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Now Is the Time

We mourn. We get angry. . . and now, we organize.

It is more important than ever that our caucus members are activated to have our voices heard across our cities, our counties, our state and our nation. Please join us in our on-going fight against catastrophic climate change and its oppression of underserved communities.

Please share your voice with us as we navigate the next four years.

General Membership Meeting, November 11, 7 PM

Don't miss our next Membership Meeting on Monday November 11 at 7PM when Chase and the rest of the newly elected Executive Committee will be anxious to have your input about what we have done well and where we can improve.

In reaching out to other active environmentalists, we have invited UNM's LEAF program to speak at this meeting. LEAF is a coalition of students, faculty, staff, and alumni at the University of New Mexico who recognize the urgent need to defend our communities from the devastation of climate change. 

Link to Membership Meeting Here

Executive Committee Meeting, December 2, 7 PM

We always plan our membership meetings at Executive Committee Meetings and deal with other pending matters. Please join us. If you are interested in actively participating under our new chair, this would be a good meeting to attend.

Zoom Link

Working Group Update

Since our leadership is changing, we will be considering the future of all of the EJC working groups. Please stay tuned.

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