EDPMA Membership Newsletter 
October 2019
October 2019 Articles:
  1. Join Us at EDPMA's December Workshop In Las Vegas
  2. Sponsorship Opportunities Available for EDPMA's December Workshop
  3. Would You Like to Serve on the EDPMA Board of Directors?
  4. EDPMA's Cocktail Party at ACEP Scientific Assembly
  5. Remember All of the Fun at EDPMA's Solutions Summit
  6. Would You Help Us Grow Our Membership?
  7. New Member Spotlight: Sound Physicians
  8. Join an EDPMA Committee!
  9. Urgent Matters Blog and More
  10. CMS News and Updates
  11. Save the Date: 2020 Solutions Summit

Join Us at  EDPMA's December  Workshop In Las Vegas
RCM Updates: New Models, New Revenue, New Tools 
Don't gamble on your business. Join us at the next EDPMA Workshop in Vegas and learn the latest from the experts in the business of emergency medicine.

What:   Tentative Agenda:  
  • 2020 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule due out in November;
  • Legislative Update, including out-of-network reimbursement and balance billing;
  • Regulatory Update, including MIPS and the Triage, Treat, and Transport Payment Model;
  • Opiates, including clinical and reimbursement success stories;
  • Reimbursement for behavioral health: observation codes, telepsychiatry, outpatient psychiatric ED services;
  • Clinical issues around behavioral health;
  • Alternative Revenue Models; and
  • Much More!
When: December 4-5, 2019 (Wednesday and Thursday)

Where: Tuscany Suites and Casino
              Las Vegas, NV

EDPMA has a limited number of rooms in the EDPMA block for those who have registered. The block rate is only $54/night (this does not include the resort fee). The block will close when it is full or November 4, whichever comes first. You must register for the workshop before registering for hotel rooms in the EDPMA block.

Registration Pricing:

Early Bird Rates
Through: 11/4/19
Regular Rates 11/5/19 - Day of the Workshop
Member Rates

We Look Forward To Seeing You in Las Vegas!

Sponsorship Opportunities Available for 
EDPMA's December Workshop

Enhance your presence at EDPMA's upcoming workshop in Las Vegas, NV, December 4-5, 2019, by sponsoring of one of the available items below.

Lunch - $2,000 (Two Available) Includes One Registration; Napkins and Company Sign with your logo; and Either  One Ad in EDPMA's Membership Newsletter and One 8.5 x 11" Ad at Registration or, if available, one exhibit table.

Breaks - $1,500 (Two Available) Includes Napkins and Company Sign with your logo; and Either One Ad in EDPMA's Membership Newsletter and One 8.5 x 11" Ad at Registration or ,if available, one exhibit table. (If both breaks are purchased for $2500, the sponsorship will also include One Registration.)

Door Prize Sponsorship #1 - $1000 includes sponsorship and announcement of door prize of Solution Summit Registration (value over $1000).

Door Prize Sponsorship #2 - $1000 includes sponsorship and announcement of winners of door prizes worth $500.

In order to sponsor, please complete and return the sponsorship form available here .

Thank you to our current sponsors!

Evening Reception :



Would You Like to Serve on the EDPMA
Board of Directors?

In early 2020, the Designated Company Contact for each member organization will have the opportunity to vote for the EDPMA Board Members who will serve on the Board from 2020-2022. The EDPMA Board has a staggered membership with two-year terms. In 2019,  13 of the 19 Board Seats will be open. The organizations that currently hold these seats may run for reelection.

Soon, you will receive nominating materials. In the meantime, please think about nominating your organization or others who would make a great addition to the EDPMA Board of Directors. Please note, the organization - not the individual - holds the seat on the Board. However, nominating materials also ask for information on the individual who will represent the organization on the Board.

Calendar for EDPMA Board Elections:
  • In December, nomination materials will be sent electronically.
  • In January, nominations will be accepted for a specified time period.
  • In February, the election will take place. Only the Designated Company Contact will be able to vote.
  • Voting results will be announced prior to the 2020 Solutions Summit.
The current Board is listed below. Board seats that will be open in the 2020 election are marked with an asterisk.

