EDOLA News | March 2020
Volume 14, Issue 3
Announcements from the Bishop's Office
Guidelines for the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

In recent days we have heard of concerns about the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). As it continues to spread, there are safeguarding practices we can do as a Church as we gather for worship.

We recommend the following guidelines offered by Episcopal Relief and Development. Read FAITH-BASED RESPONSE TO EPIDEMICS here


The disease is spread through respiratory drops.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you sneeze or cough.
  • Wash your hands after coughing, sneezing, handling diapers, preparing food or using the bathroom.
  • Stay home if you are feeling ill.

  • Do not to come to church or meetings if you feel ill
  • Wash hands with soap and water before services 
  • Communion: those who are ill should stay home; those who are concerned may abstain from communion or receive "in one kind" (host only); use of the common cup with proper purificator procedure presents relatively low risk; intinction should be avoided
  • Sharing of the Peace: waving is perfectly acceptable in place of shaking hands or hugging


If you are sick, stay home. Christ Church Cathedral has a live broadcast of their 10 a.m. Sunday service. You can listen to it on the radio at WGSO 990AM or online here:  


The WORLD Health Organization (WHO) offers more advice on ways to protect yourself. You can read the advice  here
Upcoming Diocesan Events

March 6-8
Men's Retreat
Solomon Episcopal Conference Center, 54296 Highway 445, Loranger
March 7 from 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Stepping Stones Retreat
St. Alban's Chapel
LSU Campus , Corner of Dalrymple Dr & Highland Rd, Baton Rouge
March 20-22
Happening #84
Solomon Episcopal Conference Center54296 Highway 445, Loranger

April 6 at 11 a.m.
Chrism Mass
Christ Church Cathedral
2919 St. Charles Ave, New Orleans
April 24-25
Inclusive Louisiana Retreat: Living the Way of Love
Solomon Episcopal Conference Center

Upcoming Bishop Visitations:  Click here for the schedule
Ministry Stories
Ministry Inspiration: The Episcopal Tree Planting Project

by the Rev. Robert Beazley, priest-in-charge, St. Michael's, Mandevillle

"As our backyards change and the progress of today drives us to focus on tomorrow, planting a tree slows us down and sets a placeholder in time. I hope your parish or parochial school will join in this project to plant trees on Episcopal sites throughout our diocese for the 50th Earth Day!"

Click here to read more about the Episcopal Tree Planting Project and what inspired Fr. Robert to start this ministry.
News from The Episcopal Church
Top Headlines from the Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs

Here are the top headlines from the Episcopal Church Office Of Public Affairs. To view all press releases,  click here.

Out and About in Februray
Clergy Transitions

Transitions Out of the Diocese

The Very Rev. Dr. Roman Roldan has accepted a call to serve as rector of St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church, Houston, Texas. He celebrated his last Sunday at Grace Church, St. Francisville, on March 1. He has served as rector of Grace Church for the past 11 years and as the dean of the Baton Rouge Deanery since 2016.
Senior High Youth Rally

[Photograph by Brother Todd van Alstyne] Senior High Youth Rally was held February 7-9 at the Solomon Episcopal Conference Center. The theme was Revive: be rejuvenated, refreshed, and reawakened to the love of Jesus.
Mardi Gras Around the Diocese

[Photographs from various Facebook pages] It was a joyful Mardi Gras in the Louisiana. Fun was had in all corners of the diocese.
Photo of the Month
Ashes to Go

[Photograph from the St. Anna's, New Orleans, Facebook Page] St. Anna's went to the highways and byways, the bars and the underpasses, and the stores to distribute ashes on Ash Wednesday to those who couldn't or wouldn't attend a traditional Ash Wednesday service. In this photo, parish administrator and seminarian Luigi Mandeli distributed ashes to an employee at Home Depot. 
More News on the EDoLA Blog:

The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana | 1623 Seventh St, New Orleans, LA 70115
(504) 895-6634 |  |