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We always love hearing from you, and including your news and items you find relevant to the community in the ELAM Edge, so please keep in touch!
Hope to hear from you soon!
President, University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Group. Submitted by Korn Ferry. ELUMs at the university are Viv Budnik, Joanna Cain, Debbie DeMarco, Ellen Gravallese, Julia Johnson, Jean King, Mary Lee, Katherine Luzuriaga, Michele Pugnaire, Gyongyi Szabo, and Luanne Thorndyke.
Chief Executive Officer, University Medical Group, University of Connecticut Health. Submitted by Korn Ferry. ELUMs at the university are Nancy Adams, Jeri Hepworth, Casey Jacob, Anne Kenny, and Sandy Weller (SOM); Anna Dongari-Bagtzoglou and Susan Reisine (SODM).
Chair, Department of Neurological Surgery, University of California Davis School of Medicine. Submitted by the institution. ELUMs at the university are Colleen Clancy, Diana Farmer, Julie Freischlag, Ellen Gold, Lydia Howell, Jesse Joad, Karen Kelly, Nancy Lane, Susan Murin, Tina Palmieri, and Amparo Villablanca.
Chair, Department of Medical Oncology, Harvard Medical School, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Submitted by the institution. ELUMs at Harvard are Christine Albert, Sharon Inouye, Barbara Kahn, Deborah Levine, Susan Redline, Hope Ricciotti, and Jeanine Wiener-Kronish.
Chair, Department of Population Health Sciences, Duke University School of Medicine. Submitted by the institution. ELUMs at the university are Ann Brown, Sharon Hull, Mary Klotman, Catherine Kuhn, Chris Marx, Amy Murtha, Ann Reed, Vicki Seewaldt, Julie Ann Sosa, Marilyn Telen, and Debara Tucci (SOM).
Chief, General Internal Medicine, University of California San Diego School of Medicine. Submitted by the institution. ELUMs at the university are Kathleen Kim, Razelle Kurzrock, and Vivian Reznik (SOM); Ana Pajor (School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences).
Director, Maternal Fetal-Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham. ELUMs at UAB are Vera Bittner, Jackie Feldman, Mona Fouad, Robin Lorenz, Amie McLain, Sarah Morgan, and Jane Schwebke (SOM); Jean O'Neal (SOD).
Director of the Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine, Rutgers University. Submitted by Korn Ferry. ELUMs at Rutgers are Vivian Bellofatto, Chantal Brazeau, Nancy Connell, Anne Mosenthal, Carol Newlon, and Maria Soto-Greene (New Jersey Medical School); Terri Kinzy, Kathy Scotto, and Carol Terregino (Robert Wood Johnson Medical School); Barbara Greenberg and Nanci Tofsky (SODM).
Associate Director for Clinical Research, Penn State Cancer Institute. Submitted by Korn Ferry. ELUMs at Penn State are Kathryn Schmitz (Penn State Cancer Institute); Shou-Ling Leong, Barbara Miller, Eileen Moser, Barbara Ostrov, Ann Ouyang, and Nan Schwann (COM).
Associate Chief of Research for the Division of Geriatrics, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. Submitted by the institution. ELUMs at the university are Adrienne Bonham, Linda Chaudron, Yuhchyau Chen, Mary Dombovy, Diane Hartmann, Susan Hyman, Vivian Lewis, Susan McDaniel, and Janet Williams.
A number of positions were submitted by executive search firm Merritt Hawkins:
Vice Dean of Clinical Affairs, University of Nevada Las Vegas School of Medicine. ELUMs at UNLV are Ellen Cosgrove (SOM); Georgia Dounis and Karen West (SODM).
Chief of Dermatology
, University of Kentucky College of Medicine. ELUMs at the university are Baretta Casey, Wendy Hansen, and Kristine Lohr (COM); Cynthia Beeman and Reny de Leeuw (COD); Donna Arnett and Pamela Teaster (COPH).
Chair, Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology
, Mayo Clinic. ELUMs at Mayo Medical School are Rebecca Bahn, Michele Halyard, Deborah Lightner, Dawn Milliner, Veronique Roger, Teresa Rummans, Paula Schomberg, Patricia Simmons, and Amy Williams.
Director, Division of Pediatric Genetics and Metabolism
, University of Minnesota School of Medicine. ELUMs at the university are Lynne Bemis, Iris Borowsky, Linda Carson, Maria Hordinsky, Nancy Raymond, Betsy Seaquist, Jill Siegfried, Paula Termuhlen, and Ezgi Tiryaki (SOM); Judith Buchanan and Sheila Riggs (SOD); Beth Virnig (SOPH).
Director of Cancer Clinical Genomics and Molecular Pathology
, University of California Los Angeles David Geffen School of Medicine. ELUMs at UCLA are Ines Boechat, Ilana Cass, Sherin Devaskar, Sarah Dry, Lynn Gordon, Sarah Kilpatrick, Margi Stuber, Areti Tillou, and Barbara Vickrey (SOM); Kathryn Atchison and Diana Messadi (SOD).
Wendy Frankel, M.D. (ELAM '16) will become President-Elect of USCAP (United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology) on April 1, 2017.