Executive Committee:
Vituity: Bing Pao, MD, FACEP, Chair
*BSA Healthcare: Jeffrey Bettinger, MD, FACEP, Vice Chair
*Brault: Andrea Brault, MD, MMM, FACEP, Immediate Past-Chair
Emergency Care Specialists: Don Powell, DO, FACEP, Chair-Elect
*R1: Jackie Willett, CHBME, Treasurer
*TeamHealth: Aron Goldfeld, JD, MBA, At Large
EPOWERdoc, Inc.: David Ernst, MD, FACEP, At Large
St. Vincent Emergency Physicians: William Freudenthal, MD, FACEP, At Large
Zotec Partners: Ed Gaines, JD, At Large

Other Board Members:
*Acute Care, Inc.: Paul Hudson, MBA, MHA, FACHE
*CIPROMS Medical Billing, Inc.: Andrea Halpern Bryan
*Edelberg & Associates: Caral Edelberg, CPC, CPMA, CCS-P, CHC, CAC
*Envision Healthcare: Bob Kneeley
*Gottlieb: Shanna Howe
*Medical Coding Solutions: Mark E. Owen
*Reimbursement Technologies, Inc.: Gary Gelbart, MBA
Rev4ward, LLC.: Juli Forde
*SCP Health: Randy Pilgrim, MD, FACEP
*US Acute Care Solutions: L. Anthony Cirillo, MD, FACEP

EDPMA's Cocktail Party at   ACEP Scientific Assembly 
Join fellow  EDPMA  members in Denver, CO, during the ACEP Scientific Assembly!  Enjoy cocktails, appetizers, friends, and a fun night of networking.  Also, EDPMA is exhibiting, so please stop by booth   #1113  to say hello and pick up either an EDPMA Quartet USB Hub or Rescue Beads Hot/Cold Pack compress.  A map of the reception location is available here.  

Due to scheduling needs, ACEP had to change EDPMA's original reception room assignment. The invitation below lists the updated room assignment.  Please update your personal calendars as needed to reflect this change.   You may need to select the image below to download your invitation. 


Remember All of the Fun at EDPMA's Solutions Summit

Enjoy the video below!  Don't forget to join us next year with the leaders in the business of emeegency medicine.  About 80% of EDPMA attendees are C-Suite or managers.  This is THE event for high-level networking:  

EDPMA Solutions Summit 2019

Would You Help Us Grow Our Membership?

We appreciate your membership in EDPMA. We have a request --> would you help us grow our membership?  More members would mean more financial resources for more federal and state advocacy, help with problematic commercial payers, networking events, and education.  We represent the business of emergency medicine, so please send the names of your business partners, clients, and friends, including emergency physician groups, RCM/billing and coding companies, scribes, lawyers, management companies, companies providing data analytics or financial software, and more.

Please send your referrals to Joanne Tanner, Membership Coordinator at 
JTanner@edpma.org), and include the company/group name, contact name (including email and telephone, if possible), city and state information. And, if it's a personal connection, let us know if we can use your name. Of course, let us know if you have any questions!

PLUS, if one of your referrals ultimately joins, you may qualify for a discount on your 2020 dues!

Thank you very much for your help!
New Member Spotlight:  Sound Physicians  

Sound Physicians is a physician-founded and led organization providing services across the acute episode of care - through emergency medicine, critical care, hospital medicine, telemedicine and physician advisory services. Sound Physicians entered emergency medicine in 2016. Sound Physicians has grown steadily and now serves 28 emergency departments across the country. For more information about Sound Physicians, please click here .

Excerpts from a conversation with Janet Carr, BSME, MBA, Senior Vice President of Emergency Medicine

Janet Carr is an engineer by education and training and worked in manufacturing for over 15 years before moving into healthcare. As Janet said, "the transition from manufacturing to healthcare operations was not a big leap as both focus on the people, processes and technology organized to serve all stakeholders." Janet not only worked in manufacturing for many years but also was a principal in a small consulting firm and worked for a major ED physician group before joining Sound Physicians in 2017.

Ms. Carr decided to recommend that Sound join EDPMA after attending the Solutions Summit for a couple of years. Janet said she found the content to be consistently excellent, relevant to the current issues in emergency medicine and actionable. Plus, Janet highlighted that exposure to experts in emergency medicine has also proved to be valuable.

Janet explained that she sees the key challenges and opportunities in emergency medicine around the issues of uncertainty and big potential changes. This relates to possible changes in insurance and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as well as out-of-network billing legislation. These are areas of concern for the company and for the industry. Sound Physicians, through their membership with EDPMA, wants to be aligned with EDPMA on advocacy issues and leadership to benefit the specialty, its patients and providers. Janet sees strength in being associated with EDPMA. Ms. Carr and the Sound team recognize that EDPMA brings high-quality information to its members that keep the group up-to-date. With the action alerts and summaries of legislative issues (in the Advocacy Newsletter), Sound sees EDPMA membership as a cost-effective method of staying "in the know" and identifying key areas for follow-up advocacy or other action items.

