Expressing Feelings Through Art Program 2021
EFTA 2021 is going virtual with a culminating online show.

You can download the 2021 guidelines and application forms below, but here are some of the changes for this year…

New guideline variants due to COVID-19:
The 2021 EFTA exhibit will be an online, virtual experience this year. Student artwork will be available for viewing in a virtual gallery on Sunday, May 23. Details and a link to follow
• Awards will be determined by judges and honored with payments sent through the mail
• Student artwork must be submitted as jpegs (as opposed to delivery of artwork). Because artwork will be submitted via jpeg, there is no size requirement for the artwork. The file name of the artwork jpeg should be the name of artist
• The essay accompanying the artwork should be formatted as a Word document
• Instructors will be given a link to a google drive folder exclusively for their students’ work; each instructor will have his/her own folder. Instructors will upload each student’s 1) completed application form, 2) a quality photo of the artwork, and 3) the accompanying essay
• A “how to” photography tip sheet follows the guidelines to help teachers or students who are unfamiliar with shooting artwork

In about a week, you will receive an invitation to access your own personal folder in our EFTA/Light Bringer Project google drive for uploading your students' artworks. If you want to do this now, please email [email protected].