EPA Takes Notes from NJ Lead Law &
Partnerships Facilitate Community Outreach
| Your Update from Lead-Free NJ | December 2023 | |
Lead Related Bills to Watch
S280 - Requires DOE and DCF to establish online reporting systems for schools and child care centers to report lead testing results.
A799 - Allows gross income tax deduction for amounts paid for removal of lead, asbestos, sodium, chloride, and other contaminants from taxpayer's property.
A659 - Authorizes common law public nuisance suits regarding lead paint under State law; exempts Attorney General from certain aspects of public nuisance claims when pursuing lead paint actions.
A1892 - Allows municipalities to establish loan programs to fund replacement of lead service lines.
A2416 - Requires financial institution that has foreclosed on property to remove water service lines that contain lead.
A3712/S2695 - Requires disclosure of lead drinking water hazards to tenants of residential units; prohibits landlords from obstructing replacement of lead service lines; requires inspection of residential rental units for lead drinking water hazards.
S1507 - Revises and codifies schedule for childhood lead screenings; requires lead screenings as precondition of child's initial entry into school system.
A4770 - Requires landlords of certain properties providing child care services who refuse lead service line replacements to install and maintain water filters.
A2416 - Requires financial institution that has foreclosed on property to remove water service lines that contain lead.
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The Mission of Lead-Free NJ
About 4,000 children in NJ are lead-poisoned every year. Many of these children reside in low-income communities and/or communities of color and are most at risk because investments have not been made to remove lead from its most common sources—paint, water, and soil. Lead-Free NJ is a collaborative made up of neighbors, friends, families, faith leaders, professionals, and elected officials working together to #GetTheLeadOut.
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Staff Contact
Heather Sorge, Program Manager
(609) 262-3646 (direct)
Cassie Bolinger, Program Coordinator
609-262-3541 (direct)
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