In this EMR Update you will find:
  • First Sites to be scheduled for EMR implementation
  • Progress Update
  • Next Webinar: Collaborating with Patients Towards Better Health | June 17
  • New: Implementation Checklist Online
  • Last Call: Fee for Service $8,000 Early Bird Grant
The EMR Program and Telus are now selecting the first cohort of sites for EMR implementation. The sites will be selected among those who put forward their expressions of interest. The first five to eight sites will need to meet criteria that allow the EMR Program to implement at sites that have manageable sizes - five providers or less initially – and offer diversity in their practice style. Our first group of adopters will include existing EMR and non-EMR users, collaborative and solo teams, and from different practice types (family practice/nurse practitioner vs. specialty). Conversely, sites with more complex patient workflows, larger group practices, or those that will require data migrated from Practimax* or MedAccess* are less suitable for the pilot project.
In addition, the sites contacted for early adoption will also be available for implementation throughout the summer, dedicate time to improve the solution and agree to go live without all the integrations in place at the beginning. They will also be asked to agree to act as EMR champions for colleagues who later implement.
The first site will begin implementation in July, with a staggered implementation every few weeks into September.

In the meantime, the EMR Program will continue to build a broader provincewide implementation schedule. Clinicians will be contacted in advance to discuss scheduling considerations. To date we have more than 130 clinicians interested in adopting, with a plan to have the majority onboarded by March 2022. To achieve this, we foresee implementing multiple sites in parallel. This will require strategic use of our EMR Program resources to ensure we have the right teams on the ground at the right time (e.g., clustering clinics geographically or by specialty). Once you have enrolled, we will continue to update you on the scheduling plans to ensure you have enough lead time to prepare.

*Note: Telus is in the process of developing migration tools for Practimax and MedAccess. The Practimax data migration tool will not be available until October. The MedAccess data migration tool will be available later this year.
In addition to beginning implementation with our early adopters, other EMR Programs progress includes:
  • EMR Advisors are processing the enrolment of over 130 providers. This includes calling applicants to understand their practice specifics and address their questions.
  • Facilitating the integrations between the Telus CHR and the client registry, billing, labs, diagnostic imaging and clinical documentation. 
  • Initiating the PrescribeIT integration planning.
  • Collecting and compiling all frequently used forms and clinical best practices to ensure they are system ready (discussions on the need to have more provincial standardized forms are also underway.)
  • Working with Telus and the Clinical Advisory Team to establish the base configuration for the solution.
  • Conducting technical site assessments at Health PEI sites and initiating technical conversations with landlords.
  • Completing Threat Risk and Privacy Impact Assessments to ensure any privacy and security risks are identified and mitigated. 
  •  Developing the Participation Agreement, the contract clinicians will sign with the provincial government as part of adoption.
  • Developing the implementation schedule to strategically onboard all clinicians who expressed interest as efficiently as possible.

The EMR Implementation Checklist is designed to help you start thinking about how to prepare for your implementation. Your EMR Advisor will support you through the process.

More resources are available on the
The window for obtaining the maximum funding available for CHR implementation is nearing. Community-based fee for service physicians must submit an Expression of Interest and provide enrolment details by May 31, 2021, to be eligible for the full $8,000 implementation grant. If you haven’t already, Express Interest today to get the process started. 
Next Webinar: Collaborating with Patients Toward Better Health
Learn how the EMR will support you in having more collaboration with your patients in their health care journey. From online scheduling to virtual care and patient questionnaires, the Telus CHR is designed in part to help patients have a more engaged and meaningful role in their health care.
Thursday, June 17 | 6 p.m.

All EMR webinars are recorded and posted for viewing.

On-Demand Webinars
The EMR Program is using webinars as a way to support all clinicians in staying informed on EMR implementation. You are encouraged to watch them and share them with your staff to ensure everyone has the same level of information going into implementation.

Past Webinars:
  • EMR Program Overview
  • Telus’ Collaborative Health Record (CHR) Demonstration
  • Preparing for the Transition

Watch the webinars by visiting Webinars and Learning Resources.

If you have a suggestion for an EMR topic please send us your ideas by emailing: [email protected]
Email us at


Dr. Kristy Newson
 EMR Physician Advisor
Department of Health and Wellness