El Semanario Hostosiano / The Hostos Weekly:  A Campus-Weekly Bulletin from President Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D.

Friday, November 22, 2024 | Vol. 9, No. 13


Dear Students and Faculty,

As we consider this moment in time, it is important to affirm, once again, Hostos’ commitment to the principles of non-discrimination, inclusion, and protection under the law regardless of national origin or citizenship. Equity, inclusion, and diversity have a vital role in our mission. Today, this commitment is ever more important.


Next week is Thanksgiving, a time to reflect about family and our world family is a priority. I hope you enjoy breaking bread with your loved ones and renewing your energies for the last push in the last few weeks of classes and preparation for finals and term papers, which will engage our time. As you do that, don’t forget to work with students to pre-register for next semester, to support the completion of their studies this semester, and to engage with hope on the next steps towards a better future.

Mil gracias y bendiciones, 

Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D.



“Children Will Listen”

By Stephen Sondheim

Careful the things you say,

Children will listen.

Careful the things you do,

Children will see. 

And learn.

Children may not obey,

But children will listen.

Children will look to you

For which way to turn,

To learn what to be.

Careful before you say,

“Listen to me.” 

Children will listen. 

Careful the wish you make,

Wishes are children. 

Careful the path they take––

Wishes come true,

Not free.

Careful the spell you cast,

Not just on children.

Sometimes the spell may last

Past what you can see

And turn against you… 

Careful the tale you tell,

That is the spell.

Children will listen.

Sondheim, Stephen. “Children Will Listen,” in Teaching with Fire: Poetry that Sustains the Courage to Teach (2003). 


Submitted by Research Programs Director Sofía Oviedo, Ph.D.

Dear Students and Colleagues,

I want to extend special greetings and warm wishes to all as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday. May it be a time full of gratitude and the warmth of family and friends that always makes this time of year so special. I also want to express my gratitude to all the students, faculty, and staff that have been participating in Ms. MacKenzie Scott’s Gift: President’s Initiatives. It is my hope that your experiences thus far have encouraged you and provided the additional support needed to achieve your goals. I also want to highlight upcoming activities and opportunities that are now available and open for receiving applications. Please read below for important information on how to apply.


Sofia Oviedo, Ph.D.


Important Announcements

The Hostos Research Center (HRC) will host a virtual information session on Tuesday, November 26, at 3:30 PM, to engage students and faculty in learning about the new HRC Scholars Program. This is a new HRC initiative that aims to provide mentored research experiences to part or full-time students across all disciplines designed to expand student knowledge, build research and career readiness skills, and provide opportunities for professional development.

HRC Scholars Virtual Information Session on Nov. 26, 2024 at 3:30 PM. Register here.

The NextGen Public Health Scholars 2+2+2 Program invites Hostos students that are on track to graduate in Spring/Summer 2025 and are interested in pursuing a career in public health and epidemiology to apply. This program joins Hostos Community College and Columbia University in providing eligible students access to full tuition coverage, mentoring, and career development throughout their undergraduate and graduate education. Now in its third year, this amazing program is seeking to identify a new cohort of two students to begin this Spring 2025. This is an incredible opportunity for students to jumpstart a meaningful career that addresses the public health needs of our most vulnerable communities.

To be eligible for this program, students must be enrolled, have a 3.2 GPA or better, and be on track to graduate in Spring/Summer 2025. Students will need to complete a joint Hostos/Columbia University application (fee is waived) that can be accessed here.

Application deadline is Dec. 2, 2024.

The Educating for Diversity Initiative is back for Spring 2025! The Ms. MacKenzie Scott’s Gift: President’s Initiatives is inviting applications from students, faculty, and staff for mini-grants to support cultural, social, and educational activities that address the interests of Hostos students and community members in advancing issues of social justice, racial equity, diversity and inclusion. Grants will range from $500 - $2,000, and submissions are welcome from any individual or group at Hostos.

