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EDI E-Newsletter  

March 2013
March Highlights
Alan's Column
Seattle Rotary's Exclusive Offer
2013 Classes are in Session
Alumni on the Move
Volunteers Needed




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Navigation Class of 2013 


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EDI is a 501(c)(3) 
non-profit organization.
Tax Id #: 91-2166233

310-120th Avenue NE 
Suite A102
Bellevue, WA 98005


Alan's Column


Hello everyone, great and wonderful news this month. Check it out:


Hot of the press! EDI has been named " Community Agency of the year" by the International Examiner Newspaper.
EDI is kicking off it's ... Read More

Seattle Rotary's Exlusive Offer for EDI Participants and Alumni
 Calling all EDI Alumni and current participants. An exclusive offer has been made to you by the Seattle Rotary 4 for a *free trial membership for one year. 
Click hereto find out how you can get the membership.

2013 Classes Are In Session!
Our Kick-Off and Jumpstart sessions have been spectacular. Here's a quick glimpse of the events. If you would like to see more photos from the events click here. 
Participants from Asian & Hispanic Leadership Discovery Class and Leadership Navigation Class of 2013 at Kick-off 

Alumni on the Move  
Congratulations to EDI Alumni:  
Marvi Matos, Hispanic Leadership Discovery Class of 2012,  has been promoted to Engineering Management at The Boeing Company.

EDI empowered me to build my dream: To serve as an inspirational and technical leader by integrating ideas and technology to make the world a better place and by building platforms that help the youth realize their potential."

Sun Min Jung, Asian Leadership Discovery Class of 2012, The Boeing Company, has been awarded Most Promising Engineer of the year award at AAEOY



"As a recent EDI graduate, I am already seeing the value of EDI with concrete results and increased opportunities for my career"



Tai DanforthLeadership Navigation Class of 2012,  has been promoted to Chief Operating Officer at Western Energy Institute.


"Through the thoughtful design of the EDI Navigation experience, I made lifelong friends who helped us all become more insightful, effective, and prepared to take on the next challenge ahead. My takeaways from EDI are now, and will always be, a cornerstone of my approach to my career, role as a leader and member of my community.

Victor Mizumori ,  Class of 1995, Washington Federal , has been promoted to Senior Vice President.
If you have received a promotion/award or know of an Alumni who did, please email Rebecca at rebecca@ediorg.org

Volunteers Needed 
Click on the event that you are interested in volunteering for:

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