Fall Mentor Mingler Recap
Mentor Spotlights
Meet New Mentors JC & August Al-Uqdah!

This is your first year as mentors. How did you hear about EMERGE and the Mentor Program? What inspired you to join?
August and I heard about EMERGE through our friends, Maria Zerr and Judy Le, who actively support the organization and serve as mentors. We found the college application daunting and overwhelming after going through it with our oldest child. We decided that we could definitely share our experience!

How have you connected with your mentee so far?
We met Abby, our mentee, for breakfast. We were eager to meet her in person and to hear what her goals were. I’m glad we had the opportunity to meet before the fall mingler because some of her plans have changed. She also asked us some questions about diversity programs which we were familiar with! Aside from face to face events, we also reach out via text or email just so she knows that we are around. 

Describe Abby in 3 words.
Just three?! She is curious, driven, intelligent, and kind.

Why do you choose to donate to EMERGE?
What a great program. The path to college is not easy and clear. There are so many things to consider, and if you don’t have a coach or a counselor, it is easy to get lost or miss out on opportunities that could have easily opened a door. This program makes sure that deserving students get the guidance that they need to succeed. Guidance doesn’t just apply to college applications, although these students will get a lot of that. It also applies to life in general. What do you want to be when you grow up is such a tough question to answer. Having someone to talk to really helps these kids see what's possible.
Anything else to add?
August and I have been telling our friends about this program. The students are so impressive, and you just want to give them time and wisdom to help! We truly encourage everyone to come join and share. You will find that not only are you helping another be better but you are also growing as you participate. 
Dr. Suratha Elango, a Pediatrician at Texas Children's Hospital, Shares How She Connected With Her Former Mentee
Tell us about the book reading you attended with your mentee, Mona (now at Colorado College!)
Over dinner this past summer, Mona shared her love of reading as well as some frustrations she had experienced in how Muslims were portrayed post-9/11 in one of her classes. A few days later, I happened to be going to the Inprint reading series which brings world-renowned authors to Houston! On this occasion, the author Mohsin Hamid had written provocatively in the past about his own experiences post 9/11 as a Muslim. His new novel "The Last White Man" appeared to probe deftly into complex issues of race. I thought this would certainly be of interest to Mona. It was such a fun and thought-provoking conversation. We both enjoyed it immensely and even got to speak with the author afterwards while he signed our books!

What advice do you have for current mentors?
I have found each of my mentees to be so different from each other but similar in their thoughtfulness about the world around them and eagerness for what lies ahead. The challenge is finding ways to connect with each of them in meaningful ways. I think it starts with good conversation and a lot of curiosity and listening on our parts! Then try to find some shared experiences that touch either or both of your personal interests! Interests I've shared with each of my mentees have included a love of public service, reading, and our cultures. Don't worry if you're always the one reaching out. You never know when a meetup with you or something you've said will be just what they needed in a given moment.

Why do you choose to support EMERGE?
The students! What remarkable students who are poised to leave their marks on our world in big and small ways! Without a doubt the nudges and the critical support that EMERGE provides certainly opens doors that many of them could not have ever imagined for themselves! What a joy it has been to be a part of their journeys!

Upcoming Events
You're invited to our optional November Mentor-Mentee Meet Up!

Where? Local Foods

When? Thursday, November 17th from 6:00- 7:30 PM.

What? Come join your mentee and other mentor/mentee pairs for dinner. We hope to see you there!

Please note that this is not an EMERGE-sponsored event and any associated costs are the responsibility of each party. This is an optional meet up for mentors and mentees to connect. Please coordinate transportation, parent permission, etc. directly with your mentees.
EMERGE is excited to host its 3rd Annual Sporting Clays Tournament on Friday, October 28th, at the Greater Houston Sports Club. Mentor Matt Rowland is co-chairing the event.
October Check-In Survey
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We want to hear from you!
Please complete the monthly check-in survey for October. This gives you a chance to share what is going well, what could be going better, and how we can best support you as a mentor. Also, feel free to attach any photos of you and your mentees for next month's newsletter!
Spotted! Mentors Around Houston
Mentor Tyrone Byrd and his mentee, Kyle Randon.
Mentor Barbara Goldfield and her mentee, Jaquelin Franco.
"I know that whatever my lab can contribute to the world, it's a sliver compared to the totality of what my mentees will contribute to the world."
Carolyn Bertozzi, winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, on the impact of mentoring.