The Educating for Diversity application deadline is Friday, Dec. 10, 2024.

Educating for Diversity Grant Application (use CUNYFirst log-in to access).


Submitted by Assistant Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness Babette Audant, Ph.D.

Hostos in the South Bronx: Sketch of a Context

The reality of the recent election won’t be as fresh when this is read as when it was written, and the full impact of America’s choice won’t be felt for a few (short) months. Nonetheless, our students and their families are even more vulnerable now than before due to where they live and who they are. The South Bronx is already a terrain marked deeply by persistent institutionalized racism and the accompanying markers: poverty, housing insecurity, health disparities, and educational disparities, among others. While this column is typically focused on internal data, Hostos is not an island, and our external context shapes our students’ lives; it informs the strategies we prioritize to support them. To quantify a few vectors of vulnerability:

According to the 2019 American Community Use Survey, while Latinx immigrants made up 31% of all immigrants living in New York City, Latinx immigrants comprised 56% of all undocumented individuals in NYC (Black immigrants made up 19% of all immigrants and 12% of those without documentation). It is estimated that more than 100K undocumented individuals live in the Bronx, and are likely to be more concentrated in the South Bronx, where the majority of Hostos students reside. What does this mean for our students? For those living in “mixed status” households, there is heightened fear a family member will face arrest and deportation, resulting in grief, anxiety, and loss of income in a borough where nearly 30% of residents pay more than 30% of their income in rent (“moderately rent-burdened”) and 42% pay more than 50% of their income in rent, according to the NYU Furman Center. Given that more than 70% of Hostos students report household incomes of less than $30K, rent burden rates are likely to lean extremely high. 

Public schools in the South Bronx are under-resourced and are often labeled as “under-performing,” a term that defers the problem to the school rather than the system. In 2022, the 6th and 8th graders were 38.2% “proficient” in English Language Arts (ELA) and 15.6% “proficient” in math, compared to 54% and 32.6%, respectively, city-wide, according to a 2024 report, The South Bronx: An Economic Snapshot. While more children are “proficient” than in 2013 (ELA = 10.2% and math = 12.2%) in the South Bronx, the rate of disparity compared to public school students city-wide remains profound, inequities that impact college admissions, Gateway placement, and college completion (Gateway English and math completion in Y1 continue to track closely with retention). Yes, we work with our Early College, College Now, and FutureReadyNYC partners to address this. Math and English faculty review pedagogical strategies, curriculum effectiveness, and integration of developmental supports. The College invests in Supplemental Instruction and tutoring. Yes, housing insecurity can be addressed with early intervention, access to housing vouchers, and legal assistance to stave off eviction. However, these “weathering” events (Benjamin, 2022) are likely to become more frequent and more severe – environmental degradation of a different sort. Our challenge is to continue facing the storms with optimism and hope based on a moral commitment to make a change where we stand.


Submitted by Director Eric Radezky, Ph.D.

New York City Landlords Required to Provide Heat and Hot Water From Now Through May 31


This week’s update comes from the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) and the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) about heat and hot water laws in the cold months. 


For HPD (non-NYCHA residents)

By law, New York City has an eight-month-long “heat season” from October 1st to May 31st during which all residential building owners are required to maintain indoor temperatures at 68 degrees when outdoor temperatures fall below 55 degrees during the day. Indoor temperatures must also be a minimum of 62 degrees overnight, regardless of outdoor temperatures. Building owners are legally required to provide hot water at 120 degrees year-round.


If an apartment lacks appropriate heat and/or hot water, tenants should first attempt to notify the building owner, managing agent or superintendent. If service is not restored, the tenant should register an official complaint by calling 311 or downloading and using the 311-mobile app. Hearing-impaired tenants can register complaints via a Touch Tone Device for the Deaf (TDD) at (212) 504-4115. Be sure to write down and keep your 311-complaint number.


