Council of Producers & Distributors of Agrotechnology

Terry Kippley, CPDA

March 18, 2024

Fiscal Year 2025 Office of Pesticide Programs Budget Requests

With a Fiscal Year 2024 budget finally in our rearview mirror, CPDA has started work on the Fiscal Year 2025 appropriations process by submitting budget requests for EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) and the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). Working alongside members of the Pesticide Registration Improvement Act Coalition, CPDA is seeking $166 million, an increase of almost $30 million over the final FY 2024 number for OPP.

For FWS, CPDA is asking for $120.2 million. This will bolster the FWS effort to meet its consultation requirements with EPA as required by the Endangered Species Act for pesticide use restrictions.     

On March 9, President Biden signed into law a six-bill spending package for Fiscal Year 2024 that funds EPA, USDA and other agencies. Congress continues to negotiate another six-bill package for the remaining federal agencies ahead of a March 22 deadline.


Unfortunately, the final EPA funding bill decreases funding for the Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) by approximately $6 million dollars, taking funding for OPP from $140.457 million in FY 2023 down to $134.275 million this fiscal year. Of the $6+ million budget decrease from the previous year, approximately $5 million was taken from personnel and another $1+ million from grants to States and Tribes for enforcement work. Since EPA has been funded by Continuing Resolutions at last year’s budget level since October, the full-year budget cut must be squeezed into the next 6 months.  This funding level is well short of the $166 million required by PRIA 5 to maintain authority for collecting PRIA fees.  But as we can see, Congress can ignore that requirement with impunity.

In essence, OPP had $70 million in appropriation dollars to spend from October through March. Now they have just $64 million to carry them through next September.

EPA is currently reviewing how to implement these mid-fiscal year funding cuts in a manner that minimizes the impacts on OPP. However, the $6 million budget cut equates to the cost of roughly 30 full time employees. EPA hopes staff reductions can be achieved by attrition (retirements, resignations) and leaving positions vacant. Contractors will also take a hit. But there will certainly be negative impacts on pesticide registration processing. OPP will keep us updated as it develops its plan to implement the budget cut.


Together with the PRIA Coalition, CPDA is advocating for Congress to fund OPP at a minimum of $166 million for fiscal year 2025, which starts on October 1. The President’s Fiscal 2025 budget request that was released on March 11 would fund OPP at today calls for about $177 million. While the Fiscal 2024 budget cuts are final, we will work hard to restore OPP funding in FY 25.


Despite the budget woes, OPP continues to pursue savings and efficiencies through incremental IT improvements. Dan Schoeff, IT coordinator for Ed Messina’s office, demonstrated to the PRIA Coalition Steering Committee the real-time analytics of both PRIA and non-PRIA performance that are now available to OPP staff. We are pursuing an update from Dan in the near future to explore how such analytics can be useful to CPDA members’ commercial interests.


Join us for this premier event for the inerts, crop protection and adjuvants industry. Building on the success of last year’s conference in Louisville, this year’s event will offer valuable insights and networking opportunities for industry leaders.

You will learn how to:

  • Navigate the changing landscape of the U.S. crop protection market, including the residual effects from COVID-19 involving regulation, trade policy and consumer trends.
  • Discover the latest innovations and opportunities from emerging China suppliers of post-patent AIs and inert ingredients.
  • Hear from senior executives of leading companies on their vision for the future, the role of AI and the challenges they face.
  • Participate in a legislative panel that will discuss the 2024 election outlook, Farm Bill and ESA/EPA impact.
  • Attend Adjuvant University, a pre-conference workshop to understand emerging technology and their impact such as See & Spray and the use of drones.


Take part in CPDA’s first golf tournament on April 29th! Enjoy Arizona’s best rated resort course. Learn more.

Don’t miss this chance.

CPDA Members are a nationwide network of inert manufacturers, adjuvant formulators, post-patent crop protection product manufacturers, distributors, ag retailers, and others dedicated to industry advocacy and education. The conference is open to all members and non-member companies, including government and academia. Please register before the April 1st price increase. We look forward to seeing you in Tucson!

Until next time...

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