EDOLA News looking back at January 2019
Volume 13, Issue 1
Announcements from the Bishop's Office
Bishop's Lenten Book Study:
Autopsy of a Deceased Church
This Lent I will be studying the book Autopsy of a Deceased Church by Thom S. Rainer and I would like for you to consider reading along. The fourteen chapters detail congregations that have experienced a downward spiral and struggled with how to respond. In many ways, the book is not earth-shattering. Most of what you will encounter will be common sense but common sense that is being ignored because, frankly, we are arrogant. We think our church is different than those that have fallen by the wayside.
Sign up here to receive a weekly reflection starting Ash Wednesday. I will cover two chapters a week with the last reflection on the Wednesday of Holy Week.
During the season of Lent, I encourage all of our congregations to use Rainer's book as a teaching for small groups, Sunday School or vestry retreats. At the end of every chapter, there are questions to jump-start the conversation. I look forward to hearing about your encounter with Autopsy of a Deceased Church.
Upcoming Diocesan Events
Happening #82
Solomon Episcopal Conference Center, 54296 Highway 445, Loranger
Saturday, February 16, 2019 from 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Self-reflection: Stepping Stones Young Adult Retreat
Trinity Church, 3552 Morning Glory Ave, Baton Rouge
March 8-10
God is Love Silent Retreat
(Registration due: February 24)
Solomon Episcopal Conference Center, 54296 Highway 445, Loranger
Saturday, March 16 from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Serving & Preserving Our Environment: Education Field Day for the Diocese of Louisiana
St. George's Episcopal Church, 4600 St. Charles Ave, New Orleans
Keynote speaker: The Rt. Rev. Mark Andrus, Bishop of California
More information soon
March 22-24
Men's Retreat with the Rev. Scott Stoner from Living Compass
Solomon Episcopal Conference Center, 54296 Highway 445, Loranger
Call the Christ Church, Covington, office to register: 985-892-3177
News from The Episcopal Church
Top Headlines from the Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs
Here are the top headlines from the Episcopal Church Office Of Public Affairs. To view all press releases,
click here.
News from Around the Diocese
More news from around the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana can be found by
clicking here
Clergy Transitions
Caroline Carson was ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons on December 15 at Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans. She will return to complete her last semester of seminary at Sewanee School of Theology.
The Rev. Christopher Duncan was installed as rector of St. James, Baton Rouge, on January 16, 2019. [Photo by Jo Craddock, St. James, Baton Rouge]
The Rev. James "Don" Campbell died on December 20, 2018, at
the age of 93 at his home in Arkansas. He was the first Canon 9 priest to serve in the Diocese of Louisiana at Church of the Incarnation, Amite. He served there until his retirement in 2009. A memorial service was held on January 18, 2019.
The Rev. Seamus Doyle has resigned as priest-in-charge of St. John's, Kenner. He will continue to serve as supply priest in the diocese.
The Rev. Jerry Philips has been called as priest-in-charge of St. John's, Kenner. He is also serving as chaplain of St. James Place, Baton Rouge.
Assistance Needed for Coast Guard
St. Anna's, New Orleans
GIFT CARDS for the Coast Guard. St. Anna's Church is collecting gift cards to big box stores like Walmart or Target for distribution to our wonderful Coast Guard families that were impacted by the recent government shutdown. The USCG does so much for our coastal folk and river folk. Please send your cards or cash donation to St. Anna's Church noting the "Cards for Coast Guard" collection. St. Anna's is located at 1313 Esplanade Ave, New Orleans, LA 70116.
Senior High Youth Rally
Photo collage from the St. James EYC Instagram Page.
Youth in grades 9-12 from around the diocese gathered at the Solomon Episcopal Conference Center from January 11-13. The theme of Senior High Youth Rally was Encountering God Through Sight, Sound, Scent, Taste, and Touch.
College of Presbyters
Priests of the Diocese of Louisiana gathered at the Solomon Episcopal Conference Center for the annual College of Presbyters from January 7-9, 2019. The keynote speaker was
James Autry, author, poet, and business coach.
Celebrating Blessed Frances Joseph-Gaudet
On January 6, 2019, we celebrated the legacy of Blessed Frances Joseph-Gaudet,
an African American educator, social worker and prison reformer, honored as a saint in the Episcopal Church. The service was a collaborative effort between the Racial Reconciliation Commision of the Diocese of Louisiana, Historic St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Historic St. James A.M.E Church, and the Gaudet Legacy Committee. The preacher was the Rev. Jonathan Augustine, pastor of Historic St. James A.M.E Church. Music guests were Baba Luther Gray, Dr. Courtney Bryan, and Christina Vial Comer. St. Luke's is the home of the shrine of Blessed Frances Joseph-Gaudet. Videos from the service can be found here on Instagram.
Our Beautiful Conference Center
[Photo by the Rev. Tommy Dillon, St. Margaret's, Baton Rouge] The vestry of St. Margaret's recently held their vestry retreat at the Solomon Episcopal Conference Center. Fr. Tommy captured this beautiful view of the lake on a winter morning.
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana | 1623 Seventh St, New Orleans, LA 70115