HPD responds to heat and hot water complaints as quickly as possible. Tenants can monitor HPD Online to learn the result of the complaint. If a landlord fails to provide heat entirely, HPD’s Emergency Repair Program or Housing Litigation Division will intervene to seek the restoration of heat. Multiple complaints from a particular building are often the result of one condition in need of repair.


Low-income property owners having trouble maintaining heat in their homes should visit the website of the Home Energy Assistance Program. Eligible households can qualify for assistance paying heating bills or repairing heating equipment.


For NYCHA Residents

NYCHA residents follow a different procedure.  Residents experiencing issues with heat or hot water should call the NYCHA Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771 or report the issue via the MyNYCHA mobile app or web version. They should also contact NYCHA when: 

  • The apartment temperature is out of range
  • They have hot pipes and cold radiators 
  • A window is not closing properly
  • Steam is leaking into the apartment
  • The building’s front entrance door does not fully close.

View this NYCHA Journal entry for a list of helpful tips to keep apartments warm during the winter season. 


Submitted by Dean Ana I. García Reyes

Study Abroad Program to Dominican Republic Open for Applications! 

Applications are open for the Summer 2025 Professional Development and Study Abroad Program in the Dominican Republic. Please email Mr. Gerson Peña at gpena@hostos.cuny.edu for details. Read more about the program’s outcomes this past summer here

Successful Puerto Rican Leaders Event

Community Relations wishes to thank all attendees who joined us at the Distinguished Puerto Rican Leaderships ceremony. We’re proud of our honorees, Dr. Elaine Ruiz Lopez, Dr. Yomaira Figueroa-Vásquez, Dr. Luis Mojica, and Gladys Bruno. Special thanks to our guests, including Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson, Commissioner of Jurors Ischia Bravo (a proud Hostos alumna), and a representative from Congressman Richie Torres’ office, Víctor Martínez. Read more about the event here.

We Must Give Thanks

This is a season to thank our partners in the community, who so fiercely believe in the Hostos mission and who consistently make us part of their accomplishments and special events. Thanks to them, we had a productive Hispanic Heritage Month and strengthened our bonds to continue working together: 

  • CUNY Trustee Mayra Linares García for making us part of the BronxNet Television 30th Anniversary Celebration.
  • Board Chair Cira Ángeles for hosting us at the Dr. Nasry Michelen Foundation Fundraiser.
  • Schnepp’s Media for hosting us to honor the Power Women of the Bronx, where President Cocco De Filippis was recognized. 
  • Thanks to Luisa López for welcoming us to the Latino Social Work Coalition & Scholarship Fund Leadership Awards. o
  • Thanks to Governor Kathy Hochul for hosting us at the Hispanic Heritage Breakfast, where we had the chance to break bread with many of our strongest supporters. 
  • Special thanks to El Diario La Prensa’s team members, Gladys Cepín and Ingrid Jiménez, for their hospitality at the El Diario La Prensa EL Awards. Thank you for honoring our own Fabián Wander. Read more here.


Submitted by Chief Diversity Officer, Title IX Coordinator, and 504/ADA Coordinator Philip Oliveri, Esq.

Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention and Response Course for Both Employees (E-SPARC) and Students (SPARC)

All employees and students are required to complete the Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention and Response Course (“E-SPARC” for employees and “SPARC” for students).  These are web-based training programs developed by the State University of New York in partnership with the City University of New York to satisfy the New York State requirement that every college must adopt a comprehensive orientation and ongoing education campaign to educate students and employees about sexual misconduct, including domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, and sexual violence. These training programs educate students and employees about various topics relating to sexual misconduct and harassment.

If you have not yet completed your respective training, please do so as soon as possible.  You can access your respective training on Blackboard. 



Submitted by Provost and VP Shiang-Kwei Wang, Ph.D.

