2022 Child Care Market Rate Survey
The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) is asking all Pennsylvania licensed child care facilities to complete the 2022 Child Care Market Rate Survey and share information about tuition rates and the true cost of care. Every two years, OCDEL asks early care and education providers to submit updates on their costs or confirm there has not been any change. These updates and confirmations are necessary as OCDEL uses this information to consider future Child Care Works (CCW) base rate increases. When all providers participate, this accurate accounting of data may mean more money for resources and staff in the form of future increased base rates.
The 2022 Child Care Market Rate Survey should be completed by the facility's director, owner, or other person who is knowledgeable about the facility's operations and finances. The survey includes questions about private pay tuition rates, payments and fees, CCW program participation, enrollment, staffing, and operations. Private pay tuition rates collected from this survey will be used to update a facility’s rates in the PELICAN system. Rates from PELICAN are also displayed publicly on websites such as the Compass Provider search. This survey is being mailed to all licensed child care facilities in Pennsylvania and may be completed online or on paper. Providers should complete the survey for the child care facility. If multiple facilities are owned by a single entity, a separate survey must be completed for each. Participation is voluntary, and participants may stop at any time. At the end of the survey, a provider can enter the optional drawing for one of 100 $100 Amazon e-gift cards and triple their chances to win by returning the survey by September 1, 2022. The final deadline to complete the survey is October 11, 2022. Those who have questions about the 2022 Child Care Market Rate Survey or who need help submitting the survey should contact the Institute of State and Regional Affairs at ChildCareResearch@psu.edu or leave a toll-free voicemail at (866) 982.6433.
Didn't receive your Market Rate Survey letter? If your after-school program is closed for the summer, or you're a certified child care provider who didn't receive your letter for the Market Rate Survey, you can still participate! Just email the facility name(s) and MPI to the Institute of State and Regional Affairs at ChildCareResearch@psu.edu or leave a toll-free voicemail with the info at (866) 982-6433. You will then receive a web link to access the survey.