Veronica Thierry Mallett M.D. (ELAM '07) has been appointed as Meharry Medical College's senior vice president for health affairs and dean of the School of Medicine.
AAMC CFAS News, March 3, 2017:
Valerie Montgomery Rice, MD (ELAM '04), will be officially awarded membership in the Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans, Inc., March 30-April 1. Dr. Rice is president and dean of the Morehouse School of Medicine.
We received the following update and photo from ELUM Sharon Inouye:
We wanted to provide these photos for you of a recent reunion in Philadelphia, PA of ELAM Class of 2014, LC 6--still going strong, supporting each other through thick and thin.
Thank you ELAM for bringing us together--
Barbara Hempstead
Sharon Inouye
Beth Kirkpatrick
Anh Le
Anu Paranjape
Ismene Petrakis
If you have news about yourself, your ELAM Learning Community, or other ELUMs that you would like to share in the Edge, please send it to elam@drexelmed.edu.
Harvard Business Review, February 10, 2017:
When we're starting out on a new goal, we're full of energy and enthusiasm. We eagerly make changes and take steps in our new direction in the first few weeks. But as time goes on, the newness wears off. Our energy drains, and we lose sight of our goal. Ultimately, we slide back into the status quo.
No matter how sophisticated your strategies to rid yourself of bad habits and create good ones, you're less likely to succeed if you don't track and review your progress frequently. Noting your improvements each day encourages you to keep going. And by identifying where you're falling short, you'll notice patterns and make adjustments, so you won't feel stuck in habits that feel unnatural or aren't producing real change.
Inc., February 13, 2017:
Field-tested secrets from super users
Modern Healthcare, February 25, 2017:
Ruth Brinkley, president and CEO of KentuckyOne Health, knew few women in executive leadership positions as she was rising through the ranks during her nearly 40-year healthcare career.
Like many senior women managers in the healthcare industry, one of Brinkley's first major leadership positions was as chief nurse executive of University of Alabama Hospital in Birmingham. But unlike her female peers who often get stuck in that role, Brinkley continued to advance.
Several factors contributed to her success. Brinkley left the provider space for five years to work as a senior associate at APM/CSC Healthcare, a consulting firm. During that sojourn, she expanded her leadership skills beyond her clinical expertise.
Inside Higher Ed, March 2, 2017:
Recent increases in number of minority administrators don't keep up with demographic shifts, but new study finds broad pay equity.
Elizabeth H. Simmons offers advice on how deans, chairs and directors can make academics outside the tenure system feel valued, rewarded, included and consulted.
AAMC CFAS News, March 3, 2017:
A study in JAMA Internal Medicine elaborated on differences in mentor-mentee sponsorship in male vs female recipients of NIH grants. The study defined sponsorship as a senior leader's advocacy on behalf of a junior person and found that "any sponsorship experience, as well as specific sponsorship experiences, were more commonly reported by men than women, with significant differences between men and women."
Inside Higher Ed, March 6, 2017:
University of Virginia President Teresa Sullivan and U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton have a similar leadership style, writes Charlie Tyson, and public reaction to it says a good deal about how our society pigeonholes women with power.
CNN.com, March 8, 2017:
There's a running joke that one has to sport a beard to conduct scientific research in Antarctica.
Except it isn't really a joke, because until the mid-20th century women were widely discouraged from exploring the continent, and the United States didn't allow American women to work in the region until 1969.
But history was recently turned on its head when 76 women with backgrounds in science set sail to the bottom of the Earth.
Inside Higher Ed, March 8, 2017:
New analysis looks at differences in scholarly outputs and impacts across 12 countries/regions and 27 fields.
Calls for Application, Nomination, Etc.
2017 AAMC Mid-Career Minority Faculty Leadership Seminar
June 15-17 2017
AAMC Learning Center
Washington, DC
You've mapped out your career path, planned and executed research projects, and taken on leadership roles within your institution. Now it's time to move your career forward by learning to navigate crucial conversations, strengthening your change management skills, increasing your national visibility, and becoming the senior leader. The 2017 AAMC Mid-Career Minority Faculty Leadership Seminar will give you the tools to set a strategic path toward your career goals. [Note that the opening presentation will be delivered by Valerie Montgomery Rice,
The deadline to apply is Monday, April 5, 2017. Only a limited number of applicants will be selected for this unique opportunity.
Click here
for complete application details and requirements.
From the AAMC Group on Educational Affairs Update, February 23, 2017:
Diversity in Medical Education: Facts and Figures 2016 Now Available
The AAMC has published
Diversity in Medical Education: Facts & Figures 2016
, which provides an overview of detailed statistical information on race, ethnicity, and gender patterns in U.S. medical education for the 2014-2015 academic year, along with nearly ten years of data on select topics. The biennial report features an interactive map with sortable state-based data that analyzes medical students by race/ethnicity and population; interactive tables; downloadable charts in multiple formats, and more. The responsive website design delivers optimal viewing experience across devices, from desktop to tablets to smartphones.
AAMC CFAS, March 10, 2017:
Nature published an article this week about an effort through Wikipedia on the "Quest to reveal science's hidden female faces."