Three (3) Popular Advanced EMDR Workshops/Online Courses Continue to Receive Popular Acclaim!
Instructor: Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D.
When There Are No Words: (6.5 Hours)
Reprocessing Early Trauma & Neglect Held
in Implicit Memory.
This workshop addresses some of the most difficult challenges of using EMDR with individuals with affect dysregulation, somatic distress and attachment injuries from early trauma and neglect. The methods efficiently empower clients with resources for containment, safety, and increased affect tolerance; and systematically target and reprocess early disturbance for which there may be no explicit memories. Although the workshop primarily addresses adolescents and adults, it also describes its use with infants and children.
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- Looking Through The Eyes: EMDR & Ego State Therapy Across Dissociative Continuum. (12.5 Hours)
The workshop highlights how, once readiness for EMDR has been achieved, a clinician can use relevant ego state strategies and imagery to ensure that the client's self-system is engaged and informed about the process, has sufficient internal resources to process through traumatic material while maintaining dual-attention awareness. The workshop draws on hypnotic tradition for strategies for pacing and fractionating trauma work, and allowing consolidation of gains and synthesis between pieces of work. Dissociative table (conference room) methods are discussed in the context of use within and outside of EMDR. Ego state, (somatic, for the second workshop) and Imaginal Interweaves are suggested for "looping" or stuck EMDR processes. Pseudoseizures, headaches, and mutism are also discussed in terms of ego state work within EMDR. Finally, we'll touch on EMDR assisted skills building, integration and fusion methods in the later stages of the work.
(view course) Dr. Paulsen's book is available for shipping, within the United States, at a courtesy discount price.
Available for purchase with Your purchase of the workshop, Looking Through The Eyes
3. Toward An Embodied Self:
Somatic Methods for EMDR Practitioners. (9 Hours)
The neurobiology of attachment and trauma has resulted in the recent emergence of somatic interventions for treating trauma. This workshop will frame Porges' polyvagal theory, Schore's right hemisphere and developmental postulates with in the neural network understand of the Adaptive Information Process theory that underlies EMDR; introduce several key somatic interventions including: somatic resources, tracking, discharging, pendulation, micro-movements, and boundaries, with a framework of somatic empathy (Stanley, 2006), and 3) identify where the eight step process of EMDRIA specific somatic elements can be utilized while maintaining the integrity of EMDR.
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- The Steve Frankel Group, LLC is an approved EMDRIA Credit Provider, #15002, and maintains responsibility for these courses and their content.
- The Steve Frankel Group, LLC is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists.
- The Steve Frankel Group, LLC maintains responsibility for these courses and their content.
Also, For Custody Practitioners
Now Available!
2015 Child Custody, and Domestic Violence Updates by
Phil Stahl, Ph.D. APBB (forensic)
2015 Child Custody Evaluator Update (8 hrs)
In this custody evaluation update, Drs. Stahl, Simon and Frankel, along with the Honorable Josanna Berkow will present the latest research and practice tips regarding Domestic Violence.
This workshop will be the 4-hour domestic violence update on legal and psychological issues related to domestic violence as required by the California courts. It will address new research and new laws, as required by Rule of Court 5.230. Additionally, Dr. Stahl will focus on the latest research on domestic violence and Emberly Cross, JD will again discuss the latest CA laws and proposed statutes. Along with Robert A. Simon, PhD, participants will brainstorm various case scenarios to help in the consideration of evaluation strategies and assessment practices.