flowers in memory of, or in honor of someone special, please contact Sue Samoviski at [email protected] or 513-478-8918 to reserve a date.

Remember, you may choose to call a florist to order these flowers, or you can purchase your flowers at the grocery store and make two arrangements for the altar. Or, you could provide flowers from your garden or potted plants. Clear plastic vases are available at church if you need them or you can arrange them directly into the altar vases.

Another option is to send a monetary donation to Trinity in lieu of flowers and in memory of or in honor of your loved ones. If you do that, please be sure to let Sue know the dedication of your donation.

The Clothes Closet

Special Needs Update

We continue to be short of

Deodorant, Disposable Shavers, and Lotion

Thank you to those who have been responding to our requests for these personal hygiene products.

Other special current needs include:

  • Winter Coats and Coat Hangers
  • Shoes
  • Sheets / Pillow Cases / Blankets

You can bring donations of these items to the parish office.

(Other items, please contact

the parish office or Mother Suzanne first.)

Thank you for all who brought in "Kroger" plastic bags.

Please keep them coming!

Thank You for your Support of this Ministry!

Worship In-Person at

Trinity Episcopal Church

115 North 6th Street

Hamilton, OH

Sunday, November 5th

All Saints' Sunday

Holy Eucharist Rite II - Music

in the Sanctuary

9:30 AM

Holy Eucharist Rite II - Music

in the Sanctuary

4:00 PM


Worship Online

Click Below to Join

on Facebook

Click here for Facebook Live

All Saints' Sunday

Sunday, November 5th

Morning Prayer – 9:30 AM


Mondays Thru Saturdays

A Word and A Prayer – 9:30 AM

Every Evening

Compline – 8:30 PM

All Saints' Sunday

November 5, 2023

Year A | RCL


Revelation 7:9-17

Psalm 34:1-10, 22

1 John 3:1-3

Matthew 5:1-12

Click on the Scripture to read along.

Collect: Almighty God, you have knit together your elect in one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of your Son Christ our Lord: Give us grace so to follow your blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living, that we may come to those ineffable joys that you have prepared for those who truly love you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.

This Week at Trinity

Wednesday, November 1

Parish Office Open -- 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Clothes Closet -- 10:00 AM to Noon – Basement

NA Meeting Wednesday -- 7:00 PM – Fellowship Hall

Thursday, November 2

NA Women’s Group -- 7:00 PM – Fellowship Hall

Friday, November 3

Parish Office Closed

AA Meeting Friday -- 8:30 PM – Fellowship Hall

Sunday, November 5 - All Saints' Sunday

Holy Eucharist Rite II - Music -- 9:30 AM – Sanctuary

Holy Eucharist Rite II - Music -- 4:00 PM – Sanctuary

Monday, November 6

Parish Office -- 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Clothes Closet -- 10:00 AM to Noon – Basement

Higher Power Discussion Meeting -- 7:00 PM – Fellowship Hall

Tuesday, November 7

Bible Study -- TBD

Wednesday, November 8

Parish Office Open -- 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Clothes Closet -- 10:00 AM to Noon – Basement

NA Meeting Wednesday -- 7:00 PM – Fellowship Hall

Thursday, November 9

NA Women’s Group -- 7:00 PM – Fellowship Hall

Friday, November 10

Parish Office Closed

AA Meeting Friday -- 8:30 PM – Fellowship Hall

Sunday, November 12 - Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Pentecost

Holy Eucharist Rite I - No Music -- 8:30 AM – Sanctuary

Holy Eucharist Rite II - Music -- 10:30 AM – Sanctuary


We encourage you to remember these people

on their special days!

If we don't have your birth or marriage dates,

please contact the office.


Clyde Waddell - 11/2

Rick Elliott - 11/4

Diane McClain - 11/12

Tim Tidwell - 11/15

Carl Bishop - 11/19

Karen Fuhrman - 11/22

Kim Jewett - 11/25


Steve & Terri Comer - 11/26/03

Ed & Marti Conaway - 11/29/14

Prayer List

If there is someone you would like

to include on or remove from the list,

please email the Parish Office at

[email protected]

Prayer requests for:

