Picture This is a resource for entertainment content creators, corporate human resource communication leaders, and healthcare providers in the private / public sector. What makes this resource different from most, is that in many cases, addiction and suicide are often presented as separate issues. Research reveals that there is significant overlap and, therefore, treatment needs to reflect this reality. Most people who experience suicidal thoughts get through them without loss of life. More than any other disease, these are diseases that impact the family in adverse ways that can slow treatment and recovery, yet when addressed as a disease within a family, healing can be powerful and sustaining. As we look at characters in our stories, rather than asking, "What is wrong with you?", consider asking, “What happened to you?”
An amazing narrative can follow with unique perspectives about behaviors and attitudes. Consider stories with multiple generations, for example, homes where grandparents are raising grandchildren caught in the trauma of parental addiction.

Children and young adults face these challenges in various ways, some act out by self-medicating, engaging in high-risk behavior, or self-harming. Groundbreaking research on the development of the adolescent brain and exposure to trauma provide important insight into various behaviors.
Service members, veterans and civilian workplaces can be transformed into environments of support and wellness. An understanding of substance use disorders and mental health issues creates the potential to “grant permission” to talk about them before these conditions destroy more lives. Guidelines and models are available in the publication.

Be bold in your stories and clear in your communication. As a content creator, you get the chance to add a helpline to the screen…sometimes the audience connection goes beyond entertainment. The guidelines presented in this publication are intended to support wellness and avoid harm, which is a return on engagement that lasts beyond the closing credits. 

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