In this issue, we'll examine how different transitions affect children's success from preschool to third grade.

Transitions include being introduced to new teachers and peers, learning new rules and routines, and mastering new skills during schooling. Families also undergo transitions in terms of their roles and responsibilities in supporting a child’s learning over the course of their life.

Discover what we're learning about this important cross-cutting theme and why it matters. Click below to read the full article.
Emerging theme: Transitions - Early Learning Network

It's often said that the only thing constant is change. There is a tremendous amount of change during children's early education experiences. These transitions not only impact children, but also their families, and may have long-lasting...

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In an effort to bring in new and diverse voices, we're reaching out to stakeholders across the Early Learning Network's study sites — parents, teachers, school administrators, policymakers and others — and inviting them to share their perspectives on the emerging themes that are growing from the research. These individuals are either using the network's research in practice or can speak to its relevance.

This month, we hear from a school administrator on why it is important to better understand more about transitions and how they impact children's success.
School administrator
Chelsea Feusner
Director of Student Services for Kearney Public Schools
Kearney, Nebraska

Chelsea Feusner is partnering with ELN on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's study.

“Students enter our school systems in kindergarten with varying backgrounds, experiences and needs.

Researching and identifying where supports are needed for children prior to transitioning from their early learning experience, whether that’s preschool or at home, helps teachers and school leaders know where to preteach and prepare for student success.

Understanding where children are coming from helps us navigate where they are going.”
The Early Learning Network, funded by the Institute of Education Sciences , leverages its expertise, resources and geographic diversity to help close the achievement gap and maintain early learning success as children transition from preschool to third grade. Together, network researchers from universities and organizations across the U.S. are examining current policies and practices, identifying malleable factors associated with early learning and achievement and developing tools to assess early learning instruction, interactions and environments. Learn more at
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