EDPMA Membership Newsletter 
September 2015
September Articles: 
  1. Join Us at EDPMA's Membership Reception at ACEP Scientific Assembly 
  2. Webinar Tomorrow: Improving Sepsis Care in the Emergency Department
  3. Informal Review Process for PQRS 
  4. Ten Days Until the ICD-10 Transition:  CMS Resources Available 
  5. Urgent Matters Special Event on Increasing Value in the ED
  6. Participate in the EM Day of Service in September
  7. EDPMA New Member Spotlight
  8. Save the Date: Solutions Summit 2016
  9. EDPMA Committee Highlights

Join Us at EDPMA's Membership Reception at  
ACEP Scientific Assembly

J oin fellow EDPMA members in Boston during the ACEP Scientific Assembly!  Enjoy cocktails, appetizers, friends, and a fun night of networking.  Also, EDPMA is exhibiting, so please stop by booth  #610  to say hello and pick up a tech pocket for your cell phone.  You may need to select the image below in order to view it.

We look forward to seeing you in a few weeks in Boston at the 2015 ACEP Scientific Assembly!

Webinar Tomorrow: Improving Sepsis Care in the Emergency Department

Register today for the Urgent Matters webinar entitled " Improving Sepsis Care in the Emergency Department" scheduled for tomorrow,  Tuesday,  September 22, at  1:00pm ET EDPMA is a member of the Urgent Matters Editorial Board and contributes webinars, newsletter articles, and other educational material to this important collaborative group.   As a member of EDPMA, you can access Urgent Matters webinars and newsletters for free.  

Nearly 50% of all hospital deaths are linked to sepsis and infections account for one-quarter of all hospital charges. Early identification and treatment are critical for positive patient outcomes. This webinar will explore treatment and management of sepsis in the emergency department. This program will also highlight new and innovate approaches for sepsis treatment and management, describe successful treatments, and share evidence-based practices. Participants will also have an opportunity to discuss the impact of new federal and state regulations on current practices.  1 credit of CME will be available

FeaturingDr. Gaieski , Associate Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the Thomas Jefferson University's Sidney Kimmel School of Medicine in Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Gaieski is the Vice Chair for Resuscitation Services and Director of Emergency Critical Care, overseeing the sepsis and cardiac arrest programs in Jefferson's Emergency Departments. 

Informal Review Process for PQRS
In 2016, CMS will apply a negative assessment to providers who did not satisfactorily report on the Physician Quality Reporting System in 2014.  If you believe you or your group has been incorrectly assessed the negative adjustment, please note the following announcement from CMS:

"EPs, CPC practice sites, PQRS group practices, and ACOs that believe they have been incorrectly assessed the 2016 PQRS negative payment adjustment may submit an informal review between September 9, 2015 and November 9, 2015 requesting CMS investigate incentive eligibility and/or payment adjustment determination. All informal review requestors will be contacted via email of a final decision by CMS within 90 days of the original request for an informal review. All decisions will be final and there will be no further review or appeal

All informal review requests must be submitted electronically via the Quality Reporting Communication Support Page (CSP) which will be available September 9, 2015 through November 9, 2015  under the Related Links section of the  Physician and Other Health Care Professionals Quality Reporting Portal

Please see How to Request an Informal Review of 2014 PQRS Incentive Eligibility and 2016 PQRS Negative Payment Adjustment (available soon on the Analysis and Payment section of the PQRS website) for more information. 

For additional questions regarding the informal review process, contact the Quality. Net Help Desk at 1-866-288-8912 (TTY 1-877-715-6222) or Qnetsupport@hcquis.org  Monday-Friday from  7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.  Central Time. To avoid security violations, do not include personal identifying information, such as Social Security Number or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), in e-mail inquiries to the QualityNet Help Desk."

Ten Days Until the ICD-10 Transition: 
Resources Available

The transition to ICD-10 is only ten days away!  Last week, CMS reminded providers that it has made many ICD-10 resources available including the following:
ICD-10 requires certain documentation.  CMS released the following Clinical Concept Guides.  


Visit the CMS ICD-10 website and Roadto10.org for the latest news and resources to help you prepare, including the ICD-10 Quick Start Guide. Sign up for CMS ICD-10 Email Updates. 

Urgent Matters Special Event on 
Increasing  Value in the ED 

EDPMA is a member of the Urgent Matters Editorial Board and contributes webinars, newsletter articles, and other educational material to this important collaborative group.  As an EDPMA member, we encourage all of you attending the ACEP Scientific Assembly in Boston, MA, to register for the Urgent Matters special pre-conference event called "Increasing Value in the Emergency Department: Innovations to Improve Cost and Quality." 


Date:   Sunday, October 25
12:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Cost:    $89 ACEP Members
$139 Non-Members
$69 Residents


This special session will focus on alternative payment models and how they will change how physicians and hospitals are reimbursed. Will emergency medicine be a key player in the value discussion? Come to this special pre-conference event to find out. The speakers will highlight innovations dedicated to increasing the value of emergency care and improving delivery systems. You'll be able to learn from expert faculty on how to develop, assess, and implement interventions that improve patient outcomes and the hospital's bottom line.  More about this program and speakers for this special pre-conference event is available here.   

