Rob Foley: Can you speak to how much more efficient an induction range is compared to a resistance range?
Jim Meyers: Redwood Energy in California has a few case studies on existing homes with 100 amp panel service that is now all-electric. According to popular mechanics, around 90% of the electricity consumed by an induction stove is used for cooking food. There is no heat energy escaping into the atmosphere. On average, an electrical cooktop uses 320 watt-hours of electricity to boil 2 liters of water compared to 225-watt hours for an induction cooktop.
Eric Wilson: Resistance cooktop EF = 0.74; induction cooktop EF = 0.84; so 13% more efficient.
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EV Charging
Rob Foley: I am about to take delivery on my F-150 Lightning (Whoo Hoo!) I expect it to more than DOUBLE my electricity usage and Load (kW Draw). It will require a 100 AMP circuit for the charger. IF every one of my neighbors also got one (our goal here!) that is a huge increase in the load on the grid. Clearly, there are a lot of infrastructures that need to be added as we move forward.
Jim Meyers: Rob, per Ford website: The Mobile Power Cord, capable of 30 Amps (A) charging on a 240V and 120V outlet, comes standard with all F-150 Lightning models. Also, Ford is NOT at the table helping to develop building codes. Tesla is at the table. Based on activity in California CALGreen, and the 2024 IECC the standard outlet for installing a charger will be a 40amp outlet.
Shawn (Mitsubishi): Rob, that’s a lot of juice. I can charge my Tesla Y 300 miles overnight on a 30A circuit, subordinate to my electric dryer. that needs to be added as we move forward.
Scott Milne: I sell EV Stations I hear all of the time that EV cars are more Polutive than Regular because of the Coal used from the grid. I understand that Xcel dumps a ton of nighttime unused wind energy. EV cars often charge at night. Is there extra ample nighttime energy that EV cars will use?
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Bill Green-RMH: What is the plan for major electrification of downtown Denver? We have studied several major buildings downtown and electric service upgrades will be significant. Is Xcel planning major substation and distribution upgrades and how long will those take?
Mark Schoenheider-Xcel Energy: Scott - Great Question - Yes, Xcel does have hours where we curtail renewable production because we have excess generation on the grid. We offer managed-to-charge programs that encourage customers to charge their EV during these times, reducing the amount of renewable generation that is curtailed.
Shawn (Mitsubishi): The Manual J mentions are correct but not ver simplified. I see cooling loads around 2/3 of heating loads. This is due to air leakage, solar heat gain, and internal heat gains. My 2.5-ton heat pump can heat my house. This replaced a lower efficiency 2.5-ton AC. I upgraded my insulation, air sealing, and windows to drop my loads. I stopped using my 80% 80 kBTU furnace.
Jim Meyers: Has the Colorado Energy Office published the application for the Energy Code Board?
Bill Green-RMH: Erin Kempster, that heat pump efficiency study was mentioned in the ASHRAE/NYSERDA heat pump Seminar #8, Heat Pump System Efficiency, Slide #40. It's very technical presentation but has very interesting results. Presentation Link
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Colorado Energy Office is soliciting applications for members to the “Energy Code Advisory Board” Contact Howard Geller or Patricia Rothwell. The Advisory Board will create the language for the required low-energy, carbon code.