EJP Member Announcements

Oct 10, 2022

Click here to view as webpage.

Some of the members of our data stewardship team at its meeting last week. Counterclockwise from top left: Anish Shetty, Vikramaditya Agarwala, Shambhavi Sahay , Deepthi Vasudevan, and Kaylee Janakos, joined by EJP director Rebecca Ginsburg.

Fall 2022 EJP Directory
2022-23 EJP Handbook

EJP 2022-23 Handbook

Please read and submit by Oct 15, 2022

We ask all EJP members to read the revised handbook each year.

If you will be working at Danville Correctional Center, the IL Department of Corrections requires that you read it to ensure your familiarity IDOC with IDOC rules and regulations.

Please complete and submit the "I Have Read the Handbook" form by October 15, 2022

2022-23 EJP Handbook

"Have Read Handbook" Form

Critical Conversation

Thurs Oct 20, 12 - 1:30pm Central via zoom

Our next Critical Conversation is Thursday, October 20th from 12 to 1:30pm Central. We hope you will join us as we discuss the topic of language.

Remember- it is a requirement that all EJP members attend at least one session of the Critical Conversation each academic year. The DEI team encourages you to sign up and attend a conversation earlier rather than later, as the later sessions fill up and make having a robust conversation more difficult.

To RSVP for the Critical Conversation, please fill out this brief form: Our materials for this topic are below- please engage with them before attending.

Barbour, H. (2020, August 24). The Top 20+ Questions on “Politically Correct” Terms [with Answers!].

CBC. Why inclusive language is so important! | Personal Politics | Episode 04. - 6:30 minutes

Jakubowski, K. (2014, February 3). Stop Being So Attached!: A Beginner’s Guide on Problematic Language.

Sandoval, J. (2020, July 22). Inclusive Language 101. - 20 minutes

Zoom info:

Meeting ID: 881 1617 4839

Password: 928735

EJP Travel Award

Twice each year, EJP distributes up to five travel awards, up to $500 each, to current EJP members and alumni who are presenting at or attending a conference on work that aligns with EJP’s mission: “to create a model college-in-prison program that demonstrates the positive impacts of higher education upon incarcerated people, their families, the neighborhoods from which they come, the host institution, and society as a whole.”

It's a simple application process, and we really want to support members' travel and learning. Please see the link below to the application portal. Please submit all materials by November 15, 2022.

Travel Award


The IL Department of Corrections released its first ever administrative directive related to higher education in prison last week. It sets forth the mutual responsibilities of IDOC and participating colleges and universities. If you've interest in policy matters like this, this AD and other policy matters will be discussed at the upcoming IL-CHEP convening in Springfield. See below for registration details! 

Press Release


Open Positions NOT with EJP

The Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership (Michigan) is looking for a Communications Manager. Applications are due Oct. 15, 2022.

Arcus Job Details

The Cornell Prison Education Program (New York) seeks to hire a college program coordinator.

Cornell Job Details

The Human Rights Lab at the University of Chicago (IL) is accepting applications for programming interns.

Human Rights Lab Position Details

Rebecca Ginsburg, EJP's director, is searching for 2 25% teaching assistants for Spring 2023. These positions must be filed by registered graduate students (any field). The class hasn't been scheduled yet, but is typically offered M/W from 11 - 12:20pm. This is primarily a grading position; there are no discussion sections. The position includes a waiver. 

Please email Rebecca directly if you're interested to learn more.

Open Positions with EJP

We have several open, paid positions.

The following positions are paid hourly:

Communications Team Member

We also seek to fill the following open EJP coordinator positions. Coordinators receive $2,000/semester stipends. Click on the links below for full job descriptions and instructions on how to apply. All the positions below are based at Danville Correctional Center and require the ability to get clearance.


(We'd love to get our student newsletter up and running again!)

Computer Lab Coordinator

(We're one of the few college-in-prison programs with a dedicated computer lab.)

Writing Workshops Co-Coordinator

(Students seek opportunities to write and publish.)

CAVE Co-Coordinator

(This innovative program addresses violence through a trauma-informed lens.)

MDG Co-Coordinator

(Our Mindfulness Discussion Group has been meeting on Thursday evenings for about 10 years.)

NCHEP is this week!

National Alliance for Higher Education in Prison is hosting its 12th annual conference, the National Conference on Higher Education in Prison from Oct 11 - 14, 2022 via Zoom.

EJP hosted the very first NCHEP conference in 2010! It's a great opportunity to learn, grow, network, and be challenged. Check out the program; you can drop into those sessions that you're interested in. It's so easy!

The keynote speaker will be Ruth Wilson Gilmore. Panels will address topics from technology in prison classrooms, supporting previously incarcerated students on campus, reading and writing programs in prison, ethics in prison education programs and much, much much more.

Access the schedule


Please note that EJP's travel award can be applied to NCHEP registration. The fee is $100, but the sliding scale allows for payments as low as $25.

IL-CHEP's annual convening is coming soon!

Illinois Coalition for Higher Education in Prison is hosting a statewide convening in Springfield from Oct 21 - 22, 2022.

This event is free. We'll be organizing carpools from Chicagoland and U-C for those who wish to attend.

The schedule has not yet been posted, but the program will include discussions about higher education in prison, reentry, advocacy, and more. 

Whether you're new to EJP or have been involved for many years, you're encouraged to attend to meet our colleagues from across the state, connect with EJP alumni, and contribute to helping elected officials and IDOC administrators understand the value of our shared work and why it should be supported.

And, it's free! EJP's travel award can be applied to transportation or hotel costs.


Your Birthday Month

We'd love to help you celebrate your birthday by sending you a little something during your birthday month. It's another way of saying thank you for being part of EJP.

We invite all members of EJP to tell us your birthday month, whatever your role and wherever you're based.

It only takes one minute to complete the form. Thank you!

Have Announcements to Share?

Please use the form below to share any announcements you want us to include in upcoming Member Notices.

Announcement Request Form

The mission of the Education Justice project is to create a model college-in-prison program that demonstrates the positive impacts of higher education upon incarcerated people, their families, the neighborhoods from which they come, the host institution, and society as a whole.