You're looking at an EKG Monitor of three Patients on the Medical Unit.
What is your Interpretation of these Rhythms?
The EKG Printer is on another Unit, and you would have to call and get a printed strip. You Pause (Freeze) the Monitor to see the Three Rhythms. What do you see Now?
Align the Red Baseline of R-CAT EKG to the Baseline of the Rhythms on the Monitor
Room 117: ST Depression
Room 118: Atrial Fibrillation
Room 119: ST Elevation
Side 1 of the R-CAT EKG Badge
Side 2 of the R-CAT EKG Badge
Includes Clear Badge Holder and can Hang Horizontally or Vertically behind your Name Badge or even in a Wallet
Why use Anything Else?
To view our award winning EKG interpretation tools visit us on Amazon or our Website at the links below.