
October 2023 Newsletter

A Message from EMS Administration

Hello, Oak Creek East Middle School Families,

The month of September at EMS was full of positive energy, relearning routines, building a strong sense of community and of course learning! Throughout September, we focused on what it means to follow the EMS Cougar Code: Critical Thinkers, Positive Community Members, Take Responsibility and Make Appropriate Choices. We all worked together to create posters of common expectations for everyone in all environments at East: Hallways, Restrooms, Cafeteria, and Recess. Students engaged in our schoolwide Cougar Way Kickoff, where they learned about expectations within all areas of the building. Teachers led the learning at stations throughout the building. Classrooms also all worked on developing mission statements and classroom expectations to create shared ownership of our learning environment at East.

At Oak Creek East Middle School we continue to use a digital hall pass system, SmartPass. SmartPass replaces traditional hall passes such as sign-out sheets, wooden blocks, passbooks, lanyards, etc. SmartPass provides staff with an accounting of which students are outside of the classroom during the school day. In case of emergencies such as fires, severe weather etc., administrators have real-time access to this critical information. Overall, the pass-history of a student will lead to more effective and informative parent-teacher conferences, as well as ensuring students are where they should be - in the classroom learning. 

This month, we will have parent-teacher-student conferences on Thursday, October 12 IN-PERSON, and Thursday, October 19 VIRTUAL. In addition to conversations about students’ academic, social skills and executive function skills, we encourage students, families, and staff to review SmartPass data as another way to understand student engagement in the classroom. Available statistics include number of passes created, time spent out of class, number of passes over the time limit, and more.

In addition to building a sense of community and practicing positive social skills, our students completed their initial STAR Literacy and Math testing to guide teachers to meet the individual needs of our students within the classroom environment. Students are also setting learning goals based on their individual test scores. As always, we will use student STAR data to inform our intervention groups and provide appropriate support and extension opportunities for students during 6th period. You will receive your student’s STAR information in the near future. 

During the month of September, all students learned how to keep themselves safe at school and the consequences of unsafe behavior at school. This information was presented by principals Mrs. Leatherman, Mr. Wegner, Ms. Thompson, our Dean of Students Mr. Bastian and our School Resource Officer, Aaron Hausner. Click here to view the presentation that was shared with your child.

As we all get back into the routine of school, it is important to remember to pay close attention to your student’s academic growth and achievement by monitoring their Infinite Campus account and our weekly House Update that is emailed every Friday. Both of these tools are essential in us working together to support your student’s academic and social/emotional needs.

If you do not have your parent account set up in Infinite Campus or forgot your login, please contact Sue Wanninger at or visit the OCFSD parent information page at 

We are extremely proud to say that all our efforts are aligned to our staff and learners growing, learning and working towards getting better at getting better each and every day. 

Thank you for your continued support and partnership.


Sue Thompson, Principal

Sarah Leatherman, Associate Principal (A-L)

Mark Wegner, Associate Principal (M-Z)

Paul Bastian, Dean of Students


Click HERE to see a full list of upcoming events!


Oct. 6 - Friday - No School

Oct. 12 - Thursday - In person Parent Conferences 4:30-8 pm

Oct. 12 - 20 Scholastic Book Fair

Oct. 19 - Thursday - Virtual Parent Conferences 4:30-8 pm

Oct. 24 - Photo Make Up Day

Oct. 27- Friday - No School


Nov. 2 - Festival of Choirs @ OCPAEC 7pm

Nov. 3 - Library Read In 3:45 - 6pm

Nov. 10 - No School

Nov. 16 - Fall Band Concert 7pm

Nov. 22-24 No School - Thanksgiving Break

Parent/Teacher Conferences - October

Parent/Teacher Conferences provide an excellent opportunity for parents/guardians to gain insight into your student’s recent academic performance and study skills/habits. Parents/guardians, you are a crucial component in your student’s academic achievement and social/emotional well-being at school. We encourage you to bring your student along with you so that all parties are on the same page, preparing for a successful academic first semester of the 2023-2024 school year.

Conferences will be held on Thursday, October 12 & Thursday, October 19 from 4 - 8:30pm.

Sign up links have been sent out via email by your child's teacher.

If you have not received a sign up link yet it means that your child is doing well and there are no specific concerns at this time. Out of respect for your time, understanding that some schools in the District are conducting conferences on the same night, and based on your child’s progress, we’d like you to know that your attendance at the conferences is optional.  If you would like to schedule a conference, we will be emailing sign-up details.

We look forward to meeting with you during our Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences.

