EPHS Weekly is a weekly email communication for families that is sent every Monday morning.
It is intended to provide families updates on important happenings in our school.
Previous messages can be accessed from this page of the high school website.
EPHS Families,
Wow, what a Homecoming Week! We saw incredible engagement in the week’s events as we celebrated Eden Prairie Eagle traditions. I was particularly proud of our first student-run pep fest, approximately 2000 students engaged in Friday night’s game as either a fan or performer, and 1500 students at Saturday night’s dance. Our kids had fun, made good decisions, and represented our school well. Thank you for your support in what was an unforgettable week. Well done, Eagle Nation!
Robb Virgin, Principal
At EPHS, we want every member of our community to be able to answer "YES" to three questions:
Do I belong here? Is this meaningful? Can I do this?
One way that we achieve this is by living our 5 agreements. Your students have been introduced to these agreements in their grade level meetings that took place in September, and we will continue to focus on and teach about these agreements during your students' time with us. Essentially, we believe that when these agreement are embodied in actions and words, our community thrives.
While your students will be engaging learning about these agreements on an ongoing basis at EPHS, including in Connections and on other platforms this month, we also encourage you to find ways to discuss them with your student outside of school. We know our collective commitment to these will serve our EPHS students well during their time here and beyond.
- We treat others with kindness, affirm differences and seek multiple perspectives.
- We include each other and are responsible for the impact of our actions and words.
- We positively represent ourselves and our school, in person and online.
- We use all spaces safely and demonstrate awareness of expectations.
- We arrive prepared, focused and ready to learn.
Conferences scheduled for this evening will be at EPHS.
South Commons and atrium, Media Center.
Teacher locations can be found HERE!
FREE for CHILDREN Birth to 18 plus TASSEL • Anonymous • NO Registration Required
Eden Prairie families with children ages birth–18 (or any Eden Prairie Schools student, including TASSEL, ECFE and Little Eagles) are invited to pick up weekly weekend food packs for kids from Every Meal! Food packs include non-perishable meal ingredients or ready-to-eat food items. Families may choose from five food bag options that are tailored to their dietary preferences. All food bag types contain 4-5 pounds of nutritious, non-perishable food - including a variety of canned fruits and vegetables, proteins, grains, and soups/entrees. No registration required. VIEW FLYER
WHEN: Thursday evenings from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm and Friday Mornings from 8:00 am - 10:00 am starting October 14, 2021 - June 10, 2022. Food bags will NOT be distributed November 25 (Thanksgiving), November 26, December 23 & December 24.
WHERE: Outside Door 4 of the Historic Gym off School Road (drive-up model accessible on the south side the Administrative Services Center)
WHO: FREE for Eden Prairie children ages birth–18 (or any Eden Prairie Schools student, including TASSEL, ECFE and Little Eagles). Food is available to every child regardless of income or participation in other food programs.
Principal Robb Virgin & Associate Principal Meg Bennett hosted our first edition of the year last week on “EPHS 101.” See our EP Connects page for the recording, upcoming dates, and to submit topic ideas. We’re excited about this channel for telling our story and connecting with our community, please check it out. The November 1 edition will be an Eagle Voice Community Simulation...stay tuned!
For all 6th - 12th Grade Students!
What? FREE tutoring in Science,Math, English, and more!
Who? Any 6th - 12th grade student, taught by tutors with teaching and/or tutoring experience.
When? Wednesdays, 3:30 pm-5:30 pm. Free dinner provided afterwards from 5:30-6:15.
Where? Prairie Hill Church
Address: 17200 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55346
Tuesday, October 12th 7:00 pm, join the Zoom event HERE (Passcode: Eagles21)
Don’t miss this popular discussion with experienced parents addressing everything from the college application process to what size dorm sheets to buy and all of the hurdles in between. We’ll also hear from high school counselors about some key college-prep items. We’ll cover many helpful topics and have time for questions and answers. This is a great meeting for parents of juniors and seniors. (This session will be recorded and posted online.)
Today’s staff appreciation event was a big hit with coffee, muffins, apples, and free chair massages! We couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for helping us show our appreciation for all that the teachers and staff do for our students day in and day out! Your generosity goes a long way.
Students who wish to participate in winter athletics must register online before the first practice. A current sports physical must be on file with the Activities Office in order to complete registration.
Winter sports season is right around the corner! If you are an athlete who is planning to participate in a winter sport, or the parent of one, you are invited to join Associate principal of Student Activities, Russ Reetz, on Monday, November 8th at 6 pm in the Main Gym for an informational meeting. Whether you're new or have been around a while, you won't want to miss this important session!
- Ticket links will open at the start of each season and will remain open until the end of each event. Please print your ticket or show your e-ticket on your mobile device when you arrive.
- You can still purchase tickets at the door using credit only (NO CASH). A QR Code will be available to scan at the door using your mobile device. You can purchase your tickets right on site; however purchasing in advance will be the fastest entry into the game.
- Booster activity passes (punch passes) can be purchased online and used at all HOME regular season games.
- Student Pro Passes can be purchased online for $60 and picked up in EPHS Activities Office. This pass allows students to enter all home athletic games for the 2021-22 school year. The pass is not valid for Section or State Tournaments.
October 11: In-Person Family Conferences 4 pm - 7 pm
October 12: College & Career Expo
October 13: PSAT - Grade 10
October 15: NO SCHOOL - Professional Development Day
October 18: Indoor Marching Band Concert
October 20: UNITY DAY
October 21: NO SCHOOL - MEA
October 22: NO SCHOOL - MEA
October 29: District Orchestra Movie Night