Lastly, Ms. Carr said that she and her team plan to attend the 2020 Solutions Summit (May 3-6, Nashville). In particular, Janet said that she found Committee Day, usually the day before the conference begins, to be particularly useful. Janet is now looking at joining one or more Committees to increase Sound's involvement in and benefits from their membership in EDPMA.

Join an EDPMA Committee! 
We encourage you to join an EDPMA committee.  The real work at EDPMA is done at the committee level. Committee members work together in a variety of ways including:
  • discussing the impact of the ACA, its possible repeal, and changes to Medicaid that impact ED practice groups,
  • organizing meetings with CMS officials on provider enrollment,
  • drafting letters to state-level policymakers on balance billing,
  • identifying speakers on ED best practices,
  • meeting with commercial payers about problematic down-coding policies,
  • developing a toolbox to help survive an audit,
  • preparing for Medicare reimbursement under the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System, and
  • building strong business relationships.
Experts work side-by-side with newcomers, new leaders shine, and everyone's contribution is greatly appreciated.  Many members report that insight shared on committee conference calls is one of the most important and unique benefits of their EDPMA membership. We invite you to join one of EDPMA's committees. Information about each committee is available here.  (Don't be shy: if you want, you can just listen in.)
Urgent Matters Blog and More  

EDPMA is a member of the Urgent Matters Editorial Board and contributes webinars and other educational material to this important collaborative group.  As a member of EDPMA, you can access these resources for free.  You can access the blog, podcasts and more through the links below:  


CMS News and Updates

Quality Payment Program: MIPS Dates and Deadlines

Important Merit-based Incentive Payment (MIPS) dates and deadlines:
  • December 31 - 2019 Promoting Interoperability Hardship Exception and Extreme and Uncontrollable Circumstances Applications deadline
  • December 31 - 2020 virtual group election period closes
  • January 2 - 2019 MIPS performance period data submission window opens
  • March 31 - 2019 MIPS performance period data submission window closes
For More Information:

MIPS: Virtual Group Election Period Open Through December 31

To form a virtual group for the 2020 Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) performance year, you must follow an election process and submit your election to CMS via email by December 31.

For More Information:

Qualified Medicare Beneficiary Billing Requirements

Are you in compliance with Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) billing requirements? People with Medicare who are in the QMB program are also enrolled in Medicaid and get help with their Medicare premiums and cost-sharing. Medicare providers may not bill people in the QMB program for Medicare deductibles, coinsurance, or copays, but state Medicaid programs may pay for those costs. Providers who inappropriately bill individuals enrolled in QMB are subject to sanctions.

Establish processes to routinely identify the QMB status of Medicare beneficiaries prior to billing for items and services:
States require providers to enroll in their Medicaid systems for claim review, adjudication, processing, and issuance of Medicaid RAs for payment of Medicare cost-sharing.  Check with the states where your beneficiaries reside to determine the enrollment requirements.

Correct billing problems that occur. If you erroneously bill individuals enrolled in the QMB program, recall the charges (including referrals to collection agencies), and refund the invalid charges they paid.

For More Information:
Quality Payment Program: 2019 APM Incentive Payment Fact Sheet

Starting in September, clinicians who were qualifying Alternative Payment Model (APM) participants based on their 2017 performance will begin receiving 5% APM incentive payments. CMS posted a new  2019 APM Incentive Payment Fact Sheet  to explain:
  • Who is eligible to receive an APM incentive payment in 2019
  • How CMS determines your payment
  • Answers to frequently asked questions
For More Information:
  • APMs webpage
  • Contact the Quality Payment Program at 866-288-8292 (TTY 877-715-6222) or QPP@cms.hhs.gov
Billing Information for Rural Providers and Suppliers - Revised

A revised  Billing Information for Rural Providers and Suppliers  Medicare Learning Network Booklet is available. Learn about:
  • Critical access hospitals, federally qualified health centers, home health agencies, rural health clinics, skilled nursing facilities, and swing beds
  • Regional Office Rural Health Coordinators

Save the Date: 2020 Solutions Summit 

Don't miss Solutions Summit next year!  EDPMA looks forward to seeing all of you in Nashville, TN, May 3-6, 2020.