A Message from the Principal
Dear Eden Prairie High School Families,
I’m using this week’s intro to share some of my reflections on the context our teens are living in, outline supports available to them, and to ask again for your continued partnership in cultivating their wellbeing.
It has become cliche, yet remains true, our students are growing up in unprecedented times. Even prior to the pandemic, national studies demonstrated that more young people were experiencing more mental health concerns. They are faced with news of violence inside and outside of schools, both physical and verbal. Additionally, though we have mostly celebrated being back in-person full-time with students this school year, we’ve seen struggles to reacclimate to the social interactions and expectations that come with being in our building together. And, as we live more of our lives online and through our phones, we see some issues manifest in those spaces. The experience of social media seems to be more about outrage, exaggeration, and polarization than the values of understanding, love, and unity our school pursues.
Our work as a school is centered around ensuring that each student feels like they belong. We communicate this through our three driving questions of “Do I belong here?,” “Is this meaningful?,” and “Can I do this?” I prioritize my work every day around my influence on students being able to answer “yes” to these questions. This Term, our teachers have been provided resources to support conversations with each of their students about belonging and inclusion within their classrooms. Last Monday, each student heard a message of love and unity from speaker Chris Singleton. One of my key takeaways was the importance of understanding each other’s “stories” before we judge each other’s “stances.” As we did with freshmen during Term 1 on our 5 Agreements, this month and next, I am presenting in classrooms to all grades. I am using this slide deck to guide conversations on Agreement 3 of representing ourselves well / writing personal stories that we will be proud of. I include these resources in today’s message in an effort to build a better shared understanding of our vision.
That is some of what we are up to across our school. I know that your teen's needs may differ day to day, and year to year. I want you to know that we respond to each student, however they show up each day, with care and support. In recognition of all of this context, here are few ways we can continue to work together to support the wellbeing of the young people we all love:
We have Student Support Teams for each student. Please know that you and your student can contact these people. Our Student Support Teams and structures are some of the strengths of our school.
- Have conversations with your children about their sense of belonging at school and understanding of our 5 Agreements. What is working and what isn’t? I’d love to hear what you learn.
Set appropriate boundaries for social media usage and know what your student is doing on social media. Students follow what they see and hear in their homes. Discuss online behaviors, and how your family could be a source of uplift for others.
Our EP Connects page has links to an “EPHS 101” presentation from October and “Orientation 2.0” from December, both provide foundational information for families on how our school works. Our next segment is January 3, which will be a casual “coffee with the principal.”
- If you or your student have any concerns that are safety related, those should be shared with any EPHS principal, dean, or School Resource Officer immediately. Even if you don’t know all the facts, please share what you know and we will investigate. EPHS Administration and EP Police should be families’ first point of contact for reports as sharing sensitive or unconfirmed information can work against our priority of a safe community. Though each situation is different, please know that student safety is a primary concern. As we investigate and take action with immediate and appropriate safety responses, we also develop supports to identify and address the root causes that led to the concern.
Eden Prairie is a community with connections to many resources and supports for families. Whenever you might need help, reach out.
Parents and guardians, your partnership with Eden Prairie High School continues to be a keystone that supports your student’s success. Even if you personally haven’t communicated much with school staff, know that we are here for your student and please reach out if needed.
Thank you for considering my reflections and requests for partnership. It is a privilege to serve this school community. As we look ahead to another “homework free Winter Break” beginning on December 23, I hope you and your family have a productive and enjoyable week.
Sincerely, Robb
Robb Virgin, Principal
If you have scheduled conferences online; you may view and download or print your schedule by logging into Pickatime.
EPHS will have a “homework free” Winter Break to allow students and staff a chance to truly disconnect. This means that students won’t have new assignments to complete or exams to prepare for. If students have missing work, we encourage them to get that done now so that they can enjoy the break to its fullest. Getting caught up now will allow our students to start 2022 strong!
finU is a virtual financial education program for high school age youth. The classes are offered throughout the year and offer cash incentives and exciting bonus prizes! Young adults will be able to learn about a variety of financial topics meant to help boost financial independence and foster creative financial learning.
Registration is currently open for the following dates:
Feb 2nd @ 6 pm: Dollars and Sense
Feb 9th @ 6 pm: Safety and Security
Feb 16th @ 6 pm: Credit 101
Feb 23rd @ 6 pm: The Road to Success
Registration opens February 28th for the following dates:
April 25th @ 5 pm: Dollars and Sense
May 2nd @ 5 pm: Safety and Security
Mar 9th @ 5 pm: Credit 101
Mar 16th @ 5 pm: The Road to Success
Eden Prairie Schools is looking forward to participating in student surveys. You can expect your child to be surveyed two times between January and March. The surveys will consist of the topics of classroom belonging, classroom engagement, and teacher-student relationships. The results from the surveys help our schools, community develop effective programs and services to support students.
Both surveys can be reviewed beforehand as more detailed information will be sent to you prior to the surveys. Please contact the assessment team at eps_assessment@edenpr.k12.mn.us or call Ashley Bakke at 952.975.7067 with any questions.
The Eden Prairie High School Multi-Scholarship will launch on Monday, December 20! Twenty-five community scholarships worth over $50,000 have been compiled into ONE scholarship application for EPHS seniors. To be eligible for these scholarships, students must complete the Multi-Scholarship Application found in their My Drive on SCOIR. It will be found under the “My Profile” tab and will be active from December 20, 2021 – February 7, 2022, at 3 pm.
Who doesn’t love a Nothing Bundt Cake? Make someone special extra happy this week by bringing home a yummy cake while raising money for the PTO. This week, December 13 – 18, Nothing Bundt Cakes in Eden Prairie will donate 20% of sales to the EPHS PTO when you mention us!
SHARE YOUR FAVORITE TREATS WITH TEACHERS THIS WEEK – drop off Tuesday all day or Wednesday before 10:00 a.m.
It’s holiday baking time! We’d love to share your favorite goodies with our hard working teachers on their long parent-teacher conference day this week. In addition to accepting funds for a teacher meal and treats for all staff (see below), we’re also gathering home baked or store bought cookies, bars, and treats for an extra special “thank you” to accompany the meal. Find the SignUp Genius link at ephspto.org/staff-appreciation/ to let us know what you’re bringing, then plan to drop your items at the South Office Entrance anytime Tuesday or before 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday. Thank you!
There’s still time to make a donation to help us say thank you to our teachers and staff this holiday season. Your donation helps us buy food, beverages, goodies, and holiday cards for all teachers and staff this month. Visit ephspto.org/staff-appreciation/ to donate with PayPal or send a check to the school by mail or with your student. (Make check payable to EPHS PTO and drop off at South Entrance Office or mail to the school. Please include “attention PTO” on envelope.) Thank you for your generosity!
Located in Student Activities - parking available
Regular Hours:
Tuesdays, 11:30 am - 2:30 pm (OPEN DECEMBER 21, 11:30 am - 3:30 pm)
Thursdays, 11:45 am - 1:45 pm & 3:30 - 6:30 pm
Extra Holiday Hours:
Tuesday, December 14: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Wednesday, December 15: 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Thursday, December 16: 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Friday, December 17: 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Saturday, December 18: 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
December 14: Choir Concert (PAC) 7:00 pm
December 15: Term 2 Virtual Conferences 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
December 23 - 31: NO SCHOOL - Winter Break (school resumes January 3)