CUNY and NYC Bar Career Exploration Event

On November 8, Professor Amy Ramson of the Behavioral and Social Sciences Department and Hostos' pre-law advisors attended the “Pathways to Law: CUNY & NYC Bar Career Exploration” event at the New York City Bar Association on West 44th Street. The program, geared exclusively to CUNY students, was also attended by Berkis Cruz-Eusebio, ASAP Career and Employment Specialist, three Criminal Justice majors, and a Liberal Arts major. The program included a tour of the Bar Association, a panel of CUNY Law students, and a segment on law school applications.


Please let your students know they can register for a conference exclusively for CUNY students, held at CUNY Law School on January 17, 2025, from 10:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. The conference is designed to help them navigate the law school application process, explore diverse career paths in public interest law, and prepare for a future as an advocate for social justice.  Admission professionals, current law students, and practicing attorneys will be participating. We recommend students register right away as the NYC Bar Event was oversubscribed. Register here.



Hostos Faculty Participate in the 2024 ATE Conference in Washington, D.C.

Professors Nieves Angulo and Christelle Dejolie (Mathematics Department) and Professor Amy Ramson (Behavioral and Social Sciences Department) attended the 2024 ATE Conference in Washington, D.C., on October 23-25, sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the American Association of Community Colleges. They presented a poster associated with the three-year NSF grant obtained by Professors Nieves Angulo, Moise Koffi, and Amy Ramson to create an online Cybersecurity program at the College. The poster highlighted the unique characteristics of the program, such as curricula to prepare students to take four industry certifications and the inclusion of law enforcement, regulatory, and legal perspectives of cybercrime and cybersecurity. They attended informative sessions on connecting with industry, adversarial thinking, empowering women, using a culturally relevant recruitment approach, surveys, collecting data, and AI. They connected with other CUNY colleges for future collaborations to attract industry and networked with faculty in diverse STEM fields across the country.


Submitted by IVP Althea Sterling, Ed.D.

ENROLL NOW! Schedules of Classes Open for Winter and Spring 2025!

If you need assistance with scheduling your classes, contact your Coach/Advisor, and schedule a meeting using Navigate.

Health and Wellness

Thanksgiving Event for Hostos Students!

On Tuesday, November 26, 2024, at noon, we will host a turkey and chicken distribution for our students. This is a beautiful opportunity to celebrate the season and ensure everyone has a festive meal.

Stay tuned! More details and information about the event will be shared soon. We look forward to celebrating Thanksgiving together!

Fresh Produce Food Distribution

We’re excited to announce that the One Stop Center, in partnership with CUNY/NYC Council and B&Y Catering, will distribute 70 boxes of fresh produce (fruits and vegetables) to Hostos students every Wednesday until December 18.

Distribution Time: 12 PM  

Location: Savoy (D) Building, First floor  

Participation: Students are eligible to receive a box every other week during the distribution period.  

Due to limited availability, appointments are required. To reserve your spot, please contact: Ms. Madeline Cruz at mcruz@hostos.cuny.edu or Ms. Rossini Perez at rperez@hostos.cuny.edu.  

Don’t miss this great opportunity to access fresh food!


Health Services on the Go!

Date | Time: First Thursday of every month from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Location: Mobile Medical Unit on the Grand Concourse

Description: The Mobile Medical Unit will be on the Grand Concourse, offering free services exclusively for Hostos students. Don’t miss out on this chance to prioritize your health and well-being. Services available: 

  • HIV Counseling and Testing
  • Condom Distribution
  • Diabetes, Cholesterol, and Blood Pressure Checks
  • Sexual Education Materials
  • Substance Use Education
  • Health and Wellness Care Coordination


For more information, please contact Ursula Sanders at usanders@hostos.cuny.edu or call 718-518-4483. You can also reach out to Project STAHR at jdilalla@bronxcare.org

STI Testing Available for HCC Students

Date | Time: Tuesday, December 3 | 11 AM - 3 PM 

Location: A-334C (November 5) and C-391 (December 3)

Description: We are offering STI testing in addition to HIV testing. Remember, you can live with HIV without even knowing it! For more information, please contact Ursula Sanders at 718-518-4483 or via email at usanders@hostos.cuny.edu

Transfer Services



From Hostos to Lehman: One Transfer, Endless Possibilities!