Sing Out! Tenor-Bass Festival UW Milwaukee

On Friday, September 22, students from the 7th and 8th grade choirs attended the Sing Out! Tenor-Bass Festival at UW-Milwaukee. They worked with hundreds of other students from around the state to learn and perform several songs together.

Library News

The East Middle School Library saw a ton of engagement from so many different classes in September. All 6th and 7th grade students visited and checked out books, Spanish classes came and did story time with arts and crafts, and there were many daily checkouts of books in between. A total of 37 classes visited and 1040 books were checked out! That is a lot of reading happening at East! 

October's monthly display is "Read More Booooooooks" featuring our favorite spooky and thrilling reads. This month we will also be hosting the Scholastic Book Fair. This will run from October 12-October 20 during the school hours. The fair will also be open during Parent Teacher Conferences on October 12 from 4:30-8PM. Can't wait to see you there!



When students experience bullying they may have school-related anxiety, have lower self-esteem or less self-confidence. They might also struggle to concentrate in school which is why bully prevention is so important. When we all work together, we can help create safe schools, communities, and online spaces where everyone feels respected, valued for who they are and that they belong. Bullying can be prevented through sharing kindness, promoting acceptance, and encouraging inclusion. Click here for more resources and to learn about Unity Day on October 18.

September Leaders of the Cougar Way

6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade

The September Leaders of the Cougar Way enjoyed Lou Malnati's pizza for lunch on Friday, September 30!

They also received an encouraging note from their teachers.

Artist: Cecilia Leigler

Grade: 8

Cecilia created this value project done with mark making techniques like scumbling, cross hatching and hatching.

Hispanic Heritage Month Sept. 16 - Oct. 16

Students created a banner called "Papel Picado" in the LMC/Library Media Center with Mrs. Matthews to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month which is September 16-October 16.

These colorful and traditional banners are displayed for a celebration. Scissors are used to cut designs in the tissue paper. These 7th Grade students are from Señora Rojas's class.

Ambassador Club News

The National Night Out Board will be providing a $250 check for the EMS Ambassador Club for having Ambassadors volunteer and support the Oak Creek National Night Out. Thank you to all of the Ambassadors who worked at this event in August! Applications to join the Ambassador Club will be presented at the informational meeting which will be held after school on October 4th in room 612 from 3:50-4:20 p.m.  


GOLD SLIPS are required for all after school activities. Tutorials, athletic events, clubs & all school sponsored after school events. Please send this with your student the morning of the event as students will not be allowed to call home for a gold slip.

Thank you.

Gold Slip Link


Click HERE to view our cell phone and headphones procedure.

If you allow your student to bring a phone to school, it will need to be locked in the locker from 8:30 am until 3:45 pm. 

As in the “olden days,” you can contact the office if you need to speak to or get a message to your child.

Picking up your Child Early?

Please send a note with your child and have them bring it to the main office by 8:30am OR email the main office at

We will write a pass for your student to leave class and be in the office, ready for you to pick them up.

Student Medications at School

If you child needs to take medication at school, we must have a completed medication form on file. Forms must be completed yearly.

Forms are available in the main office.

Thank you.

October - School Safety Month

October is school safety month. Please click HERE to read our district safety letter and view links about school safety.

District & Community News

Absence Reporting

Please call the attendance line at (414) 768-6260 option “1” to report student absences and tardies. When leaving a message, please include the date, first and last name of your student, the spelling and grade.

Additionally you may email attendance information to our general office email address at

Virtual Backpack

Don’t forget to check your student’s Virtual Backpack! The Virtual Backpack is our "eco-friendly" approach to distributing information supporting our district's educational goals and mission.

Virtual Backpack Link:

Background Checks

The District Volunteer Background Check Application is online. We will no longer be accepting paper applications. Every volunteer must complete an online volunteer application form even if you were previously approved and are on the Volunteer Database. You will still need to submit an online volunteer application every five years after the initial online application. This new process will have results within 1-2 days!

The link can be found under the Parents tab on the district website. 

Oak Creek-Franklin

East Middle School Contact Info


Main Office: (414) 768-6260

Attendance Line: (414) 768-6260; Option “1”

Attendance Email:

Food Service: (414) 768-6120

Lunch Menus:

Sue Thompson, Principal


Sarah Leatherman, Associate Principal

(Last name A-L)

Mark Wegner, Associate Principal 

 (Last name M-Z)

Jill Hanel, Administrative Assistant


Jamie Davis, Administrative Assistant - Attendance

Kathy Veit, Administrative Assistant 

Emily Splan, School Counselor 

(Last name A-L) 

Christine Ruz, School Counselor 

(Last name M-Z)

Wendy Wright-Kisting, Administrative Assistant - Guidance Office

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