We are springing forward into March as Buford Academy. First, Second and Third graders are undergoing ACCESS testing. Thank you to all of our families that attended the parent night to find out more information about what your child would be experiencing. We are so proud of the efforts and abilities that our ESOL students displayed. It will be a while before we receive individual results, but we are confident that your child did their personal best!
Congratulations to our 2nd grader, Olivia Arreola for completing the Reading Eggs program! We are so proud of her! We will be having our schoolwide Wolfathon race and celebrate Dr.Seuss week as we push into the final few months of school.
Please remember to check behind your child to see that they are completing homework assignments for all subject areas and that they are provided reading practice opportunities at home. Third graders are preparing for the upcoming Milestone testing in the weeks ahead. Please look for more information to arrive from your child’s Homeroom teacher. Thank you again for the opportunity to serve your child’s language needs at Buford Academy! We truly enjoy learning alongside them each day.