EDOLA News | November 2019
Volume 13, Issue 9
Announcements from the Bishop's Office
182nd Annual Convention Actions Recap

Click here to view Bishop's Thompson's address to the 182nd Annual Convention. He delivered the address during the Opening Eucharist on Friday, November 1 at Christ Episcopal School, Covington.
Click here  to view photographs from the 182nd Annual Convention.
Elected to Offices
Secretary of the Diocese
  • Marsha Wade (St. James, Baton Rouge)
Treasurer of the Diocese
  • Alan Brackett (Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans)
Standing Committee, Clerical
  • The Rev. Morgan MacIntire (Christ Church, Covington)
Standing Committee, Lay
  • Jennifer Johnson (Trinity Church, Baton Rouge)

Executive Board, Clerical
  • The Rev. Chris Golding (St. Luke's, Baton Rouge)

Executive Board, Lay
  • Nancy Hubbard
  • Tom Oliver

Disciplinary Board, Clerical
  • The Rev. Stephen Crawford (St. Mary's, Franklin)

Disciplinary Board, Lay
  • Dave Foster (St. Margaret's, Baton Rouge)
  • Ed Wallace (St. Martin's, Metairie)
Sewanee Board of Trustees
  • Christina Vial Comer (St. Andrew's, Paradis)

General Convention Deputy, Clerical
  • The Rev. Fred Devall (St. Martin's, Metairie)
  • The Very Rev. Richard Easterling (St. George's, New Orleans)
  • The Very Rev. A.J. Heinie (St. Augustine's, Metairie)
  • The Rev. Canon Shannon Manning (The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana)

General Convention Alternate Deputy, Clerical
  • 1st Alternate - The Rev. Liz- Embler Beazley (St. Paul's, New Orleans)
  • 2nd Alternate - The Rev. Tommy Dillon (St. Margaret's, Baton Rouge)
  • 3rd Alternate - The Rev. Gina Brewster-Jenkins (St. Paul's, New Orleans)
  • 4th Alternate - The Rev. Deacon Joey Clavijo (St. George's, New Orleans)

General Convention Deputy, Lay
  • Bailey Alexander (St. John's, Thibodaux)
  • Carolyne Harris (St. Luke's, New Orleans)
  • Dorothea Suthon (St. Augustine's, Metairie)
  • David Warrington (St. James, Baton Rouge)

General Convention Alternate Deputy, Lay
  • 1st Alternate - John Musser (Trinity Church, New Orleans)
  • 2nd Alternate - John Sykes (St. James, Baton Rouge)


One resolution was submitted from the floor of Convention and received a two-thirds majority of the members to be heard. Details of the resolution can be found below.

Resolution R1:  Full text here
Purpose: Care of immigrants detained in LA prisons
Referred to: Resolution Committee
Action: Passed

Save the Date for the 183rd Annual Convention

The 183rd Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana will be held October 23-24, 2020, at St. Martin's Episcopal School, Metairie.
Celebrating Bishop Thompson's 10th Anniversary as Bishop of the Diocese of Louisiana

During the 182nd Annual Convention, we celebrated the 10th anniversary of Bishop Thompson's consecration as Bishop of Louisiana. He was elected as diocesan bishop on December 9, 2009 and consecrated at Christ Church Cathedral on May 8, 2010.

The Rev. Canon Shannon Manning spoke these words about the occasion: "At your ordination, you vowed to encourage and support all baptized people in their  gifts and ministries, nourish them from the riches of God's grace, pray for them  without ceasing, and celebrate with them the sacraments of our redemption. You  have stepped fully into these vows and have fulfilled them faithfully. You have held  the tension of this great task that was laid on your shoulders. You have carried this  load. When leaven is added to the wheat, something entirely new emerges to sustain  and feed us. Wendell Berry said that we are perfected by one another's love,  compassion and forgiveness...indeed we are perfected by grace. The grace is in the  leaven and you have been that for us. As was stated in your ordination, you have  nourished us with God's grace."

Click here to read the full text of Canon Shannon Manning's speech and view a photo slideshow of Bishop Thompson 10 years as Bishop of Louisiana.
CMA Grant Recipients Announced at Convention

The 2019 CMA grant recipients were announced during the 182nd Annual Convention. As in past years, every ministry that made an application this year received a grant. The amount given this year totaled $8,000. The 2019 recipients of this year's Community Mission Appeal are as follows.
St. Augustine's, Metairie (Crossing Borders to Strengthen Faith)
Amount awarded: $500
St. Anna's, New Orleans (Anna's Place NOLA)
Amount awarded: $500
St. Michael's, Mandeville (Christian Formation in the 21st Century)
Amount awarded: $1,200
St. George's, New Orleans (Dragon Cafe Feeding Ministry)
Amount awarded: $1,300
St. Luke's, Baton Rouge (Blessing Bags for the Homeless)
Amount awarded: $1,500.
St. Matthew's, Houma (Bread or Stones)
Amount awarded: $1,500.
St. Mark's, Harvey (Food Pantry)
Amount awarded: $1,500
You can read more about each ministry and the grant selection process here.
Upcoming Diocesan Events

November 16
Stepping Stones Young Adult Retreat
St. Margaret's, 12663 Perkins Rd, Baton Rouge

Upcoming Bishop Visitations:  Click here for the schedule
Ministry Stories
Ministry Inspiration: Holy Hounds
by Kristen Wheeler, Christ Church, Slidell

"These moments may sound insignificant to some, but for many who need the attention and listening heart, a therapy dog can heal the soul. I find that people come to church for healing of all kinds, so why not have a furry companion there to remind us of the love that already exists. I hope that Holy Hounds catches on and spreads love across the Episcopal Church."

