Family Planning
Under the EMERGE initiative to develop and strengthen gender equity and empowerment (GE/E) measurement, we have done a deep dive in family planning research for monitoring and evaluation of FP programs in India.

The FP-EMERGE team is part of a larger consortium effort along with Population Council, ICRW, CARE Bihar and IHAT Uttar Pradesh. 
In this Lancet commentary, Dr. Anita Raj and Dr. Nandita Bhan of EMERGE call for reorienting the goals of FP programmes, considering the demand-side determinants of FP use and user experience and centering the woman or girl as the final decision maker. 
First in our series of FP-EMERGE briefs, we look at the measurement of contraceptive decision-making, how measures of contraceptive decision-making assess women’s agency versus women’s inclusion in decision-making, and whether decision-making is associated with contraceptive use across country contexts.  
Five ways to include the
Gender Lens in FP-related Measurement
Further Reading
Despite advancements in FP programmes aimed at reaching young people in India, more data to support the design and implementation of effective and sustainable programs in this population is needed.

The FP-EMERGE team along with IUSSP convened researchers and implementers in India and sub-Saharan Africa to understand the impact of COVID on FP service, demand and its associated gendered factors. 

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