We are proud to have our Jane Yee, EJC's At-Large Officer B, as the Chair of the Resolutions Committee of Bernalillo County. Under Jane's leadership, the DPBC Resolutions Committee will host a discussion with Sens. Mimi Stewart and Antoinette Sedillo Lopez, Representatives Meredith Dixon, Eleanor Chavez, Pamelya Herndon, Janelle Anynonu, and Yanira Gurrola to focus on how to transform DPBC - DPNM adopted resolutions into legislative priorities.
The Resolution, "Emergency Methane Emission Reduction through Enforced NM Compliance," co-authored by former EJC Vice Chair Athena Christodoulou and EJC members Kathleen Moseley and Carl Peterson, endorsed by the EJC, and adopted by the SCC at its fall meeting, is one of the two resolutions that will be discussed (the other will be Paid Family and Medical Leave).
As an EJC/DPNM member, attending this meeting is a meaningful way to change our platform/resolutions from rhetoric to reality.
Please join us for this important Zoom meeting on Thursday, January 9 at 7PM.