  • For Kim Collins, who has died, and her family in their grief
  • For Mother Suzanne, recovering from pneumonia
  • For Joyce, friend of Tony
  • Father Mike Pucke - prayers for his hip surgery on 10/3
  • Herm Lorance
  • For Tina Wilder, niece of Mary Jo (a customer in the Clothes Closet), who was diagnosed with stage-4 cancer.
  • For Sarah Tennent and her family on the sudden loss of Sarah's partner Craig Pollard, with whom she was expecting their second child in December. (Friends of Jeff Jordan's friend Vicki).
  • Deb Oskin for her upcoming hip surgery (Friend of Mother Suzanne)
  • For Linda Deish Chesher for recovery from a fall and a broken hip
  • Sarah Ruston and her son, Tom
  • For the Vanoss Family
  • Dave Bahlmann, brother of Mike Bahlmann
  • The Rev. Deacon LindaMae Watkins
  • Caitlin Bomar - wife of the Priest-in-Charge at Diane Line's church
  • Chrissy Rose
  • Mary Kay Kroner, friend of Jennifer Elliott
  • Nancy Compton, friend of Kathy Smith
  • Candra
  • Ginny Woods
  • Peggy Ziegler
  • For Jeff, Brother of Kim Jewett
  • For Mark and Nathaniel Smith, and for Lois
  • Ryan Moore, Terri Comer's son
  • Ken Huelsman
  • Susan Tarbuck
  • Tina Chandler - for her recovery
  • Marge and Dave Belew
  • Nella Hurst, friend of Mike and Sue Samoviski
  • Carol and family, Stephanie Nowak's best friend and her family
  • Casey Graff
  • Goldie, mother of Pat Combs
  • Steven Palmer
  • Barbara and Michael Clifton
  • Rita Stanton
  • Carl and Mary Bishop
  • Beth and Chuck Blaylock
  • Kevin and Conner Wolff. Kevin is Dean King's godson; Conner is Kevin's father
  • Joan King
  • Tom King
  • Tom Snow, brother of Linda Griffin
  • Tony Plunkett
  • Tim Tidwell
  • Haley, Anne Elberfeld’s daughter
  • Our Nation
  • Ed Wendell, friend of Diane Line
  • Gregg, friend of Diane Line
  • Wesley and Mary Kay
  • Bob, father-in-law of Diane Line and father of Chris Cheshire
  • Bruce, nephew of Pam Bates
  • Doug Ottke, friend of Ginny and Tom Woods
  • Nancy Blaylock, mother of Chuck and mother-in-law of Beth
  • Carol Paschal and her family
  • Lee and Debbie Schutte, friends of Ginny and Tom Woods
  • Bill, Amy, William and Jordan
  • Daniel Spring, great nephew of Joan and Dean King
  • The sister of Heather Komnenovich
  • Anne Cole
  • Janice Stratton, aunt of Michelle Anderson
  • John and Linda Diesh Chesher
  • Russ Thompson
  • Tom Wilson
  • Georgia Adams
  • Richard Issacs
  • Heather Komnenovich
  • Jim and Joann Miller, friends of Joan and Dean King
  • Stephanie Woods
  • James Noble
  • For Ukraine
  • For Peace
  • Sue and Ken Lawrence
  • Jackie Huelsman
  • Mac
  • For Jan and Bridgid Cornell
  • Carol Jones
  • Mary and Hannah Caskey
  • Leslie and Warren Grossklaus
  • Bill Thaman
  • Dennis Jerdey - cousin of Ginny Woods
  • Christy Brown
  • Bob Ross

Give your offering with Trinity's secure credit card/check draft link

You may use the button below or access the giving link via the website.
Click Online Giving in the menu and fill out the form.

You can donate one time or set up recurring credit card or checking account gifts. The site will generate a receipt after every gift. You have the option to cover the credit card processing fees (usually 2.5% of the transaction amount) or leave that check box blank. We also can take automatic withdrawals from your checking account.
Trinity's Online Giving Link

Post Office returns mail sent to 115 N. Sixth St.

We use the post office box because it is a reliable and safe way to receive our mail since the parish office is not open every day. The forwarding time has ended so please use the P.O. box address.


Trinity Episcopal Church

P.O. Box 851

Hamilton, OH 45012

Parish Office Hours

Mondays and Wednesdays - 9:oo a.m. to 3:oo p.m.

Messages checked weekdays.

Email checked daily.

On weekends, please call Mother Suzanne.

Mother Suzanne:

[email protected]

513-869-8694 or

Church phone number:


Church email:




Parish Leadership

TRINITY STAFF                                                                  VESTRY OFFICERS

  The Rev. Suzanne LeVesconte, Rector                                  Jennifer Elliott, Senior Warden

  Pam Bates, Sexton                                                    ......... Tom Woods, General Treasurer

Chrissy Rose Receptionist   ..............................................Jan Cornell, Investment Treasurer

  Jennifer Elliott, Music Director .............................................


Pat Combs, Terri Comer, Jan Cornell, Jennifer Gattermeyer, Linda Griffin,

Kim Jewett, Vicki Riddle, Vic Russo, Sarah Ruston

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