Participate in the EM Day of Service in September

EDPMA invites you to take part in the EM Day of Service sponsored by the Emergency Medicine Residents' Association (EMRA) and the Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors (CORD).   The  EM Day of Service  is a specialty-driven event where emergency care providers identify community needs and volunteer to address those needs. 
Who should join the movement?
While driven by EM residents and medical students, all emergency healthcare providers are invited to participate! Emergency physicians, PA's nurses, paramedics and others involved in the emergency care of patients are invited to volunteer in communities across the country. 
What should we do and where?  
Volunteer in your own community. Decide where the needs are greatest and go into action! Here are some ideas to get you started:  
  • Host a food drive
  • Help with a construction project (build, paint, remodel) for a community building or a family in need
  • Provide health screen checks at local health fairs
  • Pick up trash in a neighborhood or clean up along a stretch of highway
  • Prepare and serve meals at your local shelter
  • Prepare food for a food delivery service that aids the disabled, severely ill or elderly
  • Visit nursing home residents. Read, play music, participate in their events, lead some fun activities 
  • Mow or rake lawns for the elderly or disabled 
  • Clean up a local park or community gathering spot 
  • Help with projects at a local shelter, anything from helping with construction to discussing health issues 
When is the EM Day of Service? 
  • Pick a day - any day or several days - in September every year! Plan your service time anytime between September 1 and September 30. 
  • By choosing several days during the month, this will help you manage a staff's clinical hours and volunteer hours. Perhaps some will work while others volunteer and vice-versa. It's up to you to determine the most efficient scheduling of your volunteer project. 
How to participate? 

EDPMA New Member Spotlight

Partners in Improvement, LLC helps emergency medicine leaders with high level reviews of strategy and competition, new ideas for practice management, personnel issues, and tactical advice on IT, billing and coding. They offer expertise across a diverse range of skills including operations, executive coaching, and project management. Not only does Partners in Improvement perform assessments, they assist in implementing all recommendations and have a practice of sharing risk (i.e. consulting fees) to achieve agreed upon metric improvement.  Please visit http://partnersinimprovement.co/ to learn more about Partners In Improvement's services.

Excerpts from a conversation with Dan Kirkpatrick, Founder and Owner, Partners in Improvement:

My career in healthcare consulting started in a circuitous way through a big accounting firm where I worked in their healthcare division. Since then I have kept my toes in the field through personal consulting because I enjoyed it. Years later, the physician group I worked for went through a merger. It was then that I decided it was time to go independent. The name for my business actually came from a client!

I had attended EDPMA's Solutions Summit five or six years ago in Las Vegas and connected with a number of members. We kept in touch over the years so I was able to keep up with EDPMA activities. After formally launching Partners in Improvement, I reviewed multiple associations to determine which to join. EDPMA made the cut because it is more aligned with my consultancy and practice management. The association keeps a pulse on events affecting the industry such as reimbursement, licensures and freestanding emergency centers. They then share that information through EDPMA newsletters and news alerts.

At this year's conference, I sat in on two committee sessions. It was good to see the cordial relationship among peers. I've noticed that this willingness to support and help others in the industry is more visible than at other organizations. There is a receptiveness to being available and inclination to share information.

One of the challenges for independent groups is having to more urgently meet the financial equation of its members. They are struggling to staff their contracts. The hospitals also want their ED partners to be more involved with issues such as readmissions, patient flow and home health. And changes in reimbursement mean the way groups made money in the past is going to change as different risk sharing models surface. The history and experience of EDPMA members are a valuable resource. They are experimenting with various models of organization and payment to help sort out what works and what does not.

Save the Date: Solutions Summit 2016

Don't miss Solutions Summit next year!  EDPMA looks forward to seeing all of you in Las Vegas, NV, May 1-4, at Caesar's Palace.

EDPMA Solutions Summit Video
EDPMA Solutions Summit Video

E DPMA Committee Highlights 
Join an EDPMA Committee:
The real work at EDPMA is done at the committee level. Committee members work together in a variety of ways including:
  • discussing the impact of the Affordable Care Act on ED practice groups,
  • organizing meetings with CMS officials on provider enrollment,
  • drafting letters to state policymakers on balance billing,
  • identifying speakers on ED best practices,
  • developing a toolbox to help survive an audit,
  • preparing for value-based reimbursement, and
  • building strong business relationships.
Experts work side-by-side with newcomers, new leaders shine, and everyone's contribution is greatly appreciated.  Many members report that insight shared on committee conference calls is one of the most important and unique benefits of their EDPMA membership.  
We invite you to join one of EDPMA's committees.  Information about each committee is available here.
Membership Committee Update:
EDPMA wants to ensure that you are taking full advantage of your membership benefits.  We encourage you to watch this video and share it with your business partners and others who might be interested in joining this association. The video is available below and on our website at  www.edpma.org .