W Encourager Header  
Welcome to EFC-ER's Weekly Encourager. We trust that this will become a bright spot each week in your emails. The purpose of the Weekly Encourager is to provide up-to-date information about region-wide events, prayer requests, and helpful resources from the local churches. 
Note: There will not be a Weekly Encourager next week since the EFC-ER staff will be out for the EFC-NA Regional Staff Gathering. 
Pastors, Ministry Staff and their spouses are invited to the Mini Conferences scheduled for Dec. 1 (Wooster, OH) and Dec. 3 (South Hill, VA).
Brochures have been mailed to pastors and ministry staff
 or check out the website for more information. 
Upcoming Events:
* November 8 
- Virginia District Rally
at 4:45pm at Portsmouth Friends Church in Portsmouth, VA.
* November 13-15  
- Youth Explosion
at Friends Church, Willoughby Hills. To download materials and other details, visit www.youthexplosioncleveland.com. 
* December 1 
- Northern Pastors Mini Conference
at Church of the Savior in Wooster, Ohio. Featuring Mike Clifford from the Apprentice Institute and Pastor Alex Feldman from West Park Friends. 
Check the website for details.
* December 3 
- Southern Pastors Mini Conference
at Brian's Steak House in South Hill, VA. Featuring Mike Clifford from the Apprentice Institute and Pastor Mike Barnes from VA Beach Providence Friends. 
Check the website for details.
Celebrating Stories with Friends! 

Orange Road Friends worked with the Stop Hunger Now organization to package 30,000+ meals in one night. They said it was a great time serving Jesus and feeding those in need! 

Keeping Prayer a High Priority
We trust that every church is sharing these prayer requests within their local prayer community. Here are this week's requests: 

1 -  The EFC-NA (Evangelical Friends Church - North America) leadership  (including Dr. Wayne Evans and additional EFC-ER staff and leadership) will be meeting in California this Tuesday, November 3rd through Monday, November 9th. Please keep these leaders in your prayers as they continue the process of discerning the purposes and vision for EFC-NA.
2 - Please lift up Pastor Richard (Aleta) Jones' father-in-law who had emergency heart surgery to put a stint in on Tuesday night. 
2015 WMF Women's Retreats
On two separate weekends, women across Eastern Region gathered for
the 40th celebration of the Women's Missionary Fellowship (WMF)
Retreats. We have two ladies that have attended EVERY retreat, Martha
Wertz (right) and Peggy Kuntz (left) pictured below.

In addition to fun and fellowship around bonfires, in gathering rooms, and outside in God's creation, our speaker, Jennifer Shaw, shared wonderful music and study on the book of Esther. We heard stories from our missionary, Shobha Massey, of how the Lord is working in India.

Special Note: The outline from Jennifer's study, For Such a Time as This: A Study on the Book of Esther, will be available on the website.
Missions Updates
After time in many of our churches, Roy reported, "It has been a remarkable month of visiting the people of God in our Friends Churches in Ohio, North Carolina, and Virginia. I am so thankful for the hospitality and care I received from God's people here." 

Thanks to those of you who invited and welcomed Roy into your churches, homes, and small groups. He appreciated your warmth and genuine interest in his ministry.

Edwin and Maria Giron (Mexico) will be available to speak in Ohio on Sunday evening, Nov. 22nd. Check out the Giron's ministry in Mexico here

Ladies, Cindy Aufrance is available to speak in June and July 2016, with a focus on ministry to women. 

Email Julie Jenkins or call the World Outreach Center to schedule missionaries to speak in your church (jjenkins@efcer.org).
News from the Office: 

Pastors and church treasurers, watch your mail this week for the annual end-of-year letters and forms regarding apportionments, pension and insurance.

There are still pastoral openings at Urbana (part-time), Barberton (part-time), Portsmouth, RI, and Gilead Friends Churches. 
Keeping it Fresh: Monthly Communication Tips
cellpone_clothesline.jpg Each month the Communication Board will share a tip on a different topic. The topic for this month will be: "How do you follow up with visitors?" Check back next time for more information! 
EFC-ER Photo Contest Update
The Communications Board is happy to announce that 591 photos were submitted for the photo contest from ten entrants! Many were amazing examples that will be used in the years to come. Thank you to all who contributed. We will be processing the entries and offering the top 5 in each category for judging at the Grand Board Retreat in February 2016. Final winners will receive their prize during Yearly Meeting 2016.
World Outreach Center
5350 Broadmoor Cir., NW
Canton, OH 44709
Julia McDonald, Editor
A Little Extra.... QUOTES  FOR THE WEEK:

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." - Hebrews 13:8 (ESV)

"Every good and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." - James 1:17 (ESV) 

We hope you've enjoyed catching up with news from the EFC-ER office.
More information and news will be coming each week. 
Please send Julia ( jmcdonald@efcer.org ) any of your suggestions, quotes,  and/or ideas for weekly encouragement .