Let’s shine a light on Yousouf Siby, a proud May 2024 graduate of Hostos and a member of the CUNY Early College program in partnership with HERO High School! At Hostos, Yousouf majored in Community Health and is now continuing his studies at Lehman, pursuing a degree in Health Service Administration.


Alongside being a full-time student at Lehman, he's also working part-time as a College Assistant at Hostos, showing incredible dedication and work ethic!


Yousouf advises fellow transfer students to "Stay organized and keep up with your assignments. Transitioning to a new campus culture can be challenging, but it’s key to adjust and build connections with those around you. Get involved and make your new environment feel like home."


Keep shining, Yousouf! Your transfer journey is just the beginning. Keep striving, keep connecting, and keep growing!


Transfer Services Events

Snacks ‘N’ Aps! with Transfer Services, all from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Faculty Dining Room (FDR, C-312)

December 12 


Transfer Lab Hours

Monday & Friday | D-101| 9:30 AM - 5 PM

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday | C-590 | 10 AM - 3 PM

Transfer Tabling 

Every Tuesday | A-Atrium | 1 - 4 PM

Transfer Talk

Every Tuesday | C-512A | 2 - 3 PM


Walk-in Hours

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays | C-590 | 10 AM - 3 PM

Wednesdays | D-101A | 10 AM - 5 PM

Thursdays | D-101A | 10 AM - 1 PM

Thursdays | D-101A and VIRTUAL | 10 AM - 1 PM



Follow Transfer Services on Instagram for updates on events (@hostostransferservices). 

Scholarship Office

Unlock Your Future: Scholarship Opportunities Await!

Hostos Community College’s internal scholarships are open, with 17 student opportunities! Don’t miss your chance to secure funding that can help make your educational journey smoother.


Why Apply?

These scholarships can significantly lighten your financial burden and get new opportunities. Whether you’re looking to support your studies, reduce your expenses, or simply make college life a bit easier, there’s something here for everyone.


How to Apply

Ready to take the next step? Visit Hostos Scholarships to explore and apply. If you have any questions or need assistance with your application, please contact Marina Esquilin, Scholarship Coordinator, at 718-518-4166 or email mesquilin@hostos.cuny.edu

Financial Aid Office

Have you applied for FAFSA? TAP?

Students enrolling in the Fall of 2024 can still apply for TAP by filling out the FAFSA. Once submitted, New York State residents attending NYS campuses can link directly to the TAP application. Our financial aid team is here to guide you through the application process.


For more information, contact the Financial Aid Office at 718-518-6555.


“When Life Gets Tough”

By Catherine Pulsifer

When life gets tough and skies turn gray,

Keep moving forward, don’t lose your way.

With every step, you’re growing strong,

Be encouraged as you go along.

Though challenges rise and doubts appear,

Remember, brighter days are near.

So face the storm, don’t be dismayed,

Don't let your enthusiasm ever fade!


Submitted by SVP Esther Rodríguez-Chardavoyne

Move of Faculty and Staff in Preparation for Renovation of B Building Third Floor

Campus Planning and Campus Facilities are excited to announce that construction for the gut renovation of the 500 GC (B Building) 3rd Floor is set to begin in January 2025. In anticipation of this project, Executive Director of Campus Planning and Management Robert Lev has outlined preparations for moving faculty and staff from the third floor to the 475 GC (A Building) swing space. Some of the key points are noted below.

