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Downstate New York

Advent Day of Reflection on Long Island

14 December 2024

9:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Light Breakfast and Lunch Included

Msgr. Charles Fink - Presenter

Immaculate Conception Seminary

440 West Neck Road, Huntington, New York 11743

RSVP by 29 November 2024

to Dan Searby at  

Day of Prayer Itinerary

9:30 am - Coffee & Bagels

10:00 am - First Session

11:00 am - Break

11:15 am - Mass

Noon - Lunch

1 pm - Second Session

2 pm - Optional Tour of the Seminary & Grounds

About the Presenter

Msgr. Charles Fink, following college where he converted to the Catholic faith, served two years in the Army, one as an infantryman in Vietnam. After a year of graduate philosophy, he entered the seminary and was ordained in 1976. He has served in four parishes, two as pastor, and as director of spiritual formation in two seminaries. Retired from administrative duties, he assists in three parishes and frequently does retreat work at the Retreat and Conference Center of the Immaculate Conception in Huntington on Long Island, as well as elsewhere.

About Immaculate Conception Seminary

For more than 80 years, the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception provided theological education and priestly formation to candidates for the Dioceses of Brooklyn and Rockville Centre. In recent decades, the Seminary opened its educational programs to laity and religious, providing pastoral leaders in theology and for more than ten years, candidates for the permanent diaconate have received their formation at Immaculate Conception.

Recently, this house of formation in Christ has been transformed to continue to pursue its mission of theological education and formation, by welcoming retreatants and, academic and pastoral conferences.

It is a place of great beauty where people are invited to come away and spend time with the Lord. It is a house of hospitality where every guest is welcomed as Christ. It is a school where scripture and theology are read and studied. And, above all it is a place that strives to form all in Christ after the example of His best and first disciple, Mary, the Immaculate Conception. She listened for the voice of the Shepherd and pondered His word in her heart.