Notification of new requirements for
elective surgeries, effective 3/1/17
Effective for dates of service starting 3/1/17, EOCCO will require confirmation of smoking cessation to be submitted with initial authorizations requests for all elective surgeries, based on The Prioritized list of Health Services.     

The tests that can be used to confirm smoking cessation are cotinine levels or exhaled carbon monoxide testing.  

The Prioritized List of Health Services was updated on 1/1/17 with a new Ancillary Guideline Note A4, which states that smoking cessation is required prior to elective surgeries for at least 4 weeks prior to the procedure and requires objective evidence of abstinence from smoking.  Elective procedures are defined as surgical procedures which are flexible in their scheduling because they do not pose an imminent threat nor require immediate attention within 1 month.   

For more information about Guideline Note A4 and exceptions, please visit
The Prioritized List of Health Services here.

For more information about this announcement, please contact Noah Pietz at