EJP Member Announcements

Nov 27, 2023

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Members at an EJP lunch last month, discussing potential upcoming changes to EJP's budget and organization. The next meeting on this topic will be Friday Dec 8. All welcome

Fall 2023 EJP Directory

Homecoming Video!

You can relive the powerful plenary session of the 2023 EJP Homecoming by watching this video, featuring alumnus Joseph Mapp as MC and speeches by EJP instructor Jim Sosnowski, vice-chancellor Sean Garrick, and award winners Mike Doyle and Chilly Mayorga.

If you weren't able to attend homecoming in August, please let the EJP office know after you've watched the video, by December 15, please: Thank you.

Watch the video

Critical Conversations

EJP students selected mental health as the topic for this year's critical conversation. They believe it's important for everyone involved with EJP to have the opportunity to think about and discuss this topic, especially in relation to incarceration.

Critical conversations are required for all EJP members. Each conversation is 90 minutes and will be held via zoom on the following dates this fall:

Wednesday 11/29, 12.30-2pm

Tuesday 12/12, 5.30-7pm

Participants should plan to attend the full 90 minute meeting and actively participate to fulfill this requirement. (Members are required to attend either a critical conversation or an EJP retreat each year. However, this fall we will not hold a retreat. The next retreat will be Saturday March 30.)


If you have any questions, concerns or need any accommodations to fully participate, please feel free to reach out to DEI Coordinator, Julia, at or

Register for Critical Conversation

(The short, required readings are available on the RSVP site. Since that is currently down, links to the readings are provided below.)

EJP Alumnus Raylan Gilford's Book Launch on Dec. 1

EJP members are strongly encouraged to attend the panel discussion and celebration that EJP is hosting in honor of Raylan Gilford's latest book, which you can pick up for free in the EJP office (open Mon - Friday 9 - 5).

Progressive Traumatic Prison Stress Syndrome examines the trauma of incarceration and reentry. Mr. Raylan will be joined by EJP alumni Joseph Mapp and Pablo Mendoza. They'll discuss what Raylan defines as "a syndrome similar to PTSD" that is borne by individuals who have undergone "the subtle and deep traumatic ways in which incarceration adversely affects an individuals's mind, body, and spirit."

This is an extraordinary opportunity to learn firsthand from our alumni about a subject they wish we better understood. Please try to be there.

Friday Dec 1 from 4 - 6pm, in person, at the University YMCA at 1001 S. Wright St. Refreshments served.


(We'd love to see you, even if you're not able to RSVP!)

EJP 101 - Dec. 7

Please register for EJP 101, our orientation to the Education Justice Project. EJP 101 is required for all new EJP members and others are warmly welcome.

There is one last EJP 101 this semester:

Thursday Dec 7, 12 - 1:30

Register for December EJP 101

(Spring EJP 101s are scheduled for Feb 8, April 12, and April 17. Please see the EJP calendar for more details. RSVP link available soon.)

EJP Holiday Open House - Dec 7

It's the holiday season!

Drop by the EJP office for cookies and holiday cheer. Stay for as long or as little as you like, between 12 - 5pm.

1001 S. Wright Street, 2nd floor

Champaign, IL

Update on EJP Becoming a Campus Entity - Dec 8

Join us for an update on EJP's journey to beome a unit on campus, including recent developments related to EJP's budget situation and anticipated new position in 2024. All welcome. Bring your questions and feel free to express concerns, as this process is on-going and input is welcome!



EJP's 2022 DEI Survey:

Results and Discussion

EJP conducts a DEI survey every two years to assess the climate within our organization and direct any needed changes.

If you missed the meeting about the 2022 survey results, you can watch a recording, below. There will be another report-out meeting on February 15 at noon via zoom.

Access survey results

Open EJP Positions

We're currently accepting applications for the following part-time positions:

RGI Research & Writing Coordinator

CAVE Co-Coordinator

Computer Lab Co-Coordinator

WAMP Co-coordinator

The following are full-time or nearly full-time positions:

EJP - York Program Coordinator

Prison-to-Gown Program Manager

Your Birthday Month

We'd love to help you celebrate your birthday by sending you a little something during your birthday month. It's another way of saying thank you for being part of EJP.

We invite all members of EJP to tell us your birthday month, whatever your role and wherever you're based.

It only takes one minute to complete the form. Thank you!

Tell us your birthday month

Have Announcements to Share?

Please use the form below to share any announcements you want us to include in upcoming Member Notices.

Announcement Request Form

The mission of the Education Justice project is to create a model college-in-prison program that demonstrates the positive impacts of higher education upon incarcerated people, their families, the neighborhoods from which they come, the host institution, and society as a whole.