The renovation project has been in the pipeline for quite a while, awaiting funding to proceed. The Office of Academic Affairs was informed of the upcoming project in advance and was tasked with notifying the academic departments that would be impacted. A Town Hall meeting was scheduled for November 20 from 3:30 - 5 p.m. The contractor, construction management team, moving coordinator, and representatives from Hostos Facilities, IT, and Public Safety were invited to discuss the construction scope, timeline, and essential preparations, as well as answer questions from the college community. 

Packing Materials were ordered to be distributed in mid-November to the departments impacted by the move. Trash bins were also scheduled to be placed on the third floor for disposal of items by the affected departments.

The third-floor faculty and staff have until Saturday, December 21, to pack items to be moved and take personal items home. After this date, access to the 500 GC third floor will no longer be available, and any times left behind that are not boxed and tagged will be discarded by the contractor. The anticipated date for faculty to begin working in their new temporary spaces at 475 GC will be Friday, January 10, 2025. The Behavioral and Social Sciences COAs will move to the swing space earlier, on Friday, December 20, 2024, to support faculty and students during this transition.

As the renovation project progresses, periodic updates will be provided to the college community.


Submitted by VP Evelyn Fernández-Ketcham, Ph.D., LCSW

CEWD Student Spotlight

Maria’s journey underscores the resilience and determination of our students. She enrolled in the Hostos Division of Continuing Education and Workforce Development’s (CEWD) Certified Home Health Aide (HHA) Training and English as a Second Language Program. While pursuing her HHA certification, Maria encountered significant obstacles. She became homeless when she lost her job as a result of transphobic discrimination in the workplace. Despite these difficulties, she remained committed to her education and completed the HHA training program in Fall 2024.


After completing our HHA certificate program, Maria disclosed her personal situation and was referred to CEWD’s Social worker. Since then, CEWD staff connected her to agencies that provide referrals to services tailored to New York’s LGBTQ+ communities such as Callen-Lorde and the Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC). CEWD is committed to ensuring our students and alumni receive the support services necessary to help them achieve their educational and career goals.


As a result of completing CEWD’s certificate program, Maria is currently working as a full-time HHA for an agency in New York City. This is the goal she sought to achieve since immigrating to the US from Latin America.

Volunteers Needed for Thanksgiving Drive

Hostos is proud to partner with God's Love We Deliver this Thanksgiving to help deliver 16,000 festive Thanksgiving meals and gifts to clients with severe and chronic illnesses. Hostos will serve as a meal distribution center. Volunteers are needed to pick up meals from Hostos and deliver them to 6-8 households in the Bronx on Thanksgiving morning, November 28. Please sign up to join this wonderful effort! Two shifts are available, at 9:30 a.m. and 10 a.m., and more details can be found on the signup pages:


Thanksgiving Volunteer Drive: 9:30 a.m. shift (Bronx)

Thanksgiving Volunteer Drive: 10 a.m. shift (Bronx)


Submitted by VP Colette Atkins

The Gift of Giving—With Your Help, Hostos Is There for Students

As part of the Hostos community, you know how much the College does for its students.  Your generosity helps provide on-campus resources and scholarships that allow students to focus on getting their degrees and following their dreams.

Make a gift today at www.cunytuesday.org or contact Development Officer Idelsa Mendez at imendez@hostos.cuny.edu to find out how you can support students this CUNYTuesday.

Remembering Elba Cabrera

On Thursday, November 21, members of the Hostos family and the Hostos Community College Foundation Board gathered to share memories of founding Board member Elba Cabrera. The intimate reception in the Hostos Art Gallery reflected on Elba’s lifetime of advocacy for the South Bronx and twenty-one years of service on the Board of the Foundation. Friends and family shared stories and memories of a life filled with passion, love, and pride in her Puerto Rican heritage. After the gathering, many guests joined President Cocco De Filippis and other college leaders in the A-Atrium to witness the unveiling of the Hostos Champions Hall of Fame, which includes Elba among ten extraordinary friends of the College. Thank you to all who joined us to remember this beloved icon of our community.


