EDOLA News looking back at June and July 2019
Volume 13, Issue 6
Announcements from the Bishop's Office
UTO Grant
We are pleased to announce we have received a UTO grant in the amount of $19,460 on behalf of St. Anna's Episcopal Church for a program called DAWN - Developing Adolescents for Workforce Navigation.
Congratulations to St. Anna's and the awesome work you are doing in shining God's light and love in the Treme neighborhood of New Orleans.
Upcoming Diocesan Events
August 2-4
Co-Ed Recovery Weekend
Solomon Episcopal Conference Center
August 16-18
Happening #83
Solomon Episcopal Conference Center
News from The Episcopal Church
Top Headlines from the Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs
Here are the top headlines from the Episcopal Church Office Of Public Affairs. To view all press releases,
click here.
Listen to the Way of Love Podcast with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
News from Around the Diocese
More news from around the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana can be found by
clicking here
Clergy Transitions
The Rev. Seamus Doyle has been called as permanent supply priest of St. Timothy's, Laplace, effective June 9.
The Rev. Marigold Brown is new deacon in our diocese and comes from the Diocese of the St. Thomas. She has been assigned by Bishop Thompson to serve at St. Luke's, New Orleans, effective July 7.
The Rev. Floyd Knox died on July 19 at the age of 93. A graveside funeral was held on July 25 at Alexandria #1 Baptist Cemetery, Oak Ridge, Louisiana. A Celebration of Life service will be held on Friday, August 2 at 11 a.m. at St. Augustine's, 12954 Joor Rd, Baton Rouge.
The Rev. Jerry Rogers died on July 19 at the age of 83. A funeral was held on July 24 at St. John's, Thibodaux.
Trinity Baton Rouge Collecting for South Texas Border
Trinity Episcopal Church in Baton Rouge is taking up a collection to be delivered to Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley (the organization that is partnering with Episcopal Migration Ministries in south Texas). Catholic Charities RGV operates the Humanitarian Respite Center to assist people seeking asylum who have been released into the US by immigration authorities at the bus terminal in McAllen, Texas. Trinity's Rector, the Rev. Sharon Alexander, grew up in the Rio Grande Valley and is very familiar with the humanitarian work CCRGV has been doing for many years. You may deliver the items requested by CCRGV to Trinity (3552 Morning Glory Ave in Baton Rouge) weekdays between 8:30 am and 2 pm until August 23. If you prefer to make a monetary donation please make checks out to Catholic Charities RGV and write Humanitarian Respite Center in the memo line. More information on Catholic Charities RGV and how to make donations can be found at
Items should be new or VERY gently used (shoes or clothes only). The items needed are:
* Toiletries for men and women (deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, combs, etc)
* Shoes (sandals, tennis shoes, loafers, etc) for men, women, children and infants of all sizes
* Clothes (pants, t-shirts, blouses, underclothing, etc) for children and adults of all sizes
* Baby supplies for toddlers (Pampers, baby wipes, baby bottles, etc.)
* Sealed snack food (granola bars, chips, peanut butter & cheese crackers, etc)
* Gift cards to purchase food items
* Phone cards
* Plastic bags for families to pack sandwiches, snacks, and water for their trip
For more information please contact Trinity at 225-387-0396 or send an email to
Showing Our Episcopal Love During the New Orleans Pride Parade
[Photograph by Kristen Wheeler, Christ Church, Slidell] On June 8, clergy and parishioners from across the Diocese of Louisiana marched in the New Orleans Pride Parade to show that God loves all and the Episcopal Church welcomes you. Our participation in the parade was organized by Inclusive Louisiana, the diocesan ministry to the LGBTQ community.
You can learn more about Inclusive Louisiana here.
Missional Voices Gathering in New Orleans
The Missional Voices Gathering was held June 13-15 at Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans.
The Missional Voices National Gatherings bring together church leaders, seminarians, church planters, entrepreneurs, artists, and everyday innovators to discuss innovative ministries and missional communities both within and outside of the traditional church context. The gathering featured a few local leaders including Deacon Elaine Clements who presented with the Episcopal Relief and Development Disaster US Disaster Program, Nicole Barnes of Jericho Road Episcopal Housing Initiative, and the Rev. Peggy Scott who spoke about prison ministry at the Louisiana State Penitentiary. During the closing Eucharist, the Rev. Canon Shannon Manning preached and the Rt. Rev. Morris K. Thompson celebrated.
You can learn more about Missional Voices here.
Flooding at Chapel of the Holy Spirit
All of our churches made it through Hurricane Barry without damage. However, during the torrential rain in New Orleans on July 10, the Chapel of the Holy Spirit flooded a couple of inches throughout the building. The building remains in operation while the cleanup and repair is underway.
Summer Clergy Gathering
On July 17, the clergy of the diocese gathered at St. Luke's, Baton Rouge, for a day of fellowship and education.
ECW Board Orientation at the Solomon Center
[Photograph by Sudee Campbell] Diocesan ECW President Jeanne Roques receives the gavel of her office from Past President Ann Ball during the ECW's Board Orientation meeting held at the Solomon Episcopal Conference Center June 26-27.
Scenes from VBS and Summer Camps in the Diocese
[Photographs from Facebook pages] Top Row: VBS at Grace Church, St. Francisville; Second Row: (right) Anna's Place NOLA Summer Program at St. Anna's, New Orleans; (left) Camp Able NOLA at St. Andrew's, New Orleans; Third Row: VBS at St. Francis, Denham Springs; VBS at St. Luke's, Baton Rouge; Fourth Row: CEEP at Christ Church, Covington; Fifth Row: TEEP at Trinity Church, New Orleans.
Banana Pudding Contest
[Photograph from the St. Margaret's, Baton Rouge, Facebook Page] On July 7, St. Margaret's held their first annual Banana Pudding Contest. Parishioners vied for the tastiest desert award judged by St. Margaret's Banana.
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana | 1623 Seventh St, New Orleans, LA 70115