W Encourager Header  
Welcome to EFC-ER's Weekly Encourager. We trust that this will become a bright spot each week in your emails. The purpose of the Weekly Encourager is to provide up-to-the minute information about region-wide events, prayer requests and helpful resources from the local churches. We will close each email with a quick quote and/or survey to gather helpful resources from leaders to share with our wider Friends family. 

Up-Coming Events:

1 - A Retreat for Young Adults (ages 18-29 or so) has been planned for September 27-29, 2014 at Battle Creek Friends Church  in Battle Creek, MI - Don't miss this time together!

Registration deadline is Sept. 21st.

This year's theme is "Move to Matter."

Join us on this great weekend where we experience community in God's presence together, and learn how we "Move in life to Matter for Christ!"  Click here to download a brochure.


2 - Friends Adult Ministry Retreat Oct. 9th - Register now!

Harry Mosher with Adult Friends Ministry wishes to remind everyone that registrations for the 

19th Annual Fall Retreat on October 9th 

postmarked by September 9th will save $5.00 per person!

Download the promo flyer here.


From our churches:
Raisin Valley Friends in Adrian, MI has welcomed Doug Chandler as their new pastor.
Malone's Center for Theology & Ministry and Logos Bible Software invites pastors and leaders to attend: "Lost World of Scripture" with scholar & author, John Walton on September 13th (6:30-9:30 PM at Malone).
John Walton is a professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College in Illinois and an editor and writer of Old Testament compartative studies and commentaries. Formerly, he taught at Moody Bible Institute for 20 years. Throughout his research, Walton has focused his attention on comparing the culture and literature of the Bible and the ancient Near East. He has published dozens of books, articles and tranlations, both as writer and editor, including his latest book, The Lost World of Genesis One. Attendees will also preview Logos 5 and have the chance to win a free iPad Mini. 
This event is free and open to the public. 
Please RSVP at www.walton.evenbrite.com  
or by calling 330-471-8382. More details here.

We're still collecting stories from our churches!
Has your church experienced a great mission trip, VBS, outreach project or hosted a memorable event lately?
We'd like to hear about it and share it with our wider Friends family via website, print or other media venues as they are developed. 
Please send your pictures and stories of mission trips, church events, etc. to Julia (Barber) McDonald: jmcdonald@efcer.org.
Missionary Speakers Available
We have several guest missionaries coming to Eastern Region this fall. When hosting one of our missionaries, you might want to consider your options. Among those options are home meals, coffee at your favorite spot, sporting events, mid-week Bible studies or local Men in Missions and WMF groups. 
The list goes on. We ask that during their time with you, 
you offer a meal and a gift of support.
* Flavio Travassos and Tele Moraes (Brazil) in September
* Arun and Shobha Massey (India) in September
* Dan Cammack (EFM) in October
* Todd James (EFM / CSRM) in October
* Dave & Cindy Aufrance (Hong Kong) November - May 2015
For scheduling, email Julie Jenkins (jjenkins@efcer.org)
We ask that you provide a  meal before or after their time with you and overnight lodging if necessary.  
Available dates are limited. 

Speaker & Author, Preston Sprinkle, has a new book!

The Men in Missions team is pleased to report that frequent guest speaker, Preston Sprinkle's most recent book has been published and is available for purchase. 

For more details, and link to purchase via Amazon, check out the information on the Men in Missions webpage.


Weekly Encourager for August 27, 2014

THANKS! The request for volunteers at the Northern WMF Retreat has been answered!
Kathy Johnson wishes to thank those who have stepped forward. 
Let's be in prayer for both retreats coming this fall. 

From the WOC Office:
We congratulate Julia Barber on her recent marriage to TJ McDonald.
Please note her updated 
email address:
Thank you for updating your contact lists.


WMF President, Heather Graham


Sisters in the Harvest trip to Jamaica: January 10-17, 2015 


Women join us for a time of ministry to our sisters in

Jamaica. We will be holding one day conferences around the island of Jamaica, for Friends sisters in Jamaica.  At this time we will be presenting these ladies with the  totes we have been collecting.  


If you would like more information 

or an application contact 

Heather Graham at heather.livingbranch@hotmail.com 

or by phone at:

(330) 933-1200 or  

Ruth Harsh at rhrash@northwood.com 

or by phone at (330) 853-5795


 Click here

for complete brochure.


World Outreach Center
5350 Broadmoor Cir., NW
Canton, OH 44709
Donna Neff, Editor

 A Little Extra.... QUOTE FOR THE WEEK:


"Breathe on me, Breath of God, till I am wholly Thine;
until this earthly part of me glows with Thy fire divine." ~ Edwin Hatch

"Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." (Gal. 5:25)


We hope you've enjoyed catching up with news from the EFC-ER office.
More information and news will be coming each week.
Please send Donna any of your suggestions and/or ideas for this weekly encouragement.

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