July 2, 2018
East Knoxville Community Meeting Agenda
1:00 PM, Burlington Branch of the Knox County Library

East Knoxville Community Meeting presents
Candidate Forum featuring candidates seeking to fill the 2 nd US Congressional District seat currently held by Jimmy Duncan. To date, nine (9) candidates have confirmed their desire to meet the voters of East Knoxville and East Knox County on July 2 nd at the Burlington Library. They are as follows: Ashley Nickloes , David Stansberry , Greg Samples , Hank Hamblin , Joshua Williams , Rene Hoyos , Joseph Schenkenfelder Jimmy Matlock and Vito Sagliano . Jason Emert & Tim Burchett have also been invited. Hubert Smith will be the forum moderator . #EKCM
Last year's SBA seminar.
EKCM Holiday Celebration - Dec 3rd...
County Commissioner Michele Carringer reminding EVERYONE that the July Motley Crew Community Lunch is July 6th @ the Crowne Plaza! #EKCM
Rene Hoyos, Candidate for US Congress
David Stansberry, Candidate for US Congress
Hank Hamblin; Candidate for US Congress
Mel K. Whaley introducing a new non-profit - TN Advocacy Talk (TAT) - designed to facilitate care access for those suffering from mental health and substance abuse issues...
In the animated video below, BlockChain Technology is explained. Cryptocurrency transactions will flow through East Knoxville.
East Knoxville Community Meeting BLOG:

[BLOG] East Knoxville Lives versus Knoxville Historic Preservation

This was the working title for an effort being formulated to establish a debate pitting East Knoxville residents in desperate need of healthcare service access against Knoxville’s legion of historic preservationists desperate to save three (3) old houses. It could have been an interesting skirmish complete with letters to the KNS editor, guest editorials, interviews with local media and a parade of public forum speakers at numerous city council meetings. The skirmish is highly unlikely now.

Like anything else, especially as it relates to local government, once the emotion is removed from the intensity of situations that critically impact communities, it’s much easier to arrive at solutions. More importantly, the aforementioned civic debate designed to rally public sentiment and persuade the city council to vote one way or another is avoided.

Absent fanfare, Covenant Health has responded to our advocacy of healthcare service expansion for East Knoxville and East Knox County by proposing an expansion of their downtown campus. The specific expansion of Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center, though not a technical expansion of beds, expands their emergency capacity by 67% and facilitates the designation of more existing beds for critical care.

Though this expansion falls short of providing additional hospital beds for the eastern most segment of Metropolitan Knoxville, more residents will be kept alive in emergency/critical care situations that’ll increasingly befall the aging population of this region. It’s a difficult concept to grasp, especially if you’ve not followed the hospital migration to West Knoxville but trust me, a healthcare crisis is on the horizon for EK/EKC whether its acknowledged by those most at risk or not. #VoxClamantis

Vox Clamantis (“the voice of one crying out”) is an approximately 10,000 line latin poem that singles out corruption of society and chastises government for being evil circa 1381. This mantra would have served as the perfect backdrop for a showdown between one East Knoxville voice crying out about the value-of-life corruption of the historical society. In this avoidable model, the Knoxville City Council eventually votes down the zoning request of the hospital in favor of preserving three old houses.
cont'd >
Knox County Community Development Dir. Rebecca Gibson speaks Oct. 1st along w/ Retired TN Trooper Dan Raper re: James Earl Ray mountain manhunt!
EKCM Holiday Celebration - Dec 3rd...
EKCM Holiday Celebration - Dec 3rd
August EKCM Speaker Marc Nelson Denim owner Marc Hall will share his East Knoxville business development success story. #EKCM
EKCM Holiday Celebration - Dec 3rd
Food, Fun & a Special Guest!
"East Knoxville is the weft thread from which the tapestry, that is Knoxville, is woven."
Keith Altshuler on Fort Sanders Regional Hospital Expansion
Becky Duncan Massey in 2017
We hope you'll consider sharing the EKCM Newsletter experience with both friends and associates. #EKCM
This Is What Happens to Your Brain on Opioids! #EKCM
Reading is FUNDAMENTAL ! If you'd like to make a difference, please consider the 'Leaders for Readers' Program! #EKCM
We Hope You'll Consider Volunteering with the Great Schools Partnership Leaders For Readers Program!!! #EKCM
We hope you'll consider sharing the EKCM Newsletter experience with both friends and associates. #EKCM
City Council Tuesday July 3rd, 17th & 31st; 6 pm; -- Main Assembly; Agendas : City Council Agendas
County Commission Monday June 25; 5:00p.m. -- Main Assembly; County Commission Agendas
EKCM blog cont'd...

There’s a huge difference between activists and advocates. An activist is Hell bent on a fight wherever he/she can find it. An advocate takes as much emotion out of an issue as possible and looks for a solution with as little conflict as possible. East Knoxville and East Knox County are without convenient access to medical facilities. It’s as obvious as noses on faces. Advocacy is the pursuit of solutions. Picking a fight over preservation is not a solution. Moving the houses is...

The advocacy for healthcare service access is an ongoing pursuit. If Covenant Health figured out the need to expand healthcare service access to this area of the city and the county, maybe other hospitals groups will too. The University of Tennessee has the open challenge of answering Vanderbilt Medical Center’s conversion of an underutilized mall into a healthcare facility. The success of the Thousand Oaks Medical Facility in Nashville can be replicated even more successfully here… Guess where?!

These ideas are a result of Tennova having been a terrible healthcare citizen. For the last decade, the organization behind the Tennova brand has lied & lied again about their intentions dating back to when the citizenry was hoodwinked over claims Baptist Hospital would be taken over and improved. That was false and every assertion made by the Tennova folks since then has been false up to and including the proposed $300,000,000 hospital to be built on Middlebrook Pike to replace St. Mary’s (Physicians Regional). The shoddy operations of this organization are the reason this advocacy is so necessary.

That said, all indications are that a solution to the issue of zoning and three historic houses that stand in the way of Covenant Health moving forward with plans for a major expansion of Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center is within sight and reason. The zoning issue is a no-brainer and the historic houses can be picked up and moved to a more suitable location if all the powers that be can get together on where. And with those issues resolved, there can be peace, harsh rhetoric can be avoided and progress can be made.

Now that a resolution has been mapped out, it’s time to turn our healthcare service access advocacy attention to the next likely solution provider. Maybe the suggestion that UT Medical Center can’t allow itself to be outdone by Vandy Medical isn’t a slam dunk to prompt movement on a plan to convert an underutilized mall into a medical facility. But it’s a start to the discussion that might get us there. It’s what true advocacy is all about. #EKCM
Join us for the EKCM 2nd US Congressional Candidate Forum
Sherri Ridgeway; Candidate for Knox County Circuit Court Clerk [ Intro ]
"East Knoxville is the weft thread from which the tapestry, that is Knoxville, is woven."
Development in East Knoxville often goes unnoticed. Money flows through the East Knoxville Community ! #EKCM
Blockchain explained by our German Friend
Mayoral Candidate Glenn Jacobs with fan.
EKCM Holiday Celebration - Dec 3rd