Respect of Self ~ Respect of Others ~ Respect of Environment
November 1, 2018
In this Issue

Where Did They Go?
Mark Your Calendars
Family Feast
Kindergarten Registration Opens TODAY!
Family Resources
Research Information
2018/2019 School Calendars
Contact Us
Where Did They Go?
November 16th PD Day
As a National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) accredited program, the ELC is held to the highest standards for professional development for our staff. You bring your child to the ELC each day because of our highly qualified and competent staff. Throughout the year, we have various professional days scheduled. These days provide an opportunity for your child’s teachers to learn about the latest research and how it informs their work in the classroom. We appreciate your patience as we close the center on these days to focus on our own professional growth.
On November 16 th, we have an exciting opportunity to travel as a group to Washington, DC to attend a day of the NAEYC conference. This is made possible through the generosity of our donors over the years. Many of our ELC staff will be boarding a bus at the ELC at 5:00 AM for an exciting day filled with conference sessions, networking opportunities with other early childhood professionals, and a chance to see and learn about new classroom materials in the exhibit hall. We will arrive back at the ELC around 7:00 that evening tired but full of new ideas and thoughts for your child on Monday morning!  

Thank you for your support of the teachers and classroom assistants as we make space throughout this year to grow professionally so that we can better serve your child and family. 

Mark Your Calendars
November 6 - ELC Closed - Election Day
November 8 - Family Feast 4-5:30 pm
November 16 - ELC Closed; Professional Development Day
November 21 - ELC closing at Noon
November 22-23 - ELC Closed; Thanksgiving Break
December 21 - ELC closes at Noon
December 24-31 - ELC Closed; Winter Break
*calendar links listed below

There will be No School on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 for Election Day.
Family Feast
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Be Thankful Together

Please join your child for our annual Family feast,
Thursday, November 8th from 4:00-5:30.
Sliced Turkey, Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing, Green Beans,
Cranberry Sauce, and Assorted Desserts
Kindergarten Registration opens TODAY
in Delaware!
Do you have a child that will be 5 by August 31, 2019?
Did you know that you can register your child today for kindergarten next year?

Diane Frentzel from the Delaware Readiness Team recently shared a lot of helpful information about kindergarten registration and how to navigate "Choice" options in Delaware. She informed families about finding your "feeder school" and that you must register in your feeder school before applying to "choice" another school.
Does this sound confusing? We are here to help! Below are three great ways to get started with the kindergarten registration process.

  1. Start Here: Power Point from Delaware Readiness Team
  2. Department of Education: Information includes; locating your feeder school and registration steps.
  3. Choice Information
  4. List of Independent Schools: provided by an ELC parent.
  5. Kindergarten Packet can be picked up at the front desk.

  1. November 1, 2018 - Kindergarten Registration Opens
  2. November 5, 2018 - Choice Opens (must be registered in your feeder school first)
  3. January 9, 2019* - 11:59pm - Online Choice Application Closes
  4. February 28, 2019 - District/School Notify Parent of Invitation Status
  5. March 15, 2019 - Parent Notify District/School of Acceptance Decision
  6. Check websites for Open Houses at each school
  7. TBD - Additional Family Sessions in 2019!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Jessica Peace, Associate Director Preschool/School Age.
Helpful Family Resources
Family Fun Ideas

Looking for something fun to do with the family? Check out the links below for some new ideas!

  1. Brandywine Creek State Park
  2. NewBark PawLooza
  3. Delaware Event Calendars

ELC Family T Shirt Order forms and money due Monday, November 5, 2018!
2018/2019 School Calendars
Research Information
There are currently 6 Research projects scheduled for the Fall semester. If you have any questions about the projects please contact Kathy Kampe .

  1. Spatial Cognition in Children; 4-5 year olds
  2. The Interface between Spatial Cognition and Language; 3-4 year olds
  3. Language Experience Influences Event Perception; 4-5 year olds
  4. Preschool Reading Screener; 3-5 year olds
  5. Baby QUILS; 2 Yr. Olds
  6. Artificial Grammar Studay; 7-9 year olds

Also, click here , if you have a child between the ages of 2 and 5 years old and would like to learn more about a book-reading study through the UD Treatment Efficacy and Language Learning Lab.
Contact Information
489 Wyoming Road
Newark, Delaware 19716
Phone: 302-831-6205
Fax: 302-831-1829
Website: UD ELC
1218 B Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19716
Phone: 302-654-1420 
Fax: 302-652-1796
Website: UD ELC