Here's What's Going On at EMCC:

Winter, Spring, and Summer Registration Opens TODAY!!!


Monday, 10/23 - International and Multicultural Club (3pm) - Join the International and Multicultural Club on Wednesdays in Maine Hall 125. They meet weekly and will be planning events to celebrate people and foods from our diverse worlds. For more information - email advisor Liz Daigle (

Tuesday, 10/24 - Student Senate (12:15pm) - The Student Senate is meeting this week and invites all students to consider joining! They are working on their annual Trunk or Treat event, which is to be held on 10/30 from 4pm-7pm. For more information about the Trunk or Treat or to sign up to participate at the event, please email Secretary Corey Brown (

Tuesday, 10/24 - Healthy Relationships: A Lunch & Learn! (12-1pm) - The folks from Rape Response Services will be in Maine Hall 117 to discuss the elements of a health relationship, some red flags in relationships, and the importance of a culture of consent and respect in preventing violence. For more information about Rape Response Services, visit

Tuesday, 10/24 - Gaming League (6-8pm) - The Gaming League meets in Maine Hall 125. Students are welcome to bring their own games or play any of the games in the Gaming League's collection. From table top games to video games, this club is open to gamers of all experiences! Come have fun! Contact Benjamin Benefield if you want to learn more or join (

Wednesday, 10/25 - Narcan Training with Health Equity Alliance (10am) - The Health Equity Alliance (HEAL) will be teaching people when, and how, to administer Narcan. Remember to bring your Eagle Punch Card! This training will be held in Maine Hall 125.

Wednesday, 10/25 - Flu Vaccination Clinic (12-3pm) - There will be a flu vaccination clinic coming up in the EMCC Nursing Simulation Lab, from 12pm-3pm on Wednesday, October 25th. You may come any time during that time frame to receive your vaccine. You need to bring your insurance card with you to present to the pharmacist. We need at least 40 participants for the provider to come, so please add your name to the below sign up so we can track how many folks plan to come. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Samantha Ritchie, who is organizing this opportunity for the campus. Her email is:



Wednesday, 10/25 - Appetizing Apps (3pm) - In Maine Hall 125, you can learn how to use free apps to track your calories, nutrients, and food intake. Join Cathy Ryder, Americorps Vista Volunteer, to learn more about apps that can also help you find healthy recipes, plan meals, and make grocery lists. If you have any questions, please contact Cathy via email at

Wednesday, 10/25- SAFE Club (12:15pm) - The EMCC SAFE (Students Advocating For Equality) will be meeting in Maine Hall 223! All who might be interested in joining are welcome.

Wednesday, 10/25 - International and Multicultural Club (3pm) - Join the International and Multicultural Club on Wednesdays in Maine Hall 125. They meet weekly and will be planning events to celebrate people and foods from our diverse worlds. For more information - email advisor Liz Daigle (

Wednesday, 10/25 - Outdoor Recreation Club (4pm) - EMCC's Outdoor Recreation Club will be meeting in Maine Hall 101! If you are looking for more ways to get outside and have fun year round - this is the group for you! If you can't attend this initial meeting or want more information, please email advisor Dr. Eric Hoffman (


There will be a flu vaccination clinic coming up in the EMCC Nursing Simulation Lab, from 12pm-3pm on Wednesday, October 25th. You may come any time during that time frame to receive your vaccine. You will need to bring your insurance card with you to present to the pharmacist.


We need at least 40 participants for the provider to come, so please add your name to the below sign up so we can track how many folks plan to come. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Samantha Ritchie, who is organizing this opportunity for the campus. Her email is:

Intramural Interest Survey:

Are you interested in taking part in some intramural sports, like basketball, soccer, volleyball, etc? If so, please help us with our planning process by completing this survey!

Work Study Job Opportunities

Facilities - The Facilities team is looking for motivated individuals to assist with tasks ranging from lawn mowing and weed whacking to minor general exterior repairs - and more inside work to come as colder weather sets in. Please contact Terri Adam to get more information or to apply (

Student Life - The Student Life team is seeking outgoing individuals to assist with running campus events and some clerical work. if you are interested in helping plan, organize, or run events for students to enjoy, this may be the perfect fit for you! Contact Kris Kelley to apply or learn more (

Student Success Center - The Student Success Center is hiring for the front desk position, the successful candidates should be able to greet students, monitor and upkeep the space, and provide appropriate referrals to staff and campus services. To apply or learn more, contact Kris Kelley (

Student Clubs are Meeting & You can Join!

Student Clubs and Organizations are getting going - there's still plenty of time to join or start an organization/club!

Gaming League - Meets on Tuesdays at 6pm in Maine Hall 125. Contact club secretary Benjamin Benefield ( to learn more.

International & Intercultural Club - Mondays at 3pm - Maine Hall 125. Contact Advisor Liz Daigle ( for more information.

Outdoor Recreation Club - Meeting Wednesday at 4pm in Maine Hall 101, to sign up please email advisor Eric Hoffman (

Phi Theta Kappa - Every other Thursday (next meeting is 10/26) via zoom, for more info - contact advisor Kim Campbell (

SAFE Club - Students Advocating for Equality will be meeting on Wednesdays at 12:15pm in Maine Hall 223. For more info, email advisor Autumn Mallett -

Skills USA - Contact Advisor Kathy Crise

Student Senate - Every Tuesday, 12:15-1pm in Maine Hall 125, contact for more information.

Sing and Strings Club - Fall meetings TBD - contact student President Amanda Ritz-Perkins (

For more information about our other clubs or starting a club, please email Kris Kelley ( 

EM3C Co-op/Food Pantry:

Fall Tutoring:

  • Tutoring is available in the Student Success Center during the week and virtually by appointment!
  • Contact to request a tutor or for more information about tutoring availability.


  • If you have not yet set up your accommodations, please submit the initial contact form as soon as possible!
  • The Liz Daigle, the Director of Learning Support, is located in Maine Hall, room 123.

The Library:

  • The EMCC Library is open all days that the College is open (closed on snow days, holidays, etc.).
  • 8:30 AM – 7:00 PM Monday-Thursday
  • 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM Friday
  • 2:00 PM – 7:00 PM Saturday
  • 6:00 PM – 11:00 PM Sunday
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