With the pandemic dramatically redefining the landscape for California manufacturers, the Economic Development Collaborative is committed to helping businesses survive, recover, and thrive as they navigate through the challenges. In partnership with CMTC’s California Manufacturing Network, the EDC’s Small Business Development Center provides direct support to manufacturers across Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.

EDC SBDC Business Advisors work with manufacturers to understand and address their specific needs, challenges and opportunities. CMTC services help transform manufacturing organizations into innovative, high performing, market driven and cost effective operations.

Interested in learning more about how to access these program benefits?
Get started today by calling the EDC’s Small Business Development Center
at 805.409.9159 (ENGLISH) or 805.309.5874 (SPANISH)


Strategies For Infectious Disease Prevention in Manufacturing 

December 2 @ 10:00 am

Past health crises have shown that once an outbreak is under control, we turn our attention to other concerns. This cycle of “panic-then-forget” must be broken so that we are better prepared for the next pandemic. Changing our habits now can have a dramatic effect on our collective health outcomes in the future. During this webinar, CMTC Senior Consultant Eliot Dratch will discuss infectious diseases such as H1N1, COVID-19, Norovirus, and influenza and explain the measures that employers should take now to protect their manufacturing workforce in the future. Additionally, CMTC Human Resources, Administration and Recruitment Senior Manager Jeri Summer will discuss the role of HR in infectious disease prevention in the workplace.

Key topics to be covered:
  1. Identification of transmission modes
  2. Common exposure points 
  3. Implementing physical barriers and Administrative modifications 
  4. Human Resources policies