Last week EHT submitted extensive testimony to the FCC documenting the scientific evidence that 5G will impact human health and the environment. 
EHT put the science on the official record. 

In Docket 19-226 , the FCC proposed new allowable limits to the amount of electromagnetic radiation exposure to be absorbed by humans and the atmosphere from the use of frequencies as high as 3 THz and as low as 3 kHz.

The FCC asked what the public thinks. So we told them.
“We recommend a halt to the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, for telecommunication and a halt to the expansion of wireless networks until hazards for human health and the environment of these new frequencies and the densification of networks have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry.

"5G paired with densification of 4G or other antennas will substantially increase environmental exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. We also recommend federally developed safety limits based on empirical scientific studies that have thoroughly investigated long-term effects to humans, animals, insects, trees, and the environment.

"Federal safety limits should be based on adequate data from animal and human research, not based on assumptions.” 
We encourage you to download and share these extensive filings. 

There is more .
Environmental Health Trust submitted extensive additional scientific documents found HERE
Over 1800 people submitted incredible testimony found HERE.
The FCC  cannot claim it has not seen the science. If the FCC chooses to ignore that science, EHT  will be ready to respond again.

We know you will also!

Your support enables us to hold public agencies like the FCC accountable. We cannot do the work we do to protect public health and the environment without your support. Please donate today as we urgently need to raise at least $50,000 to keep our lawsuit going. 

EHT is taking the FCC to court for its refusal to update its 24-year-old guidelines on cell phones and wireless radiation. We will hold them accountable. We are confident that we will win.