I wanted to be sure you saw this important new op-ed published in The Washington Times entitled "Why I'm challenging the FCC about antiquated safety standards for wireless devices".


"Would you let your family fly in a plane or ride in a bus that meets 25-year-old safety standards? Yet, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) assures us that wireless devices that meet last-century standards can safely be used by infants, toddlers and the rest of us.

During a fascinating hearing before the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals on Jan. 25, the FCC maintained that 1996 standards can safely apply to testing devices many of which did not exist when those standards were first established.   

The FCC readily concedes it is not a health agency. For health advice, it relies on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In 1999, the FDA asked the National Toxicology Program (NTP), the government’s flagship testing program, to use standard animal testing protocols routinely used for extrapolation to humans and evaluate the impacts of non-thermal lifetime exposures to cellphone radiation. In 2018, the NTP issued the results of that $30 million state-of-the-art study, finding clear evidence of cancer and DNA damage." 

The use of cell phone and wireless devices has changed in scope and intensity over the past 25 years and the research clearly indicates that people are being harmed today by unfettered wireless deployment. Yet the FCC refuses to revise its wireless radiation safety standards, saying that regulations from 1996 — when we were still in 1G and 2G and barely anyone had a cell phone — are adequate to protect people and the environment. FCC limits are not protective.

I urge you to read more about the case in my latest op-ed for the Times. We are raising awareness nationwide and worldwide and empowering communities with science based resources on 5G, cell phones and Wi-Fi.

Your support is greatly appreciated and helped EHT get to this point in this historic case. Stay tuned for what comes next and thanks so much for helping us reach this pivotal moment.