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Dear Devra,

EHT is heading into 2022 full-steam ahead. We are confident that our message is resonating and this coming year individuals and organizations around the world will take further actions to protect themselves and their communities from the unintended consequences caused by an unfettered global wireless network. 

Safe technology is our top priority. Wireless is a relatively new environmental pollution requiring urgent action. In November alone, we submitted over 1,000 pages of new scientific studies to the FCC showing harmful effects to humans, wildlife, and the environment. 

In 2022, EHT has several priorities. We will:

  • Ensure that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) examines the newest science on biological effects of wireless technology. 
  • Document the lack of accountability at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and demand that the agency correct its misleading safety assurances. 
  • Support a halt 5G and other wireless densification until the development of health protective science-based wireless radiation safety limits for human, wildlife, and environmental exposures.
  • Educate lawmakers on the urgent need for new safety standards backed by a comprehensive research review of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
  • Establish a robust environmental impact review for 5G and 4G deployment that includes not only effects from increased radiation but also climate impacts from increased energy use of the new networks and devices.
  • Participate in a congressional hearing with lawmakers to investigate how this issue has been mishandled for the last two decades by federal agencies and to ensure policymakers are aware of the latest science and policy recommendations.
  • Develop our college student network on safer tech.
  • Share resource and safety guides with schools and parent-teacher organizations around the United States.

Most importantly, we want full accountability in our federal agencies and meaningful policy change to ensure protections for people, wildlife, and the environment. We will not waver in our commitment to creating a safer environment with state-of-the-art science.

That’s why we are asking you to join us on this last day of the year to help us make a bigger difference in all our lives. Please consider making a year-end gift to EHT.

All donations are tax-deductible, and 100 percent of funds go directly to raising awareness, educating policymakers and publishing science. Your support and generosity is appreciated.

Thank you and happy new year!

Devra Davis PhD, MPH

President, Environmental Health Trust


EHT’s work has been featured on CNN, CBC, Good Morning America, ABC News, CBS News, Time Magazine, CNET, PBS, and Green America. Watch my recent appearance on Fox where we call for federal accountability.

Dr. Devra Davis on 'Tucker Carlson Today'