Celebrating the Accomplishments of the Hostos Community


Provost Wang Featured in Article!

Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs Shiang-Kwei Wang was featured in an article in “Diverse: Issues in Higher Education.” She discussed how Hostos’ curricula include civic engagement activities to bolster student’s commitment to community and democracy. Read more about her insights here.


Free Services for the Community 


Hostos Offers Free Preventive Dental Hygiene Services to the Public

The Dental Hygiene Patient Care Facility at Hostos Community College is a teaching unit that provides high-quality dental care, primarily cleanings and dental x-rays, to the community, while adhering to the most current sterilization techniques. Several appointments will be needed and each may last three hours at a time.

For more information and scheduling, call 718-319-7943.

The appointment schedule is as follows:

Mondays: 9 AM - 1 PM and 2 - 6 PM

Wednesdays: 8 AM - 12 PM and 2:30 - 6:30 PM

Fridays: 9 AM - 1 PM and 2 - 6 PM

Location: Hostos Dental Hygiene Patient Care Facility

500 Grand Concourse, Bronx NY 10451


Note: The clinic does not provide restorative dental work such as fillings, implants, etc.


Hostos vs Fulton Montgomery CC

Date | Time: Sunday, November 24 | 2 PM [Women]

Location: Gymnasium

Description: Home Basketball Game


Hostos vs Monroe-BX

Date | Time: Tuesday, December 3 | 6 PM [Women] and 8 PM [Men]

Location: Gymnasium

Description: Home Basketball Game


Hostos vs BMCC

Date | Time: Thursday, December 5 | 6 PM [Women] and 8 PM [Men]

Location: Gymnasium

Description: Home Basketball Game


Hostos vs Queensborough CC

Date | Time: Saturday, December 14 | 12 PM [Women] and 2 PM [Men]

Location: Gymnasium

Description: Home Basketball Game


Title: Annual Three Lighting Ceremony

Date | Time: Tuesday, December 3 | 3 - 4:30 PM

Location: C-building Lobby

Description: Join us to officially launch the holidays with music, singing, and a three lighting! 

Title: Kwanzaa Celebration

Date | Time: Thursday, December 5 | 7 PM

Location: Repertory Theater

Description: Join the Hostos community in our annual Kwanzaa celebration. Let’s come together and reflect on the principles of unity, love, and much more that define this holiday! 

Title: End of Semester All College Meeting

Date | Time: Thursday, December 12 | 2:30 PM (Doors will open at 2 PM)

Location: Repertory Theater

Description: Join us for an end-of-semester gathering, Manos a la Obra/All Hands on Deck Awards ceremony, and a talent show. Light refreshments will be served before the event in the C-lobby at 1:30 p.m.

Title: Dum-D Animation Festival

Date | Time: Wednesday, December 18 | 5:30 PM

Location: Black Box Theater (C-151)

Description: Join the Hostos Media Design Unit for the DUM-D Animation Festival. Contact Professors Devanie Rosario (drosario@hostos.cuny.edu) or Josué A. Advincola (jadvincola@hostos.cuny.edu) for more information. More details coming soon!

Title: Senate Meeting – December

Date | Time: Thursday, December 19 | 3:30 PM

Location: Savoy Multipurpose Room


Title: Confronting the Stigma: Film and Mental Health Fair

Date | Time: Saturday, February 8, 2025 | 3 - 8 PM

Location: Building C (450 Grand Concourse)

Description: Save the date for “Confronting the Stigma,” a film presentation, panel discussion, and wellness resources fair. Presented by Bilal World Entertainment, in partnership with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., Tau Chi Sigma Chapter, and sponsored by Hostos Community College. Additional details are forthcoming.


El Semanario Hostosiano / The Hostos Weekly is a communication vehicle designed to unite our multiple voices as we share news about members of the Hostos family, provide updates on our projects and upcoming events, and disseminate policy that impacts our work.  

Past issues can be found here.

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