Click here to read the inspiration behind Holy Hounds and how the love of God can shine bright through a furry friend.
News from The Episcopal Church
Top Headlines from the Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs

Here are the top headlines from the Episcopal Church Office Of Public Affairs. To view all press releases,  click here.

Out and About in October
Clergy Transitions

The Rev. Sharon Alexander has been called to serve as canon to the ordinary of the Diocese of West Tennessee. Her last Sunday as rector of Trinity Church, Baton Rouge, will be November 17.
Episcopal School of Baton Rouge Names New Head of School

Episcopal School of Baton Rouge is pleased to announce that Carrie Steakley, Ed.D. has been named the new Head of School.

Carrie Steakley will become the fifth Head of School in Episcopal's 50 plus year history on July 1, 2020.  She will succeed the current Head of School, Hugh McIntosh, who announced in August 2018 his plans to step away from Episcopal. 

"On behalf of Episcopal's Board of Trustees, our students, parents, faculty, staff, alumni and friends, I am very pleased to welcome Carrie Steakley as our next Head of School," said Chris Kiesel, Chair of the Episcopal School of Baton Rouge's Board of Trustees.  "She brings incredible enthusiasm and commitment to Episcopal education.  Carrie will bring a vibrancy and energy to Episcopal that will excite everyone.  We are all very grateful to Hugh McIntosh for his outstanding service, dedication, and commitment during his 10 years as Head of School.  Under his leadership, Episcopal has grown and reached new milestones while always remaining focused on our mission and values.  I am confident that Carrie Steakley is the right choice to lead as our next Head of School based on her background, experience, and the very thorough search process that was undertaken to make this selection."

St. James Episcopal School Names New Head of School

St. James Episcopal Church and Day School is pleased to announce that Bridget Henderson has been named the new Head of School starting with the 2020-2021 school year.

Bridget Henderson has over 30 years of experience in public, private, and parochial schools spanning from Kindergarten to 12th grade. Currently, she is in her ninth year as Lower School Division Head at The Episcopal School of Baton Rouge. Since assuming the Division Head role, the lower school has seen marked growth in their academics including the addition of a PreK-3 program. Major areas of emphasis for Bridget during her time as a Division Head include improvements to curriculum, social/emotional learning, student
leadership development, spiritual growth, and safe learning environment creation. Bridget is known for establishing and maintaining strong lines of communication between parents, teachers, and administrators.

On behalf of St. James, I am excited to welcome Bridget Henderson as our next Head of School. The Search Committee and I believe her experience, commitment to Episcopal education, and positive energy will excite the entire community. I am grateful for each of the past Heads of School and the legacy they helped create. I also deeply appreciate the leadership Fr. Michael Kuhn continues to show in this season of transition as Interim Head of School. After a very extensive search process, I am confident that Bridget Henderson is the right person to lead our school into the future.

Bowling with the Bishop

Bishop Thompson had a blast bowling with the youth of the Diocese of Louisiana on October 4 at Rock 'n Bowl. 

St. Margaret's Receives Lilly Endowment 2019 National Clergy Renewal Program Grants

St. Margaret's Episcopal Church has received a grant of nearly $50,000 to enable its rector, the Rev. Tommy J Dillon II, to participate in the 2019 National Clergy Renewal Program. St. Margaret's is one of 150 congregations across the United States, and the only congregation in Louisiana, selected to participate in this competitive grant program, which is funded by Lilly Endowment Inc. and administered by Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis. Established by the Endowment in 2000, the program's grants allow Christian congregations to support their pastors with the gift of extended time away from their ministerial duties and responsibilities.

As part of his sabbatical from May 1-July 31, 2020, Father Dillon will travel to Mexico, San Francisco and Spain for relaxation, study and prayer. He will visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, the magnificent ruins of the civilization of Teotihuacá, Grace Cathedral and natural wonders in San Francisco, sites in and around Barcelona and finishing at the famous statue of the "Black Madonna" on the sacred mount of Montserrat. During his travels, he will be joined by clergy colleagues, friends and family and will pursue spiritual direction, Spanish enrichment and discernment.

Upon returning to St. Margaret's, the congregation will join Father Dillon in marking their sacred journey together with a symbolic pilgrimage around the grounds of St. Margaret's to mark the Feast of St. Mary the Godbearer, led by the Right Rev. Morris Thompson, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of
Louisiana on August 16. During Father Dillon's sabbatical, pastoral oversight of St. Margaret's will be provided by the Very Rev. Ron Clingenpeel, a longtime friend of both the parish and the rector.

St. Margaret's applied for the Clergy Renewal Program with the complete support of the vestry (governing body) and the bishop.

Pumpkin Patches in the Diocese of Louisiana

[Photograph by Karen Mackey, Diocese of Louisiana] It was another great year for pumpkin patches in the Diocese of Louisiana. Pictured is the St. Andrew's Pumpkin Patch in New Orleans.
Photo of the Month

[Photo by Blake Burns, Christ Church, Covington] On Sunday, October 27, Christ Church, Covington, lost electricity during Tropical Storm Olga, but that did not stop the light of Christ from shining bright.
More News on the EDoLA Blog:

The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana | 1623 Seventh St, New Orleans, LA 70115
(